If you spent any time in Sunday School as a child, you know that God is love. You know the Christmas story and the Easter story, and you know that Jesus died for you. But when the harsh realities of life kick in, sometimes these stories can seem like fairy tales. When you feel disconnected from the Lord, or you feel like God doesn’t love you, what will help restore your trust in His goodness? What do you really need to know about Jesus that will keep you “on track” spiritually? Here are "5 Essential Things" you to know about Jesus, things that will get you through the tougher times in life. They are not EVERYTHING there is to know about Jesus, they're just some essential things I believe will help you hang on when the going gets tough. Those who read this blog on a regular basis will remember that last week, I wrote about a fictional encounter with God in which He took a key and unlocked the secrets of a believer's heart. (Click here if you missed it). Little did I know how prophetic that statement was! The same week, on Friday, I attended a gathering of believers from New England at the Congregacion Leon de Juda church in Boston. Chuck Pierce, an apostle of the faith and founder of Glory of Zion Ministries, also came to deliver a prophetic word of encouragement for our region. His message? "It's time to unlock the rock!" Referring both to Jesus's statement to Peter (Christ will build His church on the "rock" of revelation) and to the historic roots of New England (Plymouth Rock and the Puritans), Chuck spoke of the coming revival as both imminent and dependent on our need to unlock spiritual revelation. In the Spirit, Chuck saw keys coming down in response to prayers that have gone up. From those keys of revelation an entire nation will be unlocked. (Scroll down to watch the video replay, hear the word and join in praying for freedom over America with the declarations at the end of the video. I believe God is very interested, this season, in unlocking the treasures of revelation stored up - not just from our founding rock in Plymouth, but also in our hearts. How do we do that? By spending quality time with Him in prayer! Here is what He whispered to me as I meditated on these things... Perhaps the #1 reason why we pray is because we need God. We come in great need to Someone who suggests that He might meet our needs for us, something no man has ever done before. We have not seen this kind of love this side of heaven. We discover God’s amazing goodness and generosity, and we are compelled to love Him more. But prayer is not meant to end at the meeting of our needs! We begin here, but soon realize that our needs are meant to be a gateway into greater experiences with God. It is always relationship that God seeks with us. He means to be Father, not just Provider! To focus on God as Jehovah-Jireh alone is to miss the myriad other aspects of His character and Names, to miss the greatness of Him. The short story that follows is meant to illustrate our passage from beggars to sons and daughters. Our story unfolds like that of a weary traveler: |
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Deborah Perkins Categories
December 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |