A voice is calling, "Clear the way for the LORD in the wilderness; Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God. "Let every valley be lifted up, And every mountain and hill be made low; And let the rough ground become a plain, And the rugged terrain a broad valley; Then the GLORY OF THE LORD will be revealed, And all flesh will see it together; For the mouth of the LORD has spoken." ~Isaiah 40:3-5 NASBS Dear Friends, Over the past few weeks I have been deeply moved by the heart of God for restoration and for the emergence of what is best described as a ‘Judges 4 Company’ of anointed Deborahs and Baraks. These believers are characterized by unusual partnerships with each other and with the supernatural. Before reading the rest of this word, I encourage you to stop and reread Judges 4 & 5 to familiarize yourself with the scriptures concerning this time period in Israel’s history, which closely parallels our own! Supersonic to Hypersonic: Another Anointing for Increase and Mobility in the Body of Christ!5/3/2023 Dear Friends, Happy National Day of Prayer! On this special day, I’d like to share with you a dream I had concerning imminent mobilization in the Body of Christ. For thus says the LORD of hosts: Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land. And I will shake all nations, so that the treasures of all nations shall come in, and I will fill this house with glory, says the LORD of hosts. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, declares the LORD of hosts. The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the LORD of hosts. And in this place I will give peace, declares the LORD of hosts.’” ~ Haggai 2:6-9, ESV Dear Friends, During a prayer retreat before Rosh Hashanah / New Year 5783, I experienced several profound encounters in the Glory of God. These are some of the things the Lord revealed to me during that time. Every word from our Lord’s mouth is like a cup of compassion. His life-giving words are liquid love, meant to sustain body, soul, and spirit! While this is a slightly longer word for the year, I encourage you to meditate on each portion of what He’s shared with me, allowing the depth of His wisdom and love to penetrate your hearts. The eight sections of this word are listed below. Feel free to read one section at a time, pausing to pray and allow Holy Spirit to minister truth to you at this significant time!
Deborah Dear Friends, In repeated encounters over the past few months I have heard the Lord encouraging us to “open the door” to welcome His harvest. I hear the Lord saying: “Open the door! Go, stand at the door and watch: your harvest is coming in!” I know from experience that one of the most difficult transitions a Christian leader can make is to shift from an old model of ministry into a new one. In matters of faith, those who have been gloriously converted and are lovingly devoted to the ministries or missions God Himself led them to, may have trouble releasing the old to take hold of the new! In many ways, that is exactly what the Body of Christ is being asked to do in this season. Like a Master chess player, God has the right to reposition or refocus His people at will - HIS will - for a maximum benefit to all. The best response we can give Him in times like these is an unqualified “Yes, Lord!” Dear Friends, Happy New Year! This word for 2022 can be viewed and shared on YouTube as well as on the blog for those who prefer to watch or listen. I believe what the Lord is sharing with me at this time will be a blessing to you as you set your focus on the new year! At the end of this post you’ll also find a link to a companion study sheet which you can download or print for free. On Christmas night, I was awakened by the Lord at 3:16 AM. Throughout that night, I was also given a series of three related dreams, which I will share below. When I awoke from the third dream, I heard this phrase ringing loudly in my ears: “2022 is the year of VISION and PROVISION!” VISION and PROVISION are significant themes for the Body of Christ in 2022. The Lord wants you to know He is releasing KEYS OF DELIVERANCE this year which will UNLOCK your ability to SEE more clearly and RECEIVE more abundantly! Using the “code” of 3:16, Holy Spirit highlighted a number of specific scriptures as He unfolded this word. The verses are included below, woven into the content of the prophetic word itself. In October, I released a word about the anointed "Josephs" God was raising up and sending out, a word that had been "brewing" in my spirit for over a year. (You can read the word here.) As we enter the season of Thanksgiving and celebrating Christ's birth, I invite you to partner with the Joseph anointing yourself as you hear about some of the new things His Inscriptions is helping to birth! In September of this year, at the close of Rosh Hashanah, I had an encounter with the Lord Jesus in what seemed to be the throne room of heaven. The focus of the encounter was on specific sons and daughters who had felt pressured by the enemy to step away from their God-given callings or divine destinies. For a variety of reasons, these chosen ones had adopted a “wait-and-see” attitude concerning God's current Kingdom plans. I saw that the Lord wanted to reignite faith and boldness in these disillusioned leaders. He is breaking off demonic hindrances of apathy and reluctance, encouraging them to fulfill their destiny in His amazing Kingdom plan! In today’s post, I want to share several important visions, along with a confirming dream that comes from a trusted prophetic friend of mine. They give an inside look at of how godly government is now being released to overcome demonic agendas. Please share this post with those who have a desire to see God's glory released in greater measure. You'll find prayer points at the end of the post. Dear Friends, Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend the "Jesus Gathering" in central Massachusetts. Friends of His Inscriptions alerted me to these gatherings, which also took place in California and Texas this year. The purpose of these gatherings is to unite believers of any denomination as they allow the Holy Spirit to move freely through worship, fellowship, and prayer - with no agenda. The Lord moved powerfully! I want to share a few brief testimonies with you from that time together. On Saturday morning, some of us gathered in the Douglas Camp chapel where Charles Finney once preached. This is a wonderful, large barn-like building* with sky-high beams and a truly "New England" feel to it! Almost immediately, the Spirit of intercession fell and I was impressed to share a short testimony about how God brought me to college in New England 36 years ago. I told the story of how the Christian founders of Wellesley College (along with several other local universities) had prayed that if the school ever ceased to glorify God, it would burn to the ground. On March 17, 1914, Wellesley did burn, and nearly closed. (Details here and here.) Nearly every Christian-founded university in New England now operates from intellectual and worldly, idolatrous spirits, not honoring the Lord or their founders' ideals. We prayed corporately for the fire of God to return to these New England institutions, and to touch the youth which come from all nations into the Boston area. After an anointing for healing and deliverance fell, we spent the next hour ministering individually to one another. Dates are significant, and one of the most interesting things about the March 17th, 1914 date is that it corresponds to our March 17, 2020 shutdown from COVID-19, 106 years later. What's remarkable is that this year, 2021, marks 106 years since the start of the Azusa Street Revival! Dear Friends, On 7.27.21 I had a vision of the Lord Jesus, followed by two encounters in the Spirit which the Lord asked me to describe to you exactly. Please know that it is not my desire to call attention to the encounters themselves, but to the messages contained within. I saw the Lord comforting those who were suffering from trauma. We are living in increasingly difficult times, and as trials increase, the manifest Presence of the Lord is also increasing to release grace and peace to His people! I believe the Lord wants to impart hope and healing to those who face trauma and opposition for His Name, and I am praying that these words will impress you as deeply as I was impressed when I heard them. At the end of this post you will find a recorded prayer you can use to receive ministry yourself or share with a friend. (Click here for audio podcast or scroll down for YouTube podcast) Dear Friends, I hear the Lord saying: “It is time for the Body of Christ to raise their voice! Do not be silent! The enemy is attempting to silence you one final time because he knows your breakthrough is near. Do not allow old lies of unworthiness or condemnation to hinder you. You have been clothed with righteousness and are anointed and appointed to speak on behalf of the oppressed in this hour!” For several months, the Lord has been highlighting a pattern to me which is found in three similar sections of Scripture: Acts 28; Luke 4-5; and Matthew 4-5. I believe this thrice-repeated pattern illustrates what is happening right now in the Body of Christ. In fact, many of you may be finding that you are living these scriptures! You are feeling the enemy’s attempts to silence you one last time through heavy attacks of witchcraft or condemnation. The attacks, however, are a precursor to great things! Dear Friends, A few nights ago I was awakened by the Holy Spirit, who began walking me through the texts of Joshua 3 & 4, bringing them to life line by line, without my Bible! He wanted to reveal what it feels like to be “in the middle of a miracle.” This portion of the book of Joshua tells the story of Israel crossing the Jordan into the Promised Land. It parallels the miracle of the Red Sea crossing with Moses. I believe these words will be encouraging to those of you who are called to be leaders and prayer warriors for the Lord. “It happened that the father of Publius lay sick in bed with fever and dysentery. And Paul visited him and prayed, and putting his hands on him, healed him. And when this had taken place, the rest of the people on the island (of Malta) who had diseases also came and were cured.” Acts 28:8-9; ESV Dear Friends, I believe the Body of Christ is entering a “sweet spot” in time. Despite all evidence to the contrary, we are beginning a bright new Kingdom era full of miracles and favor! I believe that this will be a season of marked increase in healing and deliverance ministries that honor Christ and help bring in the harvest. In this new era, I hear the Lord issuing an age-old call to His Body to return to our First Love: “I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.” (Revelation 2:2-4) The parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts we consider less honorable, we treat with greater honor. 1 Corinthians 12:23 Elijah approached all the people and said, "How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him." But the people of Israel did not answer him so much as a word. ~1 Kings 18:21
In the 9th century B.C.E., when drought covered the land of Israel, a weak King Ahab and a wicked Queen Jezebel ruled. The prophet Elijah was moved to confront Israel's double-minded prophets on Mount Carmel, asking them to make a decision. Their decision was not about what to have for breakfast that morning, but whether they wanted to eat at all in the future!
If you are someone who loves to pray or desires deeper intimacy with the Lord, you have undoubtedly made room for Him somewhere in your heart or home, a place where you can be alone and quiet with Him, undisturbed. I know many His Inscriptions readers who have created special places in your homes, offices, or prayer cottages where you warmly welcome the Holy Spirit to come and abide with you. I have been blessed to visit or pray in some of these places over the years, and there is nothing on earth like them; they represent holy ground! Some of us, though, especially during the pandemic, have found that the private spaces we once had became crowded with other people! Dear Friends, A huge THANK YOU to His Inscriptions friends who prayed for last week’s ministry trip to Springfield, Tennessee! It was an amazing week of training roughly 60 leaders at City of Faith International Church which culminated in a mighty outpouring of God’s POWER on Sunday morning. Photos and testimonies follow. “Simon Peter said (to the disciples), ‘I am going fishing.’ They said, ‘And we are coming with you.’ So they went out and got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing.” ~John 21:3
There was a time when the apostle Peter felt more like a defeated soldier than a fearless leader. He wasn’t “catching” much of anything! His Savior had just been arrested. A valiant attempt to defend Jesus with his sword had brought the Master’s rebuke instead of praise.
Even worse, Peter had watched Jesus willingly face death like a lamb led to the slaughter. On the darkest of nights, Peter matched Christ’s three bold identity statements (“I am He”) with three denials of his own (“I am not;” see John 18). Come to the sea of Galilee with me to understand how Peter must have felt at this moment - and what the Lord did to restore him. Dear Friends, Merry Christmas! I am reflecting back on 2020 today, realizing that despite all that has happened, God has been very much on the move! He has expanded the ministry of His Inscriptions this year in three essential ways: through partnership, publishing, and prayer. There is a place at the top of the mountains in Switzerland where one can stand and see nothing but pure, untouched beauty. Heaven’s sun kisses earth’s snowy peaks with brilliant light until they radiate whiteness. The air is crisp and clean. Every cell in your body comes alive with invigorating breaths. It is a steep climb to reach the top, which in winter is only accessible by lift or helicopter, but from this place where three nations intersect, one can ski down a southern slope into Italy or a western one into France. The villages seem like storybook pictures below, so tiny and peaceful from a heightened vantage point! Dear Friends, As I prayed early this morning I heard such encouraging words from the Lord for those who are struggling to see and understand what is going on around you right now. These words are a gentle reminder of what is always most important, which is our heart's total surrender to Jesus. I pray these words from His heart will bless you! “A surrendered heart is all I need. No matter what you are going through, your surrender to Me is the key to victory. You may not have the answers; you may not even see the way ahead of you, but a simple surrendering of yourself again is the yieldedness that allows Me to move you forward.” |
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December 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |