How to Know God: Steps to Salvation
The Bible says that ALL people have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).
What does this mean?
Basically, no matter how good you think you are, or how many good works you may have done (even in church) - it won't get you into heaven. Because God is holy, He cannot tolerate sin. Mankind is sinful by nature as a result of the Fall. Apart from Jesus, men and women have no way to reach God.
Jesus Christ was sent from God to be a sacrifice, to satisfy all the conditions that needed to be met in order for man to "reconnect" with God. Because Jesus was sinless, He met God's requirements for righteousness which we could not meet.
When Jesus died and was supernaturally resurrected, He became our Redeemer, delivering us from sin and all of its effects. Jesus restored the relationship God intended to have with Him in the beginning, before the Fall.
By believing and confessing that Jesus died on your behalf, you agree that God loves you and wants you to be His child. As you ask for forgiveness for your sin, He supernaturally cleanses you of all unrighteousness and welcomes you into His Presence. You are given a 24/7 "ALL ACCESS" pass to talk with your heavenly Father - about anything! You are assured of spending eternity in heaven and enjoying His peace on earth - in your heart - today.
If you would like to know God as your Father and experience the blessings of life in relationship with Him, read this prayer aloud to Him, right where you are. If you have made Him the Lord of your life, congratulations! Please contact me by clicking the button above and I will be happy to send you further information on growing your relationship with God.
Father, I understand from the Bible that I am sinful and need a Savior in order to connect with You. I believe Jesus is your Son, sent from heaven to die in my place. I confess that I cannot earn my way to heaven, and I accept His death and resurrection as a final payment for the debt of my sin. Please cleanse me of all unrighteousness. Heal me of the wounds I have sustained by living my life separate from You. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, who will teach me and guide me into all truth. Help me to make time, starting today, to be with you and to get to know You better through your Words. In Jesus's Name. Amen.
Bible Verses you can study to understand salvation
(Hover over each one to see the verse):
(Hover over each one to see the verse):
Romans 3:10
Romans 3:23
Romans 5:8
Romans 5:12
Romans 6:23
Romans 10:9-11
Romans 10:13
John 3:16
John 14:16