I am sitting by the big picture window in my dining room this Thanksgiving, watching the early-morning sun cast its shimmer on the newly-fallen snow. Cup of tea in hand, I'm savoring not just the aroma of my favorite brew, but also the warmth of the Presence of God. "Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of His inheritance?" (Micah 7:18, NIV) Just yesterday, I was having trouble "locating" thankfulness in my heart. Sin has a way of being a blessing-blocker, of enshrouding the good things with its deceptive half-truths. And I asked the Lord to expose the deceptions around me, so that I could walk more freely with Him. True to His Word, He did- and I am very grateful. This, I believe, is what real Thanksgiving is all about. Our highest praise and thanksgiving MUST go to Him, because He delivers us from that which could be a snare to us forever. All the smaller blessings we are thankful for are simply the result of a life lived IN HIM. So as I gaze in awe at the pastel-colored sky and the pure-white snow, I am grateful once again for Isaiah's ancient prophecy come true: "Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow." (Isaiah 1:18, NASB). This Thanksgiving snow has been, I think to myself, a prophetic sign of God's eternal love for His people, and the true reason why we should be thankful. I am giving thanks today for the revelation of sin which leads us to the revelation of our wonderful Savior. Because of His goodness, I am welcoming Him more fully into my heart and my home, in the hope of sharing His peace with all who enter my doors. Deborah Perkins is passionate about helping people connect with God. She writes about knowing God and hearing His voice at HisInscriptions.com. Follow Deborah on Twitter@DeborahSPerkins, or to read more of her blog, click here. c. Deborah S. Perkins, 2014
This morning as I prayed, the Lord asked me to share with you a short prophetic word He had given me a few weeks ago. It has helped me to steer clear of what I call "unsanctified works;" things I jump into automatically without checking in with the Holy Spirit first. These things might be urgent matters, regular relationships, or just routine tasks. I believe the enemy is busy today using the deception of false obligation to keep us out of the will of God. Let me know if this resonates with you, too. "Deception is a common tactic of the enemy today. Satan seduces based on your weakness. This is why it's important to seek counsel from the Lord in ALL THINGS: because you are weak and have blind spots, but God is strong and sees all. Nothing is hidden that will not be revealed. Even your sense of duty and responsibility can be a weakness, exploited by the enemy to draw you into situations I have not called you into. Your love for certain things can be a weakness, exploited again by the enemy to draw you out of My Presence. It is more vital than you know to stay connected to Me at ALL TIMES. Those who do not abide in Me will be chopped off and burned in the fire. (John 15:2) It is the work of the enemy to destroy you, not to rebuild you. I am for you, not against you. Come to Me... and you will find rest." Praying for each one of you, my readers, that you will know and love Him more and more! Deborah Deborah Perkins is passionate about helping people connect with God. She writes about knowing God and hearing His voice at HisInscriptions.com. Follow Deborah on Twitter@DeborahSPerkins, or to read more of her blog, click here. There’s going to be a time, in your life as a believer, when your witness or your worship of God differentiates you so much that it infuriates the enemy. When you suffer, not because of some sin in your life, but because of something you’ve done right. It is a time when your enemy turns the fiery furnace up seven times hotter – and then throws you into it. Congratulations… you’ve just been promoted! |
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December 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |