Sign up for our new course on the prophetic today!
Begins Feb 18th @7 PM EST. Click image for details.
I'm passionate about my relationship with God, and I created this site to help you connect with God more deeply, too. The Bible says that all of God's people can hear and recognize His voice (John 10:27). The people we know best are the ones with whom we spend the most time. His Inscriptions is devoted to Restoring Life-Giving Communication with God. Everything you'll find here is designed to bring the Word to life!
Take a quiet moment, pour yourself a cup of tea and find a comfortable spot. Read an inspiring article or watch a video on YouTube. Subscribe to my blog for prophetic words and teachings on living a life of faith. Follow me on Facebook or Pinterest for regular updates.
If you like what you see, help us grow the ministry of prayer by sowing a seed so we can encourage others in every nation to become individual and corporate "Houses of Prayer," ministering first and foremost to the Father.
I pray you'll receive a blessing as you visit and listen for God's loving voice inscribing His holy thoughts on the tablet of your heart.
February, 2025 ~ Special Notice to our Readers: His Inscriptions wishes to express our heartfelt compassion to those impacted in any way by religious abuse, especially the improper use of the prophetic gifting. Our prayers and sympathy are especially with IHOP-KC member Deborah Perkins, who bears the same name as the founder of His Inscriptions but is not associated with this ministry. We join with you in praying for full restoration.
When He had finished speaking with him upon Mount Sinai, He gave Moses the two tablets
of the testimony, tablets of stone, written by the finger of God. ~Exodus 31:18
"You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men... you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tables of human hearts."
~2 Cor.3:2-3
Discover Life-Giving Communication with God through His Inscriptions! Biblical Christian ministry includes teaching on prayer and how to hear from God, by Deborah Perkins. Online mentoring and discipleship through inspired writing, prophetic words, and a free weekly blog. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!