Dear Friends, If you long to experience the depth of God's love for you this Passover season and cross over into the fullness of your appointed destiny in Christ, I invite you to join me Saturday April 20th for a special online event with Gary Beaton!* Gary is the Founder and President of Transformation Glory International. He has traveled extensively around the world preaching the gospel and bringing a life-changing message of the Father's heart, intimacy, and friendship with God. His passion is to prepare the Bride of Christ in purity for her soon-coming Bridegroom and to impact lives by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. He’s well known for imparting a greater understanding of prophetic intercession, the reverential Fear of the Lord, and hearing the voice of God. After meeting Gary four years ago, I’ve come to know him and discover his beautiful heart for intimacy with God. He carries sharp prophetic discernment balanced by rare integrity of character which is much needed at this time. If you are hungry for more of God's Presence or desire greater intimacy in your relationship with the Father, please make plans to join us online that Saturday afternoon! Gary will speak on "Becoming a Friend of God" and we will make time during the webinar for questions and answers, prayer and impartation. *Note: WEBINAR HAS ENDED BUT REPLAY IS AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY/APPLE PODCASTS HERE! Blessings, Deborah Dear Friends, Many times, people feel frustrated that they don’t hear clearly from God, yet they never take specific steps to cultivate a listening ear. Since we have biblical promises that believers can hear from the Lord (John 10:27), it’s up to us to listen, lest we drift from God's good plan for our future! Dear Friends, Two years ago while ministering in Tennessee, I had a middle-of the-night encounter with the Lord. In a vision, the Lord seated me at a student's desk and showed me a workbook soon to be published for believers in the "School of the Holy Spirit." The book's topic was spiritual leadership. I sensed it would be foundational to those wanting to grow in Spirit-led ministry. In this vision, the Lord asked me to turn the book over and read the back cover. When I did, I discovered that the author's name was my own. The vision closed. Today I am happy to announce that this very book - PROPHETIC LEADERSHIP - has just been published! Wisdom has built her house, She has hewn out her seven pillars; She has prepared her food, She has mixed her wine; She has also set her table; She has sent out her maidens, She calls from the tops of the heights of the city: "Whoever is naive, let him turn in here!" To him who lacks understanding She says, "Come, eat of my food and drink of the wine I have mixed. "Forsake your folly and live, and proceed in the way of understanding." ~ Proverbs 9:1-6 NASBS Early this morning, Holy Spirit awakened me and began speaking about specific types of prophets that are going to arise. He called them “Prophetic Specialists.” These "prophetic specialists" will be trained in the School of the Holy Spirit to carry anointings and words of knowledge unique to specific or unusual situations. They will be so accurate in their giftings that the words of truth they deliver will be considered signs and wonders in themselves! The Spirit took me to the book of Ezekiel 40-42, where a description of the unbuilt (likely millennial) temple includes measurements of gateways, the altar, and city and governmental boundaries in highly specific, mathematical dimensions. This, Holy Spirit said, indicated the degree of specificity that the Lord intends to release through a new class of prophets. The Lord will respond to the enemy’s heightened attacks and demonic expansion with increased signs and wonders from heaven. Detailed words of knowledge and specific prophecies will help minimize hindrances as the Bride of Christ moves toward her desired goals and objectives. Dear Friends, Two weeks ago the Lord asked me to call a dear friend, a watchman/intercessor I highly respect, to deliver a very simple challenge: "Just Jesus." Those two words, the Lord said, were an invitation for my friend to close the doors temporarily on all external sources of "noise" or information-gathering in order to recalibrate the ears to just one sound: the voice of God. I knew this would not be easy; turning off phones, news, YouTube, and even the Kingdom sounds of other prophetic voices is a daunting task today! Yet I saw the Lord sitting patiently and quietly nearby, waiting - as any good guest might - for His Brides' full attention. I know from experience that one of the most difficult transitions a Christian leader can make is to shift from an old model of ministry into a new one. In matters of faith, those who have been gloriously converted and are lovingly devoted to the ministries or missions God Himself led them to, may have trouble releasing the old to take hold of the new! In many ways, that is exactly what the Body of Christ is being asked to do in this season. Like a Master chess player, God has the right to reposition or refocus His people at will - HIS will - for a maximum benefit to all. The best response we can give Him in times like these is an unqualified “Yes, Lord!” Dear Friends, During a time of worship this morning, The Lord reminded me of David's words in Psalm 139:11-12: "If I say, 'Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,' even the darkness is not dark to You; the night is as bright as the day, for darkness is as light with You." The Lord then spoke these words into my heart: “I will come and visit those who open the doors of their hearts to Me in this dark hour. As distractions fade and what seems like a demonic covering enshrouds you, I will enter as LIGHT: a covering of glory no man can restrain! Do not fear darkness, but welcome light just as Israel in Egypt welcomed light into all their dwellings. Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart! You have nothing to fear when the Prince of Peace and the Ruler of the Kingdom of Light dwells within you!” I felt it was more important than ever to hear and obey the voice of the Lord, opening our hearts to His Word and relying solely on His counsel so that we can overcome present difficulties. In times of deep darkness, only supernatural power can protect and enlighten our paths. In today’s post, I want to share several important visions, along with a confirming dream that comes from a trusted prophetic friend of mine. They give an inside look at of how godly government is now being released to overcome demonic agendas. Please share this post with those who have a desire to see God's glory released in greater measure. You'll find prayer points at the end of the post. If you are someone who loves to pray or desires deeper intimacy with the Lord, you have undoubtedly made room for Him somewhere in your heart or home, a place where you can be alone and quiet with Him, undisturbed. I know many His Inscriptions readers who have created special places in your homes, offices, or prayer cottages where you warmly welcome the Holy Spirit to come and abide with you. I have been blessed to visit or pray in some of these places over the years, and there is nothing on earth like them; they represent holy ground! Some of us, though, especially during the pandemic, have found that the private spaces we once had became crowded with other people! Dear Friends, As I prayed early this morning I heard such encouraging words from the Lord for those who are struggling to see and understand what is going on around you right now. These words are a gentle reminder of what is always most important, which is our heart's total surrender to Jesus. I pray these words from His heart will bless you! “A surrendered heart is all I need. No matter what you are going through, your surrender to Me is the key to victory. You may not have the answers; you may not even see the way ahead of you, but a simple surrendering of yourself again is the yieldedness that allows Me to move you forward.” "WILL HE EVEN MOLEST THE QUEEN WHILE SHE IS WITH ME IN THE HOUSE?" ~Esther 7:8 Dear Friends, Those who desire to live a life of prayer in the Presence of the Lord will eventually find that there is someone who seeks to interrupt intimacy and destroy identity. I believe that what I share today will set many people free from a demonic strategy of Satan used to steal peace and stop believers from abiding in their secret places with the Lord. "Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them." ~Hebrews 7:25 Last night as I meditated on Jesus our Intercessor, I entered into a deep place of prayer. I interceded for various people as Holy Spirit led me. As I did so, I suddenly became aware of the Lord’s unmistakable Presence in the room. The voice of the Lord is thundering from heaven! As my friends and readers know, the hand of the Lord has been heavy on me since January 20th of this year, when the Spirit of God released a weighty, tangible glory in my home. (Read the story here). This glory has remained and steadily increased as I have pressed in to hear His voice day and night. One of the most interesting things I have heard the Lord say again and again is: “Come inside the sound of my voice.” As someone who grew up partially deaf, I find it hard to imagine what life would be like hearing everything! Up until a certain point, there were sounds I had simply never heard: birdsong, for instance, the purring of a cat, the hum of a refrigerator, or the whisper of a friend. Not so with God! Praise God, we never have to wonder whether God hears the cries of our hearts, as this beautiful word illustrates. Perhaps these quiet-time whispers He shared with me will not be as revelatory to those who grew up hearing everything and wishing for silence. But for someone who heard mostly silence and wished to hear everything, these words are good news! I pray they will minister to your hearts as they did to mine. LAST CALL! There are still some spaces available in this summer's E3 Prophetic Roundtable Group! If you or someone you know would like to grow your prayer life and learn how to hear from God more accurately, I invite you to take advantage of the upcoming "E3" mentoring course. "E3" - which summarizes the biblical mandate in 1 Corinthians 14 to "Encourage, Exhort and Edify" others, is focused on developing your prayer life and challenging you to move forward in the prophetic gifts - something every believer is called to do! Even if you've never had the opportunity to function prophetically, this series of teachings will help you see how God can use you to bless people in your sphere of influence as you share meaningful and personal words from His heart. You don't need to be a prophet to prophesy! You can develop the art of listening prayer and hear from God directly yourself. (See John 10:27) This small group setting is ideal for those who want deeper teaching on this topic but also desire a place where they can ask questions and be mentored in their individual gifts! We will be meeting Tuesdays from July 22 - August 27th, during the day, sometime between 10 and 2pm. (Exact time TBD by participants). Easy to join in via the Zoom app (download from Google Play to your phone or computer), so you can participate from wherever you are. Here's what a former participant said about the E3 course: "This course came at the right time. I was in need of guidance, mentoring, teaching and encouragement. I received all of that! I am encouraged to step out and take a risk in the giftings the Lord has given me. I appreciated the detailed information, steps of action, and personal examples of what that looked like." Interested? Register Now to secure a spot, or contact me first with any questions! Information on how to call in to each session will be provided once you are registered. Blessings, Deborah You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Acts 1:8 There’s a catchy song being sung in our churches today called “Let Revival Come” (“Revive Me”) by Kevin Jones and Joshua Sherman. (You can listen to it here). It is the product of a generation that is seeking revival on a large scale. Not just ministries but entire movements of people are now gathering together to pray (like The Send gathering in Orlando in February this year), asking God to send revival. This in itself is amazing. In my lifetime, I have not seen such unity and focus all across the Body of Christ, and it inspires me! Unity carries the promise of God’s blessing (Psalm 133). Prayer almost always precedes revival. Yet we must be careful to avoid the flawed theology which believes revival is something only God does. The truth is, we have a part to play. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.
As a maturing believer, I have a burning desire to see and hear God more accurately. I often ask to know more of God. Sometimes I hear from you readers asking similar questions: How do I know what God wants me to do? How can I be sure I will see Him leading me, or hear Him guiding me? I want to know Him, but I have trouble seeing Him!
God’s solution to these everyday questions is a secret that Jesus revealed in the Sermon on the Mount. Everyone struggles with some aspect of their life that doesn't measure up. We all feel inferior and inadequate at times. For me, the partial deafness I experienced since childhood was a "thorn in my flesh" that reminded me continually that I was less than perfect: damaged goods. And yet God turned this disability in the natural into an ability in the Spirit: I learned (from John 10:27) that everyone can hear God. Silence helped me focus better. It was my encounters with a God I could hear that changed me from being fearfully insecure to being full of "holy boldness." Isaiah had a similar transformation in God's throne room. (Read Isaiah chapter 6 for the full story.) He moved from being "undone" in God's presence to saying, "Here I am, send me!" Insecurity, weakness and sin were all removed when a coal from the altar touched his lips. Those who read this blog on a regular basis will remember that last week, I wrote about a fictional encounter with God in which He took a key and unlocked the secrets of a believer's heart. (Click here if you missed it). Little did I know how prophetic that statement was! The same week, on Friday, I attended a gathering of believers from New England at the Congregacion Leon de Juda church in Boston. Chuck Pierce, an apostle of the faith and founder of Glory of Zion Ministries, also came to deliver a prophetic word of encouragement for our region. His message? "It's time to unlock the rock!" Referring both to Jesus's statement to Peter (Christ will build His church on the "rock" of revelation) and to the historic roots of New England (Plymouth Rock and the Puritans), Chuck spoke of the coming revival as both imminent and dependent on our need to unlock spiritual revelation. In the Spirit, Chuck saw keys coming down in response to prayers that have gone up. From those keys of revelation an entire nation will be unlocked. (Scroll down to watch the video replay, hear the word and join in praying for freedom over America with the declarations at the end of the video. I believe God is very interested, this season, in unlocking the treasures of revelation stored up - not just from our founding rock in Plymouth, but also in our hearts. How do we do that? By spending quality time with Him in prayer! Here is what He whispered to me as I meditated on these things... I am humbled by the extravagant promises the Lord is extending to His people for this coming year. I shared some of these prophetic promises last week (Click here to read them), and many other voices are echoing similar themes. 2018 promises to be a year full of expansion, growth, connection, and acceleration. But this growth is not automatic.
At the beginning of this year, the Lord whispered to me, "If you will listen diligently to Me, I will reward you with a book by the end of this year." Well, October came, and then November, and the inspiration for a book just did not appear, no matter how hard I tried! Then this month, in one of God's "suddenlies," my breakthrough came and I knew what the book was. Within days Life-Giving Prayer was edited and published, which is a real tribute to the work of the Holy Spirit! Then, I remembered a dream the Lord had given me, also near the beginning of the year, in which a shimmering gold angel handed me an equally glorious book. I now know that this is that book! Life-Giving Prayer is a 108-page collection of some of the most powerful articles I have written on prayer, along with an appendix which contains several of the resources from our online Subscriber Resource Library, in giftable form. Chapters include: "Is That You, Lord?" "How To Develop a Lifestyle of Prayer;" "Heaven's Courtroom;" and "Prayers for the End Times." Who will benefit from this book?
Life-Giving Prayer can be ordered directly from Click on the photo for a preview or to order today!
Author, Speaker, and Christian Ministry leader Deborah Perkins inspires people worldwide to discover "Life-Giving Communication with God." Join her daily on social media, or visit her website for prophetic words, Bible teaching, and a free weekly blog. Need more direction in your spiritual life? Find her books on! Dear Reader, I have a confession to make. There are days when I just don’t want to pray. Or write. Or do anything “spiritual.” I’m not alone. Pastors have days when they just don’t want to deal with another person, or another problem. Moms and dads just can’t fathom dragging their kids through another tedious family devotion. Don’t get me wrong. I love prayer. I love all things related to the Lord and His Spirit. I love celebrating what He has done for us and getting to know Him, and His people, better. But I am just tired sometimes. My flesh cries out for “downtime,” for a place where I am relieved of responsibility and free to just “be.” The Lord once said to me, “I am a Speaking Spirit.” To define Himself in this way is to emphasize His desire for communication with His creation. Although He is Spirit, and seems very different at first from our own flesh and blood, we must remember that we, too, are spiritual beings who have the capacity to hear what the Spirit is saying: “Draw near to listen to My “Speaking Spirit,” and you will be rewarded with a deeper understanding of who I am and what motivates Me!” These are His words for us in this season. How do we get to know this “Speaking Spirit?” We return to one of God’s introductions of the Holy Spirit in Isaiah 11: “The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him [Jesus], the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.” ~Isaiah 11:2
On 7-17-17, as I reread the story of Nehemiah, the Lord showed me a vision that will greatly encourage you! Click the video to watch the YouTube, or scroll down to read a summary.
Free Link to the Subscriber Resource Library when you join His Inscriptions!
Deborah Perkins Categories
September 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |