In September of this year, at the close of Rosh Hashanah, I had an encounter with the Lord Jesus in what seemed to be the throne room of heaven. The focus of the encounter was on specific sons and daughters who had felt pressured by the enemy to step away from their God-given callings or divine destinies. For a variety of reasons, these chosen ones had adopted a “wait-and-see” attitude concerning God's current Kingdom plans. I saw that the Lord wanted to reignite faith and boldness in these disillusioned leaders. He is breaking off demonic hindrances of apathy and reluctance, encouraging them to fulfill their destiny in His amazing Kingdom plan! A VISION OF THE LORD'S OVERARCHING PLANOn September 8, 2021, I was awakened at 4 AM and taken into a vision of heaven. I joined the Lord near the throne, in the vastness of this heavenly place which was full of movement and beauty. The Lord Jesus asked me to come, sit, and look at Him. When I did, He asked: “What do you see?” I began to take in the details of the One sitting to my left. The Lord wore a long robe, but I was surprised to see that He wore no crown in this vision. His hair was brown, and His hands were folded in His lap. His posture was completely relaxed. Although Jesus was speaking with me, He was not leaning on the arm of His chair or using any of the telltale “relational cues” we might normally use to indicate interest in another’s conversation or to encourage them to speak. Instead, the Lord appeared to be absolutely peaceful and contented. There was a security in Christ’s identity that is rarely seen on earth. Despite the throne, the Lord seemed so “non-Kingly” to me in this encounter that I answered His question by saying: “I see that You are appearing as a Man, and you seem to have no urgent agenda.” The Lord affirmed that this was true, saying: "I do not force My will or agenda on people, as many men do. I have given man the power of choice. However, I DO have an agenda for My Kingdom. I DO invite people into their Destinies!” As He made the last statement, immediately a large, constellation-like blueprint or chart opened up above and in front of where we sat, extending from the Lord’s feet to high up in the heavens. The chart was massive, resembling the kind of holographic map you might see in a Star Wars movie. There were interconnected lines and points for what seemed like miles overhead, as one might draw a diagram of the constellations and galaxies. Instead of a round map of the universe, however, this “blueprint” was a tall, oval-shaped timeline, which began at the Lord’s feet (in this case, to represent the time when He walked the earth) and continued to the end of the age, stretching far above us in an arc through the heavenly realm. This superimposed chart, I discovered, represented the Lord’s overarching plan for the unfolding of His Kingdom. I have known some leaders who have had tremendous blueprints for their ministries; even been awed by them. Yet this “Master plan” was so massive that it made even the grandest visions and our individual parts in them seem tiny in comparison! I then noticed that in a certain portion of this map, there was a piece missing. REAWAKENING THE FORCEThe Lord reminded me of the Star Wars movie “The Force Awakens,” in which the “Resistance movement” must locate self-exiled Jedi Luke Skywalker in a lost galaxy. A transgalactic navigational chart is opened up by R2D2, a droid, who has been functioning in "low-power mode" since Luke disappeared. The chart is projected into the air as a holographic image for the Resistance fighters. A second droid, BB-8, then inserts the missing “code” - a secret piece of the chart he has been carrying. The Resistance needs to locate the site of the first Jedi temple and bring back the one master Jedi who can strengthen the entire force. Using this unusual vision of a familiar Hollywood analogy, the Lord began showing me that there were leaders within the Body of Christ who were “lost” or “self-exiled” because of their fear of failure. Just as Luke Skywalker possessed great powers but was tormented by past failures, so there are now well-qualified leaders who are hiding from the front lines today because of the sting of previous battles. The Lord revealed that the strength, resources, and spiritual power these warriors possess is being wasted because they believe the lie that if they fully recommit to Christ’s Kingdom plan again, they will fail. Their issue is not one of identity, but fear. These leaders know who they are and what they possess! Yet because of advancing age, weariness, or a reluctance to move past the offenses and unforgiveness of previous seasons, they are withholding themselves from actively serving on the front lines or passing on what they know to a younger generation of warriors and believers. The self-protective and in some cases, self-exiled stance they are taking seems to them to be wisdom, when in truth it is nothing more than fear. As the vision ended, I heard the Spirit say: “My righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him.” I believe the Lord wants to reawaken those who once accepted His invitation to build or fight on His behalf, but have since laid down their tools and weapons out of disillusionment or fear of another failure. OUR RESPONSE DEPENDS ON YOUR REPONSEThese leaders - “destined” ones who previously accepted Christ’s invitation - possess an important, time-sensitive piece of God's blueprint or timeline. Until they contribute their parts, however tiny they seem in the broader vision, other members of the Body may function in “low power mode.” Dear Friends, if you are reading these words, you have a part to play in the unfolding end-time plans for our world today. YOU are a much-needed member of God’s “resistance” army that is arising all over the world in response to new enemy offenses! If you are among those who are more advanced in age, you are no less important to the resistance effort! David’s final task was not to build the house of the Lord himself, but to prepare his son Solomon to reign. With the resources, skill, and connections David had, he gathered both people and supplies and laid them at the feet of one whose youth and energy would help carry him further into the future. Not only that, but he also publicly installed Solomon as the new king and prepared the way for his son to succeed. Christ, like David, has gone ahead of us to prepare the way for believers to triumph over their enemies. He has gifted us with spiritual weapons and tools we must pick up and use if we are to complete the work He has called us to! None of us is indispensable, and as the vision indicates, the Lord will love and never pressure His sons and daughters to comply with His agenda. Yet Christ clearly demonstrated to me that there are still those He hopes will reawaken and recommit to the cause of His Kingdom. Your role may change in this new season; you may not be called to the front lines as before, but will you answer the invitation to come out of hiding and support those who are? Will you return to your rightful place as a “destined one” who has the unique ability to release fresh wisdom, power, and strength to an army that is struggling to overcome oppression, division, sickness and fear? Our response depends on your response! When you do, lost souls will come home. Battles will turn into victories. And you will receive the crowning joy of honoring the Lord's intricately beautiful blueprint, which has unfolded through the ages until now ~ and still has more to come! Deborah Perkins is a seasoned prophetic writer, teacher, and Christian leader with more than 40 years of ministry experience across denominations. At God's request in 2014, she founded His Inscriptions, a New England-based ministry devoted to helping people worldwide “Discover Life-Giving Communication with God.” Through a passion for prayer, a free weekly blog, and in-person speaking and training events, Deborah offers encouragement and hope to those who want to grow their relationship with God. Learn more about Deborah’s published books on her Amazon author page. To request Deborah as a speaker, click here. |
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January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |