In 2010 my husband and I had an angelic encounter in which the Lord revealed a progressive sequence of events that would take place in coming years. Although I have only spoken once publicly about this encounter, the Lord compelled me to share a few of the highlights with you again today. SHAKING, BLOWING, BURNINGIn 2010, I was told by the Lord that there would be a “shaking, a blowing, and then a burning” that happened in America; spiritually, politically, and economically. While this threefold progression of events would impact all people, the outcomes for the Body of Christ would be radically different than the end results for the ungodly. I saw the potential collapse of financial systems as we knew them, and I heard the Lord say that evil political rulers were no match for His power. Despite any devastation that might come, God wanted to comfort and reassure believers of His love and His sovereignty over all things. The complex systems that man had set up appeared to God like nothing more than a child’s toy towers; easily knocked over! We have certainly been through the shaking, and we are now seeing the “blowing” as a time of winnowing and harvest. Wheat is being separated from tares as the winds of the Spirit blow away confusion, deception, and everything that stands in the way of God’s Kingdom and truth advancing. THE BURNINGThis week as I encountered the Lord Jesus, He spoke again about the “burning” stage. In a vision, I saw that the Lord was setting up a fire in a clearing. He had laid out the wood for the fire in an open area for anyone to see. I knew that what appeared to be a “campfire” actually represented revival fires that would erupt in not just one location but many around the world. Jesus wanted to reveal Himself in greater measure as the Flame of the Lord, in this season of “burning.” (Isaiah 10:17.) For believers, the burning represents a branding. For the obedient “remnant” in the Body of Christ, that branding will look like a spiritual mark of “Holy to the Lord.” For those who do not fear God, however, the burning will expose and bring to an end dead, antichrist works done in the flesh. (As symbolized by the dead wood.) In this vision, I saw kindling but no flame. Thinking of Elijah with the Baals on Mount Carmel, I began praying that God would send the “flames” of revival. But the Lord had something else in mind. As I continued to watch, the Lord instructed me to pour oil on top of the wood until it was saturated. Next, He asked me to blow on the oil-soaked logs to ignite them with the breath of the Holy Spirit. Unlike Elijah, today’s believers must partner with God not only to build these revival fires but also to ignite them by releasing the Holy Spirit’s flame from within them! I saw that a flashpoint was coming: a sudden eruption into flame, when believers’ increasingly heated prayers throughout this volatile season burst into sustained flames of revival. God is asking His Bride to BLOW on the prepared wood: to keep breathing and decreeing His fiery words over everything that appears dead. (Ezekiel 37.) The oil-soaked kindling is at a boiling point and will quickly ignite as the breath of God from believers’ mouths touches it, becoming a consuming fire! I saw that this scene would be enacted in many locations; many sparks will ignite and many fires will burn! Even in times of conflict, I saw believers huddled around these fires together to worship; to tell stories of His faithfulness; to share what God provides; and to celebrate their adventures with Him. The fires were places of warmth, togetherness, and rest. The Lord Himself would visit these fires, engaging in “tête-å-tête” conversations with His people. PROVISIONBeside each of these revival fires were tables and tents. Surprisingly, the tents were not for sleeping; they were full of provisions for the remnant. Inside the first tent was fresh bread, piled from the ground to the tent’s apex; just outside the tent door were buckets of fresh water to drink. Inside a second tent I was surprised to find a massive pile of new brown leather journals. The Lord said that those who come to meet with Him at these fires will need the journals to chronicle their amazing journeys with Him! There was a clear sense of mobility, movement and adventure for believers who had committed themselves to living a holy lifestyle with God in the midst of volatile times. The remnant would be warmed by these fires; they would share in fellowship and break bread with the Lord and each other. Yet these "journalists" would not be sleeping or stagnant; they had missions to fulfill and it was the Lord’s intention to provide for them at every site. Their works would become a witness to future generations. A CONSUMING FIREJust like in Korah’s rebellion (Numbers 16), I believe we will see a permanent and perhaps violent separation between those who are marked by the Lord as holy and those who are not, even within the “priesthood” of the Body of Christ. Moses and Aaron watched as in one day the Lord destroyed the sons of Levi - quasi-priests - who were offering unsanctioned fire: “And (Moses) said to the congregation, ‘Get away from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, or you will be swept away in all their sin. “…By this you will know that the Lord has sent me to do all these works, for I do not act of my own accord… If the Lord creates an entirely new thing, and the ground opens its mouth and swallows them up, along with all that belongs to them, and they descend alive into Sheol, then you will understand that these men have spurned and rejected the Lord!’ “ … As soon as Moses finished speaking all these words, the ground under them split open and swallowed them and their households, and all the men who supported Korah, with all their possessions. “…Fire also came forth from the Lord and consumed two hundred and fifty men who were offering the incense.” (Numbers 16:26; 28; 30-32; 35.) We are seeing similar events, where what has been set up in the strength of man or in opposition to God’s true priesthood, is suddenly being exposed and destroyed. Yet the holy remnant has a promise for such times of reckoning: “In that day the Branch of the Lord will be splendid and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be excellent and lovely to those of Israel who have survived. It will come to pass that he who is left in Zion and remains in Jerusalem will be called HOLY - set apart for God - everyone who is recorded for (eternal) life in Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 4:2-3) As God removes the supply of bread and water from nations that have rebelled against Him; ignoring, defiling, and provoking His Presence with Sodom-like sin; He is reassuring those who truly love Him that all will be well; the righteous will reap the good they have sown (Isaiah 3). THE FLAME OF THE LORD IS YOUR LIGHT! An invitation to “walk in the light of the Lord” (Isaiah 2:5) is being issued in preparation for greater darkness. The time in my vision this week was dusk; total darkness was quickly coming and it was harder to see. This was not the first time the Lord had spoken to me about a deep level of wickedness that would cause large-scale blackouts, conflicts, and chaos. I sense that the Lord is issuing His invitation with a crucial warning to be aware of the lateness of the hour. The fear of the Lord is falling on believers and unbelievers alike. Those who are already on fire for the Lord do not need to fear a time of “burning,” because they belong to the true Shining One! They will bear the marks of God’s Presence and will move from place to place with signs of His provision and power. They will become the storytellers of our generation! Yet I believe the Lord is asking again: will you partner with Me in prayer to help ignite one of the most widespread revival movements this world has ever known? Will you choose to respond with courage in a dark time when others fear taking places of leadership or governance? Will you continue to follow Me? |
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Deborah Perkins Categories
December 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |