“It happened that the father of Publius lay sick in bed with fever and dysentery. And Paul visited him and prayed, and putting his hands on him, healed him. And when this had taken place, the rest of the people on the island (of Malta) who had diseases also came and were cured.” Acts 28:8-9; ESV Dear Friends, I believe the Body of Christ is entering a “sweet spot” in time. Despite all evidence to the contrary, we are beginning a bright new Kingdom era full of miracles and favor! I believe that this will be a season of marked increase in healing and deliverance ministries that honor Christ and help bring in the harvest. In several encounters last year, the Lord showed me that the Body of Christ would journey through a difficult season of darkness and loss. We would feel as though we’d been thrown overboard, clinging to the remnants of our “ship” (the world as we knew it) for survival; but we would eventually be brought to land. I saw that just prior to the launch of new healing ministries, there would be a notable attack of witchcraft which the Body of Christ would be able to shake off, just as Paul shook off a viper into the fire, unharmed. (Acts 27-28.) This satanic “viper” would emerge from the heat in a time of consuming fire. (Vipers represent poisonous words sourced in a spirit of witchcraft.) There would be an attempt to hinder the work of the saints through murderous accusations attaching themselves to individuals and ministries. Once the “shaking off ” of this viper was done, however, the Lord would begin to “spotlight” significant healing and deliverance ministries, just as He protected Paul and brought people from all over the island of Malta to him for healing. Malta means “honey,” and this sweetness is one characteristic of the Promised Land! A DREAM CONFIRMEDLike many believers, I have been watching and waiting to see what the timing would be for these new ministries to come to the forefront. Last weekend as I attended a conference in Maine, the Lord spoke to me through a vivid dream. The day I returned from the trip, a nearly identical dream was sent to me from a friend; a second confirmation. Because both dreams are very detailed, I won’t share them in this post, but they indicated that between the end of a dark season and the Church’s ascent into a place of glory and light, there could be attacks from “vipers;” witchcraft curses intentionally sown among believers to hinder their mobility and ministry. In each dream, the Bride of Christ had to make a choice between fellowship with demons or communion with God. It was essential that she separate herself from what the Lord considered evil. (*Read the Prophetic Word for 2021 or use this free worksheet to determine what God might be saying to you personally about separation and communion.) The Lord also spoke during one dream, saying: “Do not be deceived; evil companions corrupt good character.” (1 Corinthians 15:33.) Wrestling with witchcraft in her own strength did not fully release the Bride in these dreams. But using a specific strategy from the Lord did! Once she overcame, the Bride crossed over into a place of deliverance, freedom, and joy she had never known before. To my surprise, the day after I had my dream, it came true in its entirety. God used the dream - and its confirming events - to mark the time and season we're in and to remind me of a strategy He’d given me last March concerning healing. The strategy concerns a simple way of praying for healing and deliverance. It is easy to understand, and for those who may be unfamiliar with deliverance, it works. I feel strongly that the Lord wants me to share this encounter with those who might benefit from a more visual understanding of healing and deliverance, as it appears in the Spirit. STRATEGY FROM AN INFIRMARYIn an encounter on March 17, 2021, the Lord Jesus took me into the spirit realm; into a space between heaven and earth where I saw visible entities; both good and bad. I was told it was an “infirmary” in the spirit. Angels desired to influence people for good, but demons were oppressing them with sickness. As I stood with the Lord near one of His people, He showed me that in this particular "infirmary," where there was sickness, there was also a demon. I saw that each demon had an ugly “hook” or claw that sank into the person’s heart, and I was told that the hook entered through the “gateway” of the person’s emotions, inflicting sickness. These “gateways,” the Lord said, were built by Satan on either protrusions or depressions of the heart. They represented areas of wounding, sin, or unforgiveness within a person. The gateways looked like mesh- or fabric-covered barricades stretched between steel archways or frames. The protrusions or depressions of the heart gave the demons legal access to set up camp there. Demonic guards - evil sentinels - sat at each “gateway” of the heart, to allow or disallow passage. I saw that the guards at these checkpoints retained their hold because their crooked claws were hooked into people’s hearts through issues like pride, generational iniquity, or negative confessions. The Lord demonstrated how simple it was to deliver someone from demons of sickness or disease with a word. It was as simple as “unhooking” the talons of the enemy one by one, using words of knowledge; usually the names of the demons themselves. The Lord asked “Legion” for his name in Mark 5:1-20; to know Legion’s name was to have dominion over it and to cast it out. HOOKS AND EYESIn the encounter, I looked more closely and saw that the mesh or fabric barricades in the spirit had hook-and-eye closures in the middle. (The kind a seamstress might use.) Demons of disease or oppression which had attached themselves to peoples’ lives could be “unhooked” with simple words; prayerful commands or rebukes. It was as easy as unhooking a garment. When this was done, the people in the vision became free of disease and death. I understood that the Lord wanted to restore faith for healing by releasing this simple method which even a child could understand. Angels were waiting for faith-filled believers to speak words of healing and deliverance so that they could respond to these “keywords” of the Lord, unlocking the hearts of the hurting. Sometimes believers are waiting for a “mass healing” anointing to manifest, when in fact the ability to heal through a word of the Lord has been with us all along. Jesus healed ALL who came to Him. He is compassionate towards all; it is His sovereign will to heal! As the encounter continued, I saw that when healing did not take place, there was often more than one “talon” that needed to be unhooked from people’s hearts. In some cases, there were hordes of demons encircling a person; they held hands and partnered together. These demons called out to each other, triggering other “related” diseases, complicating the issue, and harassing people in the spirit realm. In these cases, the demons’ talons needed to be unhooked not only from the heart of the person (through renunciation), but also from each other, since they formed a locked ring of captivity around those whom they oppressed. It seemed as if these groups of demons had wrapped people in filthy garments of disease and negativity - an occult substitute for the beautiful white mantles in which the Lord desired to wrap His people! SEE AND ASK FOR YOUR HEALING!At the close of the encounter, the Lord highlighted to me the importance of both SEEING and ASKING for healing. Jesus often asked: “What do you want Me to do for you?” He used a question to discern and respond to people’s faith, not to fear. Those who came confessing only their diseases were not healed in this vision; they merely reinforced their fear and unbelief! But those who learned to speak Christ’s words over themselves received healing, since they were “seeing” (believing) correctly and speaking words that angels could respond to. While we were in Maine, the Lord broke an attack of witchcraft and released powerful deliverance as we commanded specific demonic talons to be removed from God’s people. I have used this strategy successfully several times since then. God is eager to release Divine intel - specific words from His Throne to bring healing to you and those around you! It is time for the Church at large to shake off the serpent’s attacks by choosing to walk in the light of faith instead of the fear of condemnation. As we do so, we will enter into a new season of increased signs, wonders, healings, and miracles. Do not allow the enemy to hook his talons into you or your family and friends through “protrusions” of sin or “depressions” of unbelief! Renounce negative or fearful confessions. While the enemy will still harass and annoy those he cannot control, those who are under the Lordship of Christ will be safe from harm. Deliverance and healing ministries will be highlighted once again; they are essential tools for freedom in this new Kingdom era. Ask God to use you to unhook these demonic shrouds of deception, disease, and death, and watch Him wrap His people in new garments of righteousness, healing, and joy! "And [the Lord] will swallow up on this mountain the covering that is cast over all peoples, the veil that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces, and the reproach of his people He will take away from all the earth, for the Lord has spoken. It will be said on that day, “Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him, that He might save us. This is the Lord; we have waited for Him; let us be glad and rejoice in His salvation.” Isaiah 25:7-9; ESV |
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December 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |