Dear Friends, Over the past few weeks I have been deeply moved by the heart of God for restoration and for the emergence of what is best described as a ‘Judges 4 Company’ of anointed Deborahs and Baraks. These believers are characterized by unusual partnerships with each other and with the supernatural. Before reading the rest of this word, I encourage you to stop and reread Judges 4 & 5 to familiarize yourself with the scriptures concerning this time period in Israel’s history, which closely parallels our own!
The name Deborah means ‘bee’ or ‘ordered motion.’ Biblically, Deborah symbolizes a unique individual encompassing many functions: prophet, judge, friend, warrior, strategist, counselor, leader, wife, mother, and commander.
Deborah stands out as one who was anachronistic. She changed history in a time when women were largely silenced or ignored. As bees do, she partnered with others for the benefit of all, winning a dynamic victory over severe national oppression. Although she was not a soldier, Deborah courageously chose to enter the battle, relying on Barak’s military skills and bringing her keen insight right onto the battlefield. Barak means ‘lightning flash’ or ‘flaming sword.’ He, too, is unusual in that he partnered with a woman to secure Israel’s victory. Ignoring gender divisions of the time, he chose to honor what others could have despised. While some have called Barak cowardly for his reluctance to war without a woman at his side, there is no mention of cowardice in the Bible! Barak responded to the voice of the Spirit without discrimination, honored the prophetic anointing even in the ‘lesser’ vessel of a woman, and invited the Presence of the Lord (through Deborah) to accompany him as he warred. Like Moses, David, and many other heroes of the faith, Barak refused to go to war without the assurance of God’s Presence and favor. Barak (not Deborah) is commended in Hebrews 11 for his faith. When the two worked in partnership, revelatory strengths united with physical prowess to ignite faith. God responded with supernatural signs and wonders that brought about a great deliverance.
After meditating on the scriptures this week, I believe that many of the long-term attacks against our nation resemble the attacks against Israel in the time of the judges.
Ancient demonic ruling spirits like Jabin (meaning “intellect”) and Sisera (meaning “battle array”) still set themselves up against God’s people today. Canaan represents the Promised Land, yet its name actually means “humiliation.” There is today a strong demonic pull toward self-sufficiency and apostasy; yielding to the mind and intellect rather than obeying the Spirit of God. In Deborah’s day, the apostasy was so great that God “sold” Israel over to those same foreign rulers. For twenty years, Canaanite spirits oppressed people to such a degree that highways were abandoned and villagers isolated themselves out of fear. Deliverance seemed impossible and righteousness far away. As I entered into deeper intercession over these things, my heart began to break for those who felt like there was no hope for them today in their current situations, whether individually or as a nation. I clearly heard the words of Psalm 3 echoing in the minds and hearts of those who were struggling. The enemy’s sustained attacks had caused them to say: “O Lord, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me; many are saying of my soul, there is no salvation for him in God.” As I continued to pray, I suddenly felt the righteous indignation of God rising up powerfully in my spirit, saying: “This is the hour of the Deborahs! This is the hour of My mighty winds, rain, earthquakes, and hail which will again cause the iron chariots of the enemy to be broken! Those cyclical, recurring attacks of the mind will be broken; flooded by wave after wave of My Spirit rushing down from My holy mountain! “This is the hour that Jabin and Sisera - those proud intellectuals and flesh-driven rebels - will be destroyed by those who run with Spirit-wind at their backs! They will use their gifts to drive the hammer of My Word and the peg of My Cross into the control center of oppressive, demonic mindsets. “You are going to see the ‘Deborah’ anointing bring individual victories first and then break yokes off of the masses corporately. “The spirit of intellectualism - human wisdom - is no match for My Holy Spirit, who will breathe ‘breaker’ words through Deborahs I have kept hidden until now! Their voices will no longer be silenced; My words in their mouths will demolish kingdoms and mindsets where human wisdom has completely failed!” “This is the hour of the ONE NEW MAN arising! Of bold, fearless warriors who refuse to trip over issues of gender or nationality and choose instead to form unified partnerships in the Spirit! “Those who remain behind in this battle will not share in the spoils of this victory. Those who refuse to help the causes of the Lord will continue to struggle with the curse." I sense that this is an important moment of decision for many, both individually and corporately. Individuals must determine once and for all whether they will side with the Lord and yield fully to His Holy Spirit. The mind set on the flesh is death! It is essential to choose life in the Spirit, taking the "hammer" of the Word like Jael and demolishing every selfish idol or stronghold of the mind (represented by Sisera's temple) that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. There is no other peace! Corporately, I feel that our nation’s stand for or against Israel is also urgent and is in the balance. At one point I heard the Lord ask soberly and repeatedly: “WILL YOU STAND WITH ISRAEL?” It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Lord. Nations are already seeing the severe repercussions of their apostasy. Yet just as God raised up deliverers for apostate Israel, I see the Lord bringing forth an army of Deborahs around the world who have received timely divine intel from their seated places of victory and rest in Christ. Like Deborah seated under her palm tree rendering judgment, these believers have been seated in heavenly places, watching and praying in the Spirit. They have judiciously observed both the sinful idolatries ('Ramah's' meaning) and the Spirit-led movements ('Bethel') in their nations. They have crucified their flesh to live in the order of the Spirit. With Issachar-like insight they are arising. They know they have already won their battles. They carry revelatory words for their time; words that will set nations free! I see present-day Deborahs and Jaels coming to the frontlines and refusing to be silenced by religious spirits or shut down by legalism. They know their God and will be credited with great exploits! Yet they will not war alone. I see modern-day Baraks also responding to the call of the Lord, fighting for unity and honorable partnerships to be restored within the Body of Christ. These men will fight for men, women, and families to work in partnership together; for nations to reaffirm their covenants with Israel; for righteousness in churches, cities, and governments; for justice to the poor and oppressed; for the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace; and for the restoration of so much more! This kind of unity and partnership triggers a supernatural blessing. As in the day of Deborah, Barak, and Jael, God Himself will come to their aid (See Psalm 133). Evil spirits like these will be entangled in the River Kishon (lit. "entangling"), overwhelmed by the Spirit of the Lord! May the Lord bring forth this company of ‘Judges 4’ believers, whose battles turn into victories and whose foes are the seeds for their songs! Deborah |
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Deborah Perkins Categories
January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |