Dear Friends, As I prayed about this coming year, 2021, I heard a proclamation in the Spirit: “We have liftoff!” The moment I heard these words, I looked at my clock, and the time was 3:21 AM. I understood that the Body of Christ was now in a ‘3-2-1- launch” time! I heard in the Spirit that a significant theme for 2021 was “delineation.” We will begin to see and differentiate between those who truly know God, walking by faith, and those who know or trust only themselves. To delineate means to define or describe precisely. We can expect God to bring fresh clarity this year where things have previously been obscured. Self-knowledge is necessary for growth, but the knowledge of the Holy One - and what He considers holy - is needed for us to grow to full maturity. God is breaking off of His people the idea that maturity is “always knowing what to do” and replacing it with the truth that Kingdom maturity is knowing HIM. Spiritual dependence feels wrong to our natural minds until we realize that apart from Christ, we can do nothing! There is separation and delineation happening in the world and within the Body of Christ which is God-ordained and God-initiated. In the political and social realms today, the Spirit of God is separating light from darkness by exposing deep state and high-level injustices. We are going to see this happen in the religious sector as well. The Lord is taking us back to the foundations. As I prayed about these words, the Holy Spirit took me into chapter 1 of Genesis. Most believers tend to think of Genesis as a story of creation, yet it is also a story of separation: “The earth was a formless and desolate emptiness, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Then God said: “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness…” (Genesis 1:2-4; NASB) “God made the expanse, and separated the waters that were below the expanse from the waters that were above the expanse; and it was so. God called the expanse ‘heaven.’” (Genesis 1:7-8) With each successive proclamation in Genesis, God separates and delineates darkness from light; land from sea; heavens from earth; even woman from man, giving definition and order to our world. In a dream several days later, I was shown handwriting in capital letters on a wall which read: “THE SECRET TO THE BOOK OF GENESIS.” When I awoke, immediately in my spirit I heard the Lord say, “There is no birth without separation. There is no creation without separation. Genesis is My book of lineage, birthing, separation, and delineation.” Indeed, both the Old and New Testaments (Genesis and Matthew) begin with books that define lineage through the generations!* We should expect that what God is separating and defining now will help us see more clearly what is being birthed for the future! COME OUT FROM AMONG THEMNothing separates believers from the love of God in Jesus Christ. But God calls believers to separate themselves from the world to Him, and we are in a season where God is testing and examining our hearts; showing us areas of internal darkness and idolatry we have not even perceived! The eyes of the Lord are searching His people right now. God is doing a "heart check;" taking the pulse of His Body and seeing where we trust and where we doubt. Some of us are receiving spiritual open-heart surgery! 2 Corinthians 6:14 describes five unholy partnerships that require separation: believers from unbelievers; righteousness from lawlessness; light from darkness; Christ from Belial (Satan); and the temple of God from idolatry. The command from the Lord is to "come out from their midst and be separate." The promise attached to the command is that when this separation occurs, God will manifest Himself to believers as Father, and the restoration of His holy sons and daughters will begin. (Download the accompanying free worksheet to help you apply this word for 2021). In an extended vision one night, the Lord showed me that it is His desire to separate believers from the chaos of the earth and worldly thinking so that we may enter into the order and rest of the Spirit and dwell in heavenly places in 2021. Although there has been great turmoil this year, there is a place of deep peace IN HIM that is accessible by faith. I heard the Lord say: “I am calling My church (to separate) up and out of self and into the revelation of heavenly realms; other-worldly things; revelation which has been left for too long by the wayside. Those who refuse to see or know anything beyond what is immediately in front of them will not progress on the “highway” of holiness, because they will not authentically perceive where they are going. This highway is not a natural one; it may begin in the natural but it ends in the Spirit! Those who fail to perceive the demarcation points, the places where their journey separates them from worldly things, will not soar with Me in the coming year.” A VISION OF TRANSPORTATION IN THE SPIRITAs I watched in this vision, I saw that those who chose to abide in Christ in 2020 had boarded an “airplane” in the Spirit. They had taken the time to leave old routines and positions in order to embark on this plane through a gateway marked “departures.” The name inscribed on the fuselage of this plane was “TRUST.” I heard the Spirit say “3-2-1-Liftoff!” I knew that this aircraft was already being launched with its passengers. Many of us have found ourselves seated with new people, forging new relationships by the Spirit, and finding our tribes in the middle of this year’s trials. 2020 was a year when heavenly gates were opened and we were called to separate from everyday life and ASCEND into the Lord’s Presence (Psalm 24). We were warned that to fail to ascend through rest and stillness was to suffer great personal loss. In my vision, I saw that when this plane took off in the Spirit, there was a great acceleration that happened first in order for it to leave the ground. Just as it is in the natural, the runway on the earth ended; the plane HAD to ascend into the air or it would collide with an approaching tree line. The acceleration also caused a great shaking and trembling to occur. I heard the Lord say: “Many people have reveled in the speed and acceleration of past seasons, but failed to perceive the REASON for this acceleration, which was to corporately get My Body OFF THE GROUND and into the air. The destination of this plane was always the air, not the ground! “The aircraft you are now in is far too large and cumbersome for ground warfare. You must allow the power of the Holy Spirit to bring you into “liftoff” to see where your Pilot - the Lord - takes you this year!” There will be a stark contrast between those who continue to worship, work, and plan as though nothing has changed, and those who yield to the upward movement of the Holy Spirit in this time. While acceleration is wonderful, in this case it will become dangerous if we do not allow it to propel us up into our destinies. God gives both perspective and protection to those who ascend with Him. BY FAITHHebrews 11-12 and Galatians 3 are key scriptures for those who want to “soar” with the Lord this year. The righteous will live by faith! The separating process of the Lord will bring a distinction between those who walk in the flesh and those who walk in the Spirit. The godly remnant - sons and daughters of God - will be revealed. Galatians 3:3-6: Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh? Have you experienced so much in vain—if it really was in vain? So again I ask, does God give you His Spirit and work miracles among you by the works of the law, or by your believing what you heard? So also Abraham “believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” Hebrews 11:8 says Abraham “went, not knowing where he was going.” God’s blessing is going to be on those who, like Abraham and all the others listed in faith’s “hall of fame,” are willing to go with Him “not knowing where they are going.” It takes faith to get on a plane when your ticket doesn’t show the destination! Dear Friends, I know from experience the severity of the enemy’s attacks. As you’re standing on the promises of God, some of you may feel like you are out of your minds; that to walk by faith right now seems impossible - and it is! It is time to get out of your mind and into the Spirit! There are things we are believing for that are SO GREAT only God can do them, and that is exactly how it is supposed to be! I encourage you to hold on, to not give up, and to take hold of this year’s “keywords” in the Spirit which are FAITH and TRUST! God is faithful, God is trustworthy, and He will finish what He has started! In HIM we live, move, and have our being. In HIM - BY FAITH - you will move into your destiny! MOVERS AND SHAKERSAs I continued to listen, the Lord said: “Many people will begin to travel where they have not gone before. I will open up new vistas, new windows of opportunity for those who have the foresight to remove the blinders from their eyes and pay attention to the things I’m showing them on their journey. Continue to pray for an uncovering of all that has blinded you to the light and truth of My glory. Pray for eyes to see what is coming so that you may be prepared for what is just ahead. “I will be moving and shaking some, while others will become movers and shakers themselves. You will either yield to My movements or be shaken out of them! Those who allow themselves to be led, rather than fighting against My leading and order, will be far more effective in this season, and will find that the Holy Spirit automatically deposits them in all the right places, without them even knowing how they got there! “I am opening up hubs of activity worldwide that have nothing to do with man’s ways or methods. I am expanding on new ideas in the Spirit that have been birthed by prophets and intercessors and now are ready to be built by apostles, teachers, pastors, and evangelists. I am ON THE MOVE and those who choose to yield and rest in Me will find they become part of these new movements in the Spirit. “Rest remains a key for you. Put your seat back. Worship. Study. Eat. Talk. Connect. Let Me prepare you, for although you are being moved into your unique placements and positions, you are not there yet and your role is still to worship, rest, watch, and listen before landing. Patience and trust are required. Trust in MY movements as you continue to remain in Me!” JESUS IS THE WAY; THE FATHER IS OUR DESTINATIONFor those who wonder, like Thomas the disciple, “Where are we going? How can we know the way?” For those who are uncomfortable with the idea of embarking on an adventure that seems to have no destination, the Lord says: “You know the way to the place where I am going. I AM the way and the truth and the life!” (John 14:4-6) Doubt, unbelief, fleshly thinking, and dead works will hinder us from moving forward this year. Galatians 4:30 says that the only way to share in God’s inheritance is to cast out what enslaves us and expel that which is born of the flesh. Our lineage and our inheritance comes from heaven, not earth! Our ultimate destination is and always will be the Father. By faith, we must first ascend to the Father through His Son to see what He is doing! Those who enter into rest with the Father through spiritual ascent will find that He “lands” their plane exactly where they and their accompanying “tribes” need to be in the future! God’s works were finished in the heavenly realms from the foundation of the world. The rest and peace He is releasing right now as we journey with Him are meant to pull us up out of the muck and chaos of earth and cause us to shine like stars in the universe. 2021 will be a year for GREAT FAITH and GREAT TRUST. Are you okay with NOT KNOWING? Do you trust the Pilot who IS the way? Do you believe that God’s plan - and your destination - is good? If you are still clinging to the old ways of doing things, I urge you to let them go, accept the change instead of fighting against it, and let God bring you into the new things He has prepared for you. You won't live in the new until you leave the old! CHOOSE TO BELIEVE, NOT TO DESPAIR!Psalm 27:13 promises that we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living - if we believe! In 2021, we will have a choice to make between despairing or trusting. IN HIM we live and move and have our being! There will be times when it is only our ability to remain in the Spirit that protects us from what is happening around us. Trust is not passive; in the heat of battle, it is bold warriors who make confessions of trust in an unseen God! The fruit of yielding to the Spirit and ascending to the Lord in 2021 will be a healthy Body with a strong, courageous heart; one that can withstand every storm because it trusts confidently in the goodness of God. 2021 is a year where BY FAITH, the Body of Christ will experience a new season of ascension, glory, rest, and rule with Him. This season is a fulfillment of the beautiful scripture in Isaiah 40:31: "Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." ~Deborah
*Brian Simmons notes in The Passion Translation that Genesis delineates ten separate stories of the generations; Matthew’s gospel also opens by describing the three sets of fourteen generations preceding the birth of Christ.
© Deborah Perkins /; Cover image credit: Adi Sagi of Unsplash. |
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January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |