For thus says the LORD of hosts: Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land. And I will shake all nations, so that the treasures of all nations shall come in, and I will fill this house with glory, says the LORD of hosts. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, declares the LORD of hosts. The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the LORD of hosts. And in this place I will give peace, declares the LORD of hosts.’” ~ Haggai 2:6-9, ESV On January 28, 2023, as I ministered at a Winter Revival in Tennessee, I saw a vision during worship of abundant golden glory being poured out from two massive, angelic hands into the sanctuary. I heard the sound of this ‘release’ in the Spirit and felt a substantial shift in the atmosphere. Earlier that day I had asked the Lord what He wanted to do in the evening session. He gave me just one word: "EMPOWERMENT." As I went up on stage that night to minister, the presence and power of God increased so dramatically that I was compelled to set aside my message. The spirit of prophecy overtook me, and a mighty “wave” of glory seemed to fill and saturate the entire building. While the congregation worshiped and the anointing continued to flow, I ministered to as many people as humanly possible. It’s hard to describe just how extraordinary this time was! Many were touched by God’s power, which remained throughout the weekend as I and others continued to worship, speak, and pray. We saw healing and deliverance take place for children as young as four years old and adults in their 70s. One teenager who asked for prayer was so overcome, shaking under the power of the Holy Spirit, that I doubt he will ever be the same! I have not seen this kind of outpouring since the 1990s in Toronto. Many of the youth that weekend did not even know what Toronto or Brownsville represented to our faith; I realized they were too young to have experienced those movements. Since that weekend, I have heard of several other such manifestations of God’s power and glory in various places. I believe we are now seeing the beginnings of a Great Awakening that has been anticipated for many years! WORDS FOR THE REMNANTAbout a week after I returned from Tennessee, on February 8, 2023, the Lord met me during my private worship time. He asked me to transcribe, word for word, some thoughts about revival for the Body of Christ. I believe these words are meant to both encourage and caution us as we move forward into a glorious time, unlike any other seen on earth! “What you believe determines the course of your destiny. Those who remain in unbelief will NOT move forward at this time and will miss the beauty and majesty of what I am about to do! “Power will be poured out; religious captives set free, and 'mercenaries' who have exploited My people will see their own downfall. Judgment and revival will happen simultaneously, and at times there will seem to be such “chaos” that it feels confusing to you. Remember that I am Lord over all, and this - in My sovereignty - is organized chaos. Let the chips fall where they may. Do not be surprised when revival seems to have a ‘cutting edge’ to it, for it will be Me doing the cutting while you receive the benefits. “Those who honor Me I will honor. Those who sow disrespect and dishonor reap the penalties of such behaviors. No one is exempt from My mercies OR My disciplines. Do not be surprised at the fiery burnings that take place; you will see those who burn with love for Me AND those who are burnt by the sequence of events around the world. Look only to Me for your sustenance and all will be well. Look to man and you will be sorely disappointed! “I will awaken and I will heal. Entire households will be saved! Those who stand for the ONE [Jesus] will receive MANY as their harvest! A great harvest is yours to reap; only continue to do what I show you and no more. “As Israel was told not to reap to the edges of their fields, so confine yourselves to the areas or spheres of influence to which you have been assigned; do not seek to do more than My grace allows! This will be protection for you and a blessing left for others. “I want ALL My Kingdom children to experience the JOY of harvest, yet all must know what they are able to handle. Do not take up more in your hands than your strength permits you to carry at this time; the temptation will be to do too much and then to fall. [The enemy still seeks to weary you.] Remain within the boundaries I have carefully set for you and you will abide in a place of peace and protection. “Do not be misled by excitement or emotion. Come to Me daily for guidance and remain within earshot of My voice, which is wisdom for your life and light for your path. While it will seem that there are now multiple paths for the release of My glory, in truth, there is but ONE path for YOUR feet to travel. See that you keep your feet on the path My Spirit highlights for you at this time! This will help you avoid the “collisions” the enemy wants to create between you and other believers, and will keep you out of his dirty ditches. “I have not forgotten you! Every believer has a part to play in this new awakening and all can hear the sound of wisdom’s call at the right moments. Keep watching; keep listening, for I will show you what to do. Joy will be your constant friend and partner, filling you with strength for what is to come!” REVIVAL, JUDGMENT, AND AN "ECONOMIC EARTHQUAKE"As the above transcription from the Lord indicates, revival and judgment often happen simultaneously. Charles Dickens’ words “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” still hold true for us today! On January 24, 2010, at the end of a 21-day fast, my husband and I had a two-hour angelic visitation in which we were told of significant events to come, including an “economic earthquake.” We learned that just as Haiti had been devastated by a recent earthquake [on January 12, 2010], we could expect the global financial system to collapse. Note: Haiti’s 2010 earthquake registered lower than this week’s event in Turkey (Haiti’s 7.0 to Turkey’s 7.5 on the seismic scale). Yet it caused an astonishing 300,000 deaths to Turkey’s 21,000 and counting. The Lord said that the economic system as we knew it would crumble in a God-ordained “shaking” that was designed to bring a “reset” to faulty systems founded on greed, profit, and oppression. We saw some isolated economic downturns and crashes in the years that followed, but nothing on a massive global scale until recently. The earthquake this week serves as a reminder that our world systems, whether economic, governmental, or religious, are extremely fragile. In love, God warns His people about such things so that we may be prepared! In our 2010 encounter, the Lord highlighted portions of Haggai 1 and Jeremiah 2 even as He urged us to ‘remember Hezekiah’ [2 Chronicles 29-35]. Hezekiah was given a death sentence, but put his house back in order and then saw personal healing, national deliverance, and a 15-year reprieve in answer to his prayers. God emphasized to me that while judgment might come for those who dishonor what is holy, He intends to spare the remnant, raising up the Body of Christ like beacons and lighthouses. The Body of Christ is meant to be a sign during shakings, just as when the power went out in Egypt, the lights stayed on in Goshen. Nations will look to the Church they have oppressed, and the Church will shine! Haggai 1 describes the connection between economic collapse (individual or corporate) and a failure to honor the house of the Lord. Yet the same chapter also commends an obedient remnant who obeys the voice of God and begins to walk in the Fear of the Lord (1:12). I believe the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord is being awakened in us today. Haggai's promised result of obedience is twofold: the Lord will be PRESENT with His remnant and the Lord will STIR UP THE SPIRIT of the remnant! (Haggai 1:14.) SHAKING, BLOWING, BURNINGI was told [in the 2010 encounter] that a “new world order” was then in its infancy, but was emerging. At the time I did not even know what the “new world order’ was! I heard that from the “south of America” [which likely speaks of the southern border], something would come that brought a great change to the nation of America. After this “shaking” would come a “blowing” away of all the rubble as the Lord performed a great “reset.” Then a “burning,” which resembled in the vision a branding of that which was meant to be “Holy to the Lord.” As Haggai writes, the silver and gold belong to the Lord. God's economic system operates by principles of the heart. As the Acts church demonstrates, when we work according to God's systems, there is no lack. The goal of this “shaking, blowing, and burning” process was not to destroy but to remove what was oppressive so that restoration and rebuilding according to God’s heart could take place. Both devastation and restoration seem the same at first, yet restoration’s chaos has a purpose: to rebuild something better or stronger than before. Throughout this earlier encounter, there was such a sense of the SOVEREIGNTY of God in the midst of chaos! The world’s economic and political systems are nothing to God. Corrupt, deep-state leaders who seem larger than life are as easily turned as Pharaoh was! The role of the Body remains to worship and praise God, who by these wonderful outpourings is now filling His people with strength and joy! In times of revival and judgment, we will see many people fall, but we will also realize that our enemies are powerless against an omnipotent God. We have arrived at a critical moment of shaking, awakening, and glory that will soon sweep the earth. Prepare. Set your house in order. Be ready to receive the harvest God is giving YOU to bring in. Do not fear the chaos you see as revival and judgment happen simultaneously. Trust in the Lord, who makes a path through the sea and a way in the wilderness. Rejoice in the power and joy that is now being poured out on your behalf! Deborah Perkins is a seasoned prophetic writer, teacher, and Christian leader with more than 40 years of ministry experience across denominations. At God's request in 2014, she founded His Inscriptions, a New England-based ministry devoted to helping people worldwide “Discover Life-Giving Communication with God.” Through her passion for prayer, prophetic writings, and in-person speaking and equipping events, Deborah offers encouragement and hope to those who want to grow their relationship with God. Learn more about Deborah’s published books on her Amazon author page. To request Deborah as a speaker, click here. |
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January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |