Dear Friends, I hear the Lord saying: “It is time for the Body of Christ to raise their voice! Do not be silent! The enemy is attempting to silence you one final time because he knows your breakthrough is near. Do not allow old lies of unworthiness or condemnation to hinder you. You have been clothed with righteousness and are anointed and appointed to speak on behalf of the oppressed in this hour!” For several months, the Lord has been highlighting a pattern to me which is found in three similar sections of Scripture: Acts 28; Luke 4-5; and Matthew 4-5. I believe this thrice-repeated pattern illustrates what is happening right now in the Body of Christ. In fact, many of you may be finding that you are living these scriptures! You are feeling the enemy’s attempts to silence you one last time through heavy attacks of witchcraft or condemnation. The attacks, however, are a precursor to great things! Acts 28 describes Paul’s arrival on the island of Malta as a Roman prisoner. Immediately after surviving the trauma of storm and shipwreck, Paul survives a viper’s attack. A serpent fastens itself to Paul’s hand in an attempt to hinder his service to the Lord. The islanders believe “Justice” will not allow Paul to live. Yet Paul shakes off the serpent, unharmed. (What a parallel to today’s opposition against believers and prophets in particular who have taken a stand for the Lord!) The islanders watch this miracle, then see Paul heal the island Chief’s father, and realize that Paul carries power within him “like a god.” The door opens for mass healing and the entire island receives ministry as a result. Following the deliverance and the healings, Paul receives favor to teach in Rome, with people coming to him in “great numbers,” from morning until evening. (Acts 28:17-23) His harvest is multiplied. In the same way, as Jesus emerges from the wilderness in both Matthew 4 and Luke 4 to begin His ministry, He is also opposed by the enemy. Jesus first overcomes a demonic attack (Luke 4:31-37) and then sickness, healing Simon’s mother-in-law. These victories open the door for Christ’s new healing and deliverance ministry; every one of those who come to Him are healed. Following the healings, Jesus begins an expanded preaching ministry in the synagogues of Judea. (Matthew 5 also places Christ’s famous Sermon on the Mount within this time period, at the outset of His ministry.) What the Lord highlighted to me especially today is Matthew 5:1-2: “Seeing the crowds, He went up on the mountain, and when He sat down, his disciples came to Him. And He opened His mouth and taught them…” It is customary for a Jewish rabbi to teach from a seated position, while those hearing the Word of God stand. Traditionally, the teacher sits in the Seat of Moses as the scrolls are brought from the ark. Jesus’s seated position on the mountain is meant to demonstrate His position of authority as the foremost Teacher and Leader of His people! As I've prayed into these scriptures, the Lord has been speaking to me, saying that He is removing the spiritual interference from the enemy that has tried to block or hinder ministry during this difficult time. He Himself will be the Deliverer and provide the breaker anointing that is needed to shake off the attacks that seem to have fastened themselves to His Body! I believe the Lord is urging His people to ascend to heavenly places in Christ and sit with Him as they decree, declare, and teach what He is releasing at this time. (Ephesians 2:6) He is displaying the richness of His kindness and grace and opening the door to expanded ministries for those who have persevered under recent trials. I believe this is a season of new beginnings. I see a new favor on the written and spoken words of those who are preachers and teachers within the Body of Christ. I believe you will see the Lord bring new disciples to you who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness. They will gladly come and receive what you feed them through your teaching and preaching. These will be wholehearted followers - true disciples who are seeking the Lord diligently for WHO HE IS, not just what they can get from Him. They will receive from you in a way that others in the past could not; their hunger will make your efforts worthwhile! Those called to healing ministries in the Body will receive invitations to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. There is an EASE coming into the Body that will replace the weariness and a JOY that will release new strength for Kingdom ministry expansion. Dear friends, do not return to the old! Press in to receive all that the Lord has for you. You are going to begin to see not just your “tribe,” but your students and followers come to you. These are those you are called to serve within your own sphere of influence. It's time to speak and release the unique messages that God has worked into you! I see Isaiah 43 is coming alive as God delivers you from deep rivers and scorching fire, bringing your offspring from the four corners of the earth. Stand Firm - your harvest and reward is coming! Justice is about to rule in your favor and the enemy’s attacks will not stand. You have been kept by Jesus to be witnesses for the Lord so that many others will come to know Him as Creator, Redeemer, and King. (Jude 1; Isaiah 43:10) Now keep yourselves in the love of the Lord by building yourselves up in faith and persevering in prayer. (Jude 21) Do not be silent! Deborah |
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January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |