Those who read this blog on a regular basis will remember that last week, I wrote about a fictional encounter with God in which He took a key and unlocked the secrets of a believer's heart. (Click here if you missed it). Little did I know how prophetic that statement was! The same week, on Friday, I attended a gathering of believers from New England at the Congregacion Leon de Juda church in Boston. Chuck Pierce, an apostle of the faith and founder of Glory of Zion Ministries, also came to deliver a prophetic word of encouragement for our region. His message? "It's time to unlock the rock!" Referring both to Jesus's statement to Peter (Christ will build His church on the "rock" of revelation) and to the historic roots of New England (Plymouth Rock and the Puritans), Chuck spoke of the coming revival as both imminent and dependent on our need to unlock spiritual revelation. In the Spirit, Chuck saw keys coming down in response to prayers that have gone up. From those keys of revelation an entire nation will be unlocked. (Scroll down to watch the video replay, hear the word and join in praying for freedom over America with the declarations at the end of the video. I believe God is very interested, this season, in unlocking the treasures of revelation stored up - not just from our founding rock in Plymouth, but also in our hearts. How do we do that? By spending quality time with Him in prayer! Here is what He whispered to me as I meditated on these things... Unlock Revelation!“Unlocking prophetic revelation will require the unlocking of you first! A polluted stream cannot prophesy clearly, nor will you release rivers of healing unless that which is within you is no longer stagnant. To flow with Me, your heart must be free. It is for this reason that the (New England) region must be unlocked. A hardness of heart has come upon My people in this area due to past offenses, closing the door to the release of what is fresh and new. Remaining in the past is a recipe for disaster. Therefore I am opening the prison doors for My people, that they may see the light ahead of them, welcome and embrace it, and find strength to renounce their old ways. They will walk out of darkness only when they see the light ahead of them. For this reason I sent My servant Chuck Pierce, so that there may be a “light at the end of the tunnel,” so to speak – that those who still cling to the old may find the courage and hope to walk towards the new. I am doing new things, and My people must be made new on the inside in order to participate in what I am doing, lest they miss it completely. The old wineskins cannot hold this new wine! And who does not replace what is old and worn in their house when presented with a new and better alternative? So shall I do in My house, for I have need of new vessels to carry this new wine. Be not afraid to cast off what you find that is old and dry within you. Let go of it freely, for there is a “spandex” in the Spirit to which you now have access, which will allow the anointing within you to expand and grow! Be not afraid to release those garments that do not fit you anymore, for as you grow in the Spirit you will require new vestments, and I have already prepared them for you. Come to Me and buy that which you have need of. As a sign to you, I will provide this new clothing and you will radiate joy and peace as you wear it! Dig deeper in Me, for you have not yet scratched the surface of who I am. I am infinitely able to expand and grow your horizons, change and refine your perceptions of Me, and bring you into a fuller understanding of all that you and I possess together. The key to your growth lies not in your past, but in your future. Come to Me for the keys. Come to Me to see which key fits which door, for not all enter through the same door. There are majestic doors and lowly doors, and you must discern where I am leading you in order to go through. Those who are warriors must often enter through lowly doors, secret places of humility and openings so small they must crouch down to fit. These doors lead to great conquests. Those with a call to leadership enter through doors they do not savor – doors that are not their own and are not of their own choosing. (John 21:18.) They leave with appreciation for that which is different from them. They leave, often, with priceless gifts they never expected to own, given to them by the grateful who live within these difficult places. The pure of heart enter majestic doors of beauty and royalty, though they do not perceive it. Their purity causes them to bow low, oblivious to the honor bestowed upon them until such time as I open their eyes. Purity and innocence shield them from the pride they might have if they discerned their true positions; their childlike attributes allow them to enter the palaces of the great, yet emerge unscathed by power or prestige. Those who seek Me shall be given keys to unlock not only treasures within their own lives, but also treasures in the lives of those around them. To unlock self is to learn the way for others, bringing healing to many."
© Deborah Perkins /
Covenant Declarations Made Over New England
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January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |