Dear Friends, Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend the "Jesus Gathering" in central Massachusetts. Friends of His Inscriptions alerted me to these gatherings, which also took place in California and Texas this year. The purpose of these gatherings is to unite believers of any denomination as they allow the Holy Spirit to move freely through worship, fellowship, and prayer - with no agenda. The Lord moved powerfully! I want to share a few brief testimonies with you from that time together. On Saturday morning, some of us gathered in the Douglas Camp chapel where Charles Finney once preached. This is a wonderful, large barn-like building* with sky-high beams and a truly "New England" feel to it! Almost immediately, the Spirit of intercession fell and I was impressed to share a short testimony about how God brought me to college in New England 36 years ago. I told the story of how the Christian founders of Wellesley College (along with several other local universities) had prayed that if the school ever ceased to glorify God, it would burn to the ground. On March 17, 1914, Wellesley did burn, and nearly closed. (Details here and here.) Nearly every Christian-founded university in New England now operates from intellectual and worldly, idolatrous spirits, not honoring the Lord or their founders' ideals. We prayed corporately for the fire of God to return to these New England institutions, and to touch the youth which come from all nations into the Boston area. After an anointing for healing and deliverance fell, we spent the next hour ministering individually to one another. Dates are significant, and one of the most interesting things about the March 17th, 1914 date is that it corresponds to our March 17, 2020 shutdown from COVID-19, 106 years later. What's remarkable is that this year, 2021, marks 106 years since the start of the Azusa Street Revival! Institutions on FireAfter I prayed, an older couple approached me and said they were stunned by what I had just shared. They recently moved to South Hadley, MA, to purchase a house which - amazingly - is bordered on three sides by Mount Holyoke Women's College! (Mouth Holyoke was the first of the "Seven Sisters" group of women's colleges to be founded; Wellesley followed suit 38 years later.) This couple told me that they have been wondering about their particular "commission" here in New England, and after they heard my story, they realized exactly what they were supposed to do: PRAY for the youth attending the college! The house they live in is essentially a "gateway" to the college itself - and this is no accident on God's part! God has given them the land! As they continued to share with me, I learned that on July 17th, 2021, just a few weeks ago, lightning struck Mount Holyoke College, causing a fire at one of the dormitories. Like Wellesley College, Mount Holyoke was literally burning... What a prophetic sign! (See news article here.) This dear couple is now certain God has uniquely positioned them to reach the students who live in their backyard with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They left the Gathering supercharged to pray for this institution and invite students into their home with the goal of reaching this billion soul harvest. Praise God! New England continues to draw thousands of students each year from every nation for higher education. An young mother approached me during this Gathering to say that she had heard my story and wanted me to pray for her son, who would be coming to business school here in a few weeks. I had the opportunity to agree with her for her son's "higher education" through Christ as he comes into this region. I also met a man who, like me, had been educated here in the 80s's but now felt called to go out and preach openly in the streets about Jesus Christ. He is an on-fire evangelist, a "Philip" in the Spirit, and I have no doubt he will be "carried along by the Holy Spirit" to influence many people! SIGNPOSTS IN THE SPIRITA reader sent me Dutch Sheets' "Give Him 15" post from August 10, 2021, which many of you already follow. If you haven't seen it, please click this link ("The Big Wave is Coming") and read the stories about Finney and the prayers for the Second Great Awakening, which Dutch just "happened" to post today! The Lord is highlighting revival for a reason: because we are THAT CLOSE to seeing it in our day! One final thought: if you missed attending the Gathering but want to see revival in the New England area, please consider joining us on the Boston Common this Friday or in Concord, MA on Saturday for the Awaken the Dawn Tent Worship event. (Details here, along with links to other cities.) This is not the time to be silent! Prayer, worship, and gathering together in unity are essential to our deliverance and freedom in this nation, and God honors each attempt we make to honor Him, publicly or privately! Joining with other believers to pray for our nation and especially our youth is the best use of our time I can imagine. I'd love to hear your stories, too. If you are participating in these types of events in your area, please drop me a line or comment below. Your testimony is a powerful encouragement in dark times! For Him, Deborah |
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December 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |