"WILL HE EVEN MOLEST THE QUEEN WHILE SHE IS WITH ME IN THE HOUSE?" ~Esther 7:8 Dear Friends, Those who desire to live a life of prayer in the Presence of the Lord will eventually find that there is someone who seeks to interrupt intimacy and destroy identity. I believe that what I share today will set many people free from a demonic strategy of Satan used to steal peace and stop believers from abiding in their secret places with the Lord. There is a demonic spirit unleashed against God's people which is not easily discerned or exposed. It is a spirit of deception and darkness that presents itself as light. It works in secrecy, and its goal is to destroy the secret place of prayer by bringing shame to God’s people. The name of this spirit is “molestation,” and despite its offensive name, its strategy is not always sexual in nature. This spirit seeks to torment the Bride even within the intimate chambers of the King’s house. Esther dealt with it in chapter 7 of the Bible story that bears her name; I and many other intercessors have encountered it, and I want to describe how it works here so that you will not fall prey to it. IN THE PRESENCE OF MY ENEMIESQueen Esther prepared a banquet for King Ahasuerus. A Satanic strategy to destroy the entire Jewish race had just been uncovered, and Esther knew her calling to the King’s palace was timely. With Mordecai’s help, she intended to expose Haman, the king’s trusted advisor, as a deceiver and murderer. Haman’s ultimate defeat would require not just an exposure of who he was, but also a revelation of Esther’s true identity before the King. Not unlike our spiritual enemy, this “vile Haman” had access to both the king and the queen. While Esther was still resting and reclining at the banqueting table - even after Haman was exposed as a deceiver - her enemy took advantage of one final opportunity to assault her. The Bible says the horrified king called Haman's advance a "molestation" of his bride. I believe the Lord is highlighting these verses today because He wants us to see the utter abhorrence He still has for that which molests His Bride in the secret place. He is fighting for the lovers of God who, like Esther, remain in their place of intimacy with Him. His intense desire is to cover the enemy’s face with the same shame the enemy has attempted to put on us, His Bride. Prayer and fasting will expose the enemy, but only a Royal decree will annihilate him. Believers need to be as disgusted with the deceptive tactics of the enemy in the secret place as we are with sexual abuse, trafficking, or victimization of any kind, decreeing the Word of the Lord and commanding this spirit of molestation to be cut off in the Name of Jesus! A PERSONAL ENCOUNTEROn the 18th day of a 21-day prayer retreat last month, I had an encounter with the Lord that was extremely powerful. I received much courage, comfort, and revelation in this encounter, and what He shared with me helped to define and clarify my personal mission and ministry. The very next morning, I had a dream which I believed was also from the Lord. It was consistent with some things God had been speaking to me earlier during the retreat. As I began recording and interpreting the dream, however, I discovered that fear and anxiety about the future were rising within me. I could no longer think clearly or even pray. Confusion took hold. I tried to worship but found only limited peace. Because there was some truth to what I was hearing, I did not at first discern the source of the “revelation.” I knew I was encountering what the Lord had spoken to me about earlier: a spirit of molestation. THE ENEMY DIGS DEEP INTO YOUR PAST IN HOPES OF CHALLENGING YOUR PRESENT IDENTITY AND DESTROYING YOUR FUTURELater that day, I reached out to a trusted friend who prayed with me and discerned immediately that the dream was not of the Lord. While much of what I was hearing and seeing seemed to coincide with language and imagery the Lord had been using to speak to me, the fruit of the dream was evil, not good. We prayed and decreed the attack to be broken in the Name of Jesus. Peace returned. The enemy regularly attacks beloved sons and daughters of God on the basis of their identity, knowing that if they believe the deception, he will sabotage the sweetness of their intimate encounters with the Lord. The lie is that you are the problem, not he! The lie is that he has a right to be there. We see a simlar situation in Mark 14 when a woman from Bethany brings an alabaster jar to anoint Jesus's feet with oil. An intimate moment involving a precious sacrifice to the Lord is interrupted by the ungodly ones who trouble her. King Jesus’s response to her tormentors is: “Leave her alone. why are you bothering her and causing trouble? She has done a good and beautiful thing to Me.” (Amplified; some texts read “molest.”) I believe the Lord is saying that many of you eagerly desire to come into the secret place with the Lord during this time. Your hearts are pure; your motives are right. Yet when you try to enter in, you find oppression. Just as Queen Esther desired to feast with her King and found the enemy molesting her even within the King's house, so this spirit, a son of Haman, has ambushed and intimidated you in the very place where you have tried to commune with God. He has tried to silence your voice and keep you from making the decrees that will signify his demise! The Lord is showing me that it is time to expose Haman and all his sons. It is time to expose the enemy who has come into your secret place of intimacy with his shame. Like Esther, the Bride must break the bonds of secrecy in other to be freed from the burden of shame. WHERE THE WORD OF A KING IS, THERE IS POWERI hear the Spirit saying that your place of intimacy and rest in the house of the Lord will now become your place of authority and victory! As you remain close to your King you will hear the verdicts and decrees issued from the Throne against all those who would molest you. DO NOT RUN IN TERROR BUT REMAIN IN YOUR PLACE OF PRAYER UNTIL YOU HEAR THE DECREE THAT SETS YOU FREE! Just as Goliath’s sword was used to cut off his own head, so Haman’s gallows will be the place where he - not you - is hanged! Some of the “Dread Champions” the Lord is releasing in this hour look more like “Esthers” than “Avengers!” Worshiping warriors are arising who will celebrate and feast with their King even as they expose Haman and his ten sons. Your place of trust and your secure identity IN HIM is positioning you to HEAR AND DECREE the King’s edicts, and you will receive a share in the inheritance of the wicked as your reward. DO NOT BE DECEIVED; YOUR INTIMACY WITH THE LORD IS AS MIGHTY A WEAPON IN THE SECRET PLACE AS YOUR SWORDSMANSHIP IS ON THE BATTLEFIELD. The enemy knows this! It is time to close the door of the banqueting hall against these shameful attacks and decree Haman’s demise. The plans the enemy has created for your destruction will become places where he himself is defeated. Do not let the lies and torment of the enemy lure you away from your place of rest and peace in Jesus! I see the Lord imparting life and releasing hope back into your quiet times with Him. As you read this, some of you will see the truth of what has been happening in the spirit and be set free. Others will want to sit with the Lord, take communion, and ask Jesus to release the truth concerning your situation. He will restore you as you return to Him there. PRAY WITH ME:Jesus, I thank you for this worldwide, extended time of intimacy and purification between You and Your Bride. I thank You for the fire that has come to destroy the enemy and all his works even as it purifies those who love You. I believe You are cleansing Your temple, and I ask you to cleanse me right now of every way the enemy has tried to defile or molest me as Your Bride! I decree today that the house of God, MY HOUSE, will be a House of Prayer. I command every vile spirit of molestation to leave this temple. The sons of Satan must cease and desist all attacks against me. I renounce you and command you to go in the Name of Jesus. You will not disturb my time with the King of Kings! I remind you of the Word of the Lord. All your curses and lies are impaled on the cross today, and the destruction you have decreed for me is now turned against you in the mighty Name of Jesus. I decree that from this point on, deception has no right of access to my body, soul, or spirit. I close every demonic gate through which you have come in and I demolish every lie that has tried to convince me I am the one with the problem. Thank you, Father, that Your covenant of peace in the Blood protects me. Thank you for Your TRUTH which demolishes every deception, lie, strategy, and tactic of the enemy. I believe You are imparting LIFE back into my secret place. I will sit peaceably with You, feasting with my Lord and King. Thank you for exposing Haman and all his sons in my life so that I can be forever free to worship You in Spirit and in Truth. Amen! |
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Deborah Perkins Categories
December 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |