Wisdom has built her house, She has hewn out her seven pillars; She has prepared her food, She has mixed her wine; She has also set her table; She has sent out her maidens, She calls from the tops of the heights of the city: "Whoever is naive, let him turn in here!" To him who lacks understanding She says, "Come, eat of my food and drink of the wine I have mixed. "Forsake your folly and live, and proceed in the way of understanding." ~ Proverbs 9:1-6 NASBS THE STOREHOUSE OF SCROLLSOn October 21, 2023, the Holy Spirit brought me into a vision. Taking my right hand, the Holy Spirit led me down a flight of stone stairs. The staircase was ancient and uneven, descending very deep underground. The stairs were made of gray stone; they were jagged and curved in places, and we descended far below the earth until we came to the opening of a wide cave. The cave was well-lit, but not with electricity. Its red clay walls had their own subtle, golden glow as if somehow backlit from behind the stones. The source of light was invisible to my eyes, yet everything in the cave could be clearly seen. As we came to the bottom of the stairs, there was a pool of clear water. The walls of the cave contained many open compartments like cubbyholes, each containing inscribed scrolls. Each scroll was rolled up and tied with a black ribbon. Each lay on its side in its compartment until the time came to read or deliver it. I understood by the Spirit that this cave (much like the caves at Qumran containing the Dead Sea Scrolls) represented God’s storehouse of Wisdom and Revelation. I heard the Holy Spirit say: “Truly you are a God who hides Himself.” (Isaiah 45:15-17) The Lord showed me that this “cave” was a freely accessible place in the Spirit for those who knew about it. It was placed on the inside of all God’s children! It was totally protected in that no enemy on the outside could find it. It was literally “hidden in plain sight.” Those who descended the stairs were attended to by angels, who appeared like men in white shirts moving about the cave. These men would remove the needed scroll, unroll it on one of the tables in the center of the cave, and then deliver it to its intended recipient for use. I heard the Spirit say: “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and I find knowledge and discretion.” (Proverbs 8:12) I saw that these scrolls contained all the manifold wisdom and revelation of God throughout the ages, from the beginning of time. Angels released these scrolls at a predetermined time to those who needed them; to those who knew where the storehouse was. Sadly, although access to this storehouse of wisdom and revelation was free, it was rarely used by believers. THE WINE CELLARSuddenly, He transported me into his house of wine-- He looked upon me with his unrelenting love divine. ~ Song of Songs 2:4, TPT As I stood watching the angelic activity in the cave, the Holy Spirit shifted the encounter. The storehouse of scrolls was transformed into a storehouse of wine: a wine cellar! Immediately, the scrolls (which had been lying on their sides in the cavern’s compartments) became bottles of wine, also appropriately stored on their sides. I was told that this cave represented God’s “wine cellar.” Like aged wine, these stored bottles contained ancient anointings not yet poured out on God’s people. They were God’s costly vintage; His “reserve.” I heard the Lord say: “I have saved the best wine for last!” Remember that Jesus’s first miracle was turning the water into wine at Cana (John 2). “Cana” means a reed or measuring rod. I was reminded that Christ’s chief concern at the wedding was timing: that His ‘hour had not yet come.’ In the vision, I understood that there was an appointed time for every “wine,” or every anointing in God’s cellar. To open a wine too soon would spoil the vintage. The men or angels in white shirts continued to move about the cave. Now I saw that each carried a bottle of wine and a glass in his hands. Each also had a crisp, white towel draped over his right arm like a servant. Who were they? The Holy Spirit told me that these were God’s “ wine stewards;” those whose task was to open and carry specific bottles of wine to the recipients at the right times. I saw these angelic “stewards” select bottles from various parts of the cave, open them on the tables, and then pour them out. Both bottles and glasses of wine were carried into an adjacent part of the cave to be served. Believers who descended daily into this storehouse of spiritual wisdom and revelation received what they needed to drink. It was more than just a drink of living water; it was a carefully curated anointing unique to their time. STEWARDS OF THE GLORYIn the final scene of the encounter, I saw that believers who decreed God’s Words, especially prophets, ministers, and intercessors, were also considered ‘stewards’ of God’s glorious anointings. Holy Spirit directed me to Colossians 1:25-27: “Of this church I was made a minister according to the STEWARDSHIP from God bestowed on me for your benefit, so that I might fully carry out the preaching of the Word of God, that is, the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations, but has now been manifested to His saints, to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” As the words from Colossians echoed in my spirit, the Holy Spirit pulled out a bottle of wine from God’s reserves, cradling it in front of me so that I could see its white label. He said that believers were to read the labels on the bottles given to them, which would become words of knowledge to impart each anointing. Just as every scroll carried a prophetic message, so there was an anointing in each bottle of new wine. On every label were printed several identifiers a winemaker might use. Yet in the vision, these were interpreted differently:
Proverbs 31:6-7 says: “Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress.” It is no accident that God has reserved His best, most glorious anointings for end-time seasons of distress. There is a time and season for everything. The vision serves as a reminder that wisdom and revelation are still freely accessible to all who are willing to follow the Holy Spirit down these ancient paths, into quiet places of deep humility. In the secret storehouse of God’s Presence, believers can still find their scrolls: hidden treasures of wisdom and revelation! They can receive a prophetic understanding of the times and locations where God is sending them. They can both receive and pour out the vintage anointings - the “new wine” of the Lord! PRAY WITH ME:Father, I desire to receive all the wisdom and revelation You have stored up for me. Don’t let me miss these precious moments in Your Presence! I invite Your Holy Spirit to lead me into deeper places of prayer and humility, where I can experience Your great outpourings. Like the Shulamite in the Songs, bring me to your house of wine; fill me to overflow! Thank you for Your refreshing living water which becomes new wine, strengthening me for the days ahead. Cause me to read and understand the signs of the times. Send me to the ones who can receive what I carry out of Your holy storehouses! May Your glory cover the whole earth, and may I be a good steward of all that You have given me. In Jesus’s Name, Amen. Author, Speaker, and Christian Ministry leader Deborah Perkins inspires people worldwide to discover "Life-Giving Communication with God." Join her daily on social media, or visit her website for prophetic words, Bible teaching, and a free weekly blog. Need more direction in your spiritual life? Find her books on Amazon.com! |
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January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |