Early this morning, Holy Spirit awakened me and began speaking about specific types of prophets that are going to arise. He called them “Prophetic Specialists.” These "prophetic specialists" will be trained in the School of the Holy Spirit to carry anointings and words of knowledge unique to specific or unusual situations. They will be so accurate in their giftings that the words of truth they deliver will be considered signs and wonders in themselves! The Spirit took me to the book of Ezekiel 40-42, where a description of the unbuilt (likely millennial) temple includes measurements of gateways, the altar, and city and governmental boundaries in highly specific, mathematical dimensions. This, Holy Spirit said, indicated the degree of specificity that the Lord intends to release through a new class of prophets. The Lord will respond to the enemy’s heightened attacks and demonic expansion with increased signs and wonders from heaven. Detailed words of knowledge and specific prophecies will help minimize hindrances as the Bride of Christ moves toward her desired goals and objectives. Dear Friends, As Jeremiah 29:13 says, a wholehearted search for God is the key to finding Him. In the same way, consistent devotion to God's ways is meant to bring greater experiences of His overshadowing glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). Many believers are experiencing greater manifestations of God's glory, which are much needed at this time! Around the world, people are having increased encounters with the supernatural realm. Lately, I've been asking the Lord how believers can position themselves to receive all the fullness of His glory. What helps or hinders someone's interactions in the glory realm? The Lord showed me two things in response. Wholeheartedness helps. But a "heart with holes" is a problem! Dear Friends, During a prayer retreat before Rosh Hashanah / New Year 5783, I experienced several profound encounters in the Glory of God. These are some of the things the Lord revealed to me during that time. Every word from our Lord’s mouth is like a cup of compassion. His life-giving words are liquid love, meant to sustain body, soul, and spirit! While this is a slightly longer word for the year, I encourage you to meditate on each portion of what He’s shared with me, allowing the depth of His wisdom and love to penetrate your hearts. The eight sections of this word are listed below. Feel free to read one section at a time, pausing to pray and allow Holy Spirit to minister truth to you at this significant time!
Deborah In 2010 my husband and I had an angelic encounter in which the Lord revealed a progressive sequence of events that would take place in coming years. Although I have only spoken once publicly about this encounter, the Lord compelled me to share a few of the highlights with you again today. Dear Friends, I hear the Lord saying to His Bride: “You thought I abandoned you, but I have not forsaken you! You thought I left you in the wilderness, but you did not perceive what I was doing behind the scenes as you learned to depend entirely on Me. “For here I have given you the gifts of My Presence and provision, which will carry you out beyond the wilderness and into a world at war. I am taking My cup of wrath and placing it in the hands of your tormentors, who took you captive and made you like dirt for them to walk on. I am pleading your cause and rendering justice in your case. Your justice will become a testimony to your tormentors!” I see the Lord’s Bride emerging from the wilderness with spiritual power and authority that can come only from the Throne of God. This Throne is firmly founded on justice, holiness, and righteousness. Dear Friends, Happy New Year! This word for 2022 can be viewed and shared on YouTube as well as on the blog for those who prefer to watch or listen. I believe what the Lord is sharing with me at this time will be a blessing to you as you set your focus on the new year! At the end of this post you’ll also find a link to a companion study sheet which you can download or print for free. On Christmas night, I was awakened by the Lord at 3:16 AM. Throughout that night, I was also given a series of three related dreams, which I will share below. When I awoke from the third dream, I heard this phrase ringing loudly in my ears: “2022 is the year of VISION and PROVISION!” VISION and PROVISION are significant themes for the Body of Christ in 2022. The Lord wants you to know He is releasing KEYS OF DELIVERANCE this year which will UNLOCK your ability to SEE more clearly and RECEIVE more abundantly! Using the “code” of 3:16, Holy Spirit highlighted a number of specific scriptures as He unfolded this word. The verses are included below, woven into the content of the prophetic word itself. “Behold, I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple; and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight, behold, he is coming, says the LORD of hosts.” ~Malachi 3:1 Dear Friends, This week, I was working my way through a checklist as I prepared to welcome family and friends home for the holidays. As I went to sleep one night, I marveled at how quickly my list seemed to have been completed; there were only one or two items left for me to take care of. I was delighted to find myself two full days ahead of my own schedule! Then, early this morning, I was overtaken by the Fear of the Lord as I sat quietly with Him. As God's unmistakable Presence enveloped me I heard the Him say “The Master of the House is coming to visit His Vineyard.” In a vision early this morning I saw the Lord overturning tables in the temple. (Matthew 21:12-13.) The tables in the vision, He said, represented "trading tables;" places in people's hearts where the enemy had caused them to "trade" God's ways and God's goodness for demonic agendas. I felt the Lord's zealous desire to overturn those places where the enemy has taken over and "set up shop" in peoples' hearts. He longs to restore purity, peace, and prayer to His Bride! Dear Friends, We have arrived at what Dutch Sheets has called a "defining moment" - a demarcation point - for both the church and our nation. Significant changes in America's government and economy are imminent! I urge you to listen to the attached video message, which is also shareable from our His Inscriptions YouTube channel. In it, I release several important prophecies that will strengthen you as you navigate uncertain times. God bless you! Deborah Dear Friends, As I prayed about this coming year, 2021, I heard a proclamation in the Spirit: “We have liftoff!” The moment I heard these words, I looked at my clock, and the time was 3:21 AM. I understood that the Body of Christ was now in a ‘3-2-1- launch” time! I heard in the Spirit that a significant theme for 2021 was “delineation.” We will begin to see and differentiate between those who truly know God, walking by faith, and those who know or trust only themselves. To delineate means to define or describe precisely. We can expect God to bring fresh clarity this year where things have previously been obscured. As I prayed this morning, I heard the voice of the Lord speaking about seeds and harvest. It is so important to be sowing God's Words right now so that He can multiply our harvest! The Lord also reminded me of a word He had released in January, 2017 concerning the "Garden of the Lord," which I have not published until now. The two words dovetailed so beautifully that I wanted to share them with you today. My prayer is that these words will encourage you to intentionally plant the "seeds" the Lord is giving you in this season so that you can see a great harvest. I had a dream from the Lord this week which truly alarmed me. In the dream, I saw that the Church at large, Christ’s Bride, was being systematically seduced by a man who was familiar to her. He was a “believer” and an active participant in countless local and regional ministries. Because this man was working toward the same goals and supposedly serving the same Lord, the Bride willingly gave herself to his service in the deepest sense of the word. The Bride (represented in the dream by a variety of different women) bore his children and nurtured them as best as she could. However, once the children were born, the man returned to each one of the women, exposing himself as a liar, not a lover of God. Though operating within the Church, he was anti-Christ. Dear Friends, For the past week or so, the Lord has brought me repeatedly into an unusual story: the story of Hosea. As I've prayed through this “minor” prophet’s book, I have been so captured by the Lord’s heart for His Bride in this hour! Please allow me to share what I believe He is saying today, and join me in praying Hosea’s prayers at the end of this post. Dear Friends of His Inscriptions, The Lord is so good! Thank you to those of you who encourage me weekly with your calls, comments, and emails and who, I know, are praying for me this during this upcoming weekend's conference! It is already a busy spring - and spring has not yet sprung here in New England! We have just about a full class for the E3 Prophetic Training Course which begins this March. But I want to share another new development with you and ask you to join me in praying for what I believe is a highly significant time for New England. Several days ago, as I was preparing for this weekend's “222” conference in Rhode Island, the Holy Spirit led me to pray through Daniel 9, which contains a 6-fold confession of repentance. (Click this link to receive your free download: "Repentance Brings Revival: Prayer of Confession from Daniel 9.") At the beginning of this week, my husband departed on a three-day business trip to Maine. Immediately as he stepped out the door, another powerful Presence stepped in and filled my home. The spiritual atmosphere around me shifted and the glory of God suddenly became manifest and tangible. I must say that I was not seeking this! I was sitting at my dining room table studying the Word when the Spirit of God entered. The air around me seemed to come alive with His glory. Then a deep stillness settled around me like a blanket, and I retreated to my bedroom to seek Him. One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple. ~Psalm 27 Holiness is not a popular teaching in the church today. Our ears itch for powerful promises, personal prophecies, and protection from anything that would add to our already stressful lives! To be holy - well, that seems almost impossible, doesn’t it? Since we live in a New Covenant age of grace, why focus on holiness at all? Isn’t holiness just the doctrine of legalism and works in disguise? We want to think about nicer things than dealing with sin: lovely and beautiful things, like Paul describes in Philippians 4:8! What is holiness, and why do we need it at all? |
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January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |