As I prayed this morning, I heard the voice of the Lord speaking about seeds and harvest. It is so important to be sowing God's Words right now so that He can multiply our harvest! The Lord also reminded me of a word He had released in January, 2017 concerning the "Garden of the Lord," which I have not published until now. The two words dovetailed so beautifully that I wanted to share them with you today. My prayer is that these words will encourage you to intentionally plant the "seeds" the Lord is giving you in this season so that you can see a great harvest. The Garden of the Lord"You have come upon a Garden – a Paradise of life in the Spirit, and you wonder at the richness and depth of My soil! Here there are no rocks; no weeds to interfere; no shade or darkness to stifle growth. There is only sun and fruitfulness; growth and joy. "As you cherish each flower and plant in My Kingdom Garden, gather from it the seeds and the beauty to take back with you, and plant them in the lesser (earthly) gardens. These heirloom seeds may be captured and made to reproduce in wilder climes. "Take the seeds of My Words and sow them into the hearts of the people to whom I send you, and into those who cross your paths. In every place, these seeds will produce life. It will be up to the recipients to cultivate their beauty and maintain their joy. "What I share with you always has potential for growth and expansion, like the leaven that expands a loaf, or the oil that never runs out. Food multiplies; seeds produce orchards and crops in abundance through the law of multiplication in My Kingdom! "Once I give you seeds, they must be planted by faith in peoples' hearts in order to grow and produce a harvest. MANY PEOPLE RECEIVE MY SEEDS BUT STORE THEM AWAY, NEVER PLANTING THEIR CROPS! DO NOT BE ONE OF THEM! "Every Word of Mine carries within it the potential for multiplication." The Lord is Looking for Laborers! I heard the Lord speaking of laborers needed for an incoming harvest. There is no shortage of believers in His Kingdom, but there is a shortage of workers who have the desire and the willingness to plant, nurture, and cultivate godly seed! A.W. Tozer calls committed laborers the "hundredfold Christians." For instance, in America alone, the number of Christian believers who actively engage with the Bible is somewhere between 17-30%. Close to 60% of American believers classify themselves as "disengaged" or "neutral" with respect to reading or using the Word of God.* Friends, we must prayerfully and intentionally plant the Word of God for it to be effective! To see a harvest we must both know and sow the Word! Our prayers of agreement and our prophetic declarations are essential this year, especially in light of the increased censorship of sound Bible teaching. Again I heard the Lord say: "My people have an abundance of seed, yet they do not always use it, and so experience enormous lack. Surely I tell you, there are some who do not work; who will not labor for what is good! Choose to be a distributor of My Words, for in My mercy and grace I give all men a chance to know and experience My life. The choice is theirs. "To devote yourselves to prayer and the Word is to receive the blessings of 'seedtime and harvest.' This principle is the foundation for expansion in My Kingdom." Holy Seeds Are Being ReleasedWe have a biblical promise that when we sow in tears we reap with songs of joy! It is time to go forth weeping, carrying our bags of seed, so that we can come back again rejoicing. (Psalm 126.) The Lord is giving many of you "holy seeds" to sow into the hearts of family members and friends as you "carry" those whom you love in intercession. Seed reproduces after its kind. These "seeds" may be Spirit-inspired prayers, Bible verses, prophetic words of encouragement, or acts of service. Your activated words of life and blessing will yield an abundant crop. In addition, the Lord decrees that "from the day you set your heart back on the Lord" He will bless you. (Haggai 2.) Like Daniel, you will find that the day you begin to pray, an answer is on its way! Words and actions inspired by the Holy Spirit - your "holy seeds" - cause all the nations of the earth to be blessed. It is the sons of the Kingdom whom Jesus calls "good seed" in Matthew 13. As you continue to sow the light of Christ through intercession, declarations, and acts of love, you will see lives saved. (See Genesis 47:19-25.) It is a lie of the enemy that the Lord does not have fresh seeds for you daily. Do not allow the enemy's "tares" to overrun your harvest! The Lord is saying to you today: "Those who linger at My doorways will ALWAYS receive! I always fill; I always feed; My arms are never empty! Every time you position yourself here there will be bread and wine; meat and drink. Those who listen will be filled with My righteousness, and this provision of My own flesh and substance will sustain you and many others. What I give you as seed will expand and multiply into meals for the masses."
PRAY with me today:
Lord, I cherish Your Words! Every "seed" you share is full of life! Fill me today with that which sustains me and nourishes those around me. I decree that Your Words in my mouth will produce expansion and multiplication. They are designed to reproduce what is holy in the world around me. Thank you that light is sown for the righteous, and joy for the upright in heart. I believe that Your Word is a doorway into Your Presence. The entrance of Your Words is bringing light into my spirit, soul, and body as I engage with You. I rejoice to see a harvest everywhere You send me! Amen. © Deborah Perkins / *Source: Barna Research 2019; State of the Bible report. |
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December 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |