As someone who grew up partially deaf, I find it hard to imagine what life would be like hearing everything! Up until a certain point, there were sounds I had simply never heard: birdsong, for instance, the purring of a cat, the hum of a refrigerator, or the whisper of a friend. Not so with God! Praise God, we never have to wonder whether God hears the cries of our hearts, as this beautiful word illustrates. Perhaps these quiet-time whispers He shared with me will not be as revelatory to those who grew up hearing everything and wishing for silence. But for someone who heard mostly silence and wished to hear everything, these words are good news! I pray they will minister to your hearts as they did to mine. All of creation shouts its praises to Me! The flowers in bloom, the grass that grows and multiplies, the bees that buzz: all are LOUDLY proclaiming praise to Me! They are LOUD to Me, music in My ears, just as your prayers awaken Me also. The quietest sigh of a child is heard in heaven, LOUDLY. Nothing escapes My attention: every movement, utterance, and even stroke of the pen reverberates and resounds in heaven!
As you sing, as you write, as you read My Word, there are repercussions in heavenly realms. My eye is drawn and My ear is opened to the cries of creation, even the "inaudible" ones. Why? Because you - and they - are Mine.
Just as you notice the faintest sighs of your children, so I pay attention to My creatures. Groans and sighs are as meaningful to Me as language itself, for I know the condition of My flocks and serve them well. What is inaudible and unnoticeable to you is LOUD to Me, and causes Me to respond in kind. I do not forget what ails you; I see and know the pains and trials you experience, and My heart is open even in your complaints. The great irony is that despite all I have done to connect with My creation, man's biggest complaint is that I do not hear; I do not see. What folly! Can the Maker not recognize defects in His creations? Can the One who made them not perceive when something is amiss? Do not miss this central truth: I do hear. I do see! It is not my faculties, but My responses which differ from yours. It is man's sight that has been corrupted, not Mine! Man's ears that grow dull, and not My own. Trust in My abilities and you will begin to see My authentic responses. Unbelief is what blocks vision; a lack of faith dulls hearing. For when you open up your ears and eyes to Me by faith, the world begins to take on a diffferent hue. Creation comes alive and you hear and perceive what is actually happening, not what the enemy has deceived you into thinking! Tell me: why would this Father ever set aside the cries of His child? Anger? My anger has been satisfied. Selfishness? I am Servant of all. Fear? There is no fear in Love! There is no situation in which I would EVER turn away from My children or from My creation, because the one thing that could separate Me from you has been dealt with by My Son, removed forever. Only sin or rebellion can turn the heart of a father away. Take heart, then, in the knowledge that there is no circumstance in which I will turn away from you; only times when you will turn away from Me. Always it is within your control and ability to return to Me. Always I am available to you, My heart wide open! It is man's sin which turns him away; it is My heart to connect. Those who respond will always praise, always love, always believe and always communicate. And I will always hear. Lifelong hearing loss caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her "secret weapon:" the ability to hear from God. An author, prophetic teacher, and longtime Christian leader, Deborah reaches people around the globe through the ministry of His Inscriptions. Through prayer and prophetic trainings, discipleship and a weekly blog, she is passionate about helping others "Discover Life-Giving Communication with God." She lives in New England with her husband, three children, and a coopful of chickens who can be pretty noisy! Subscribe to her blog, check out her books on Amazon, or Contact Deborah here. |
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Deborah Perkins Categories
January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |