In a vision early this morning I saw the Lord overturning tables in the temple. (Matthew 21:12-13.) The tables in the vision, He said, represented "trading tables;" places in people's hearts where the enemy had caused them to "trade" God's ways and God's goodness for demonic agendas. I felt the Lord's zealous desire to overturn those places where the enemy has taken over and "set up shop" in peoples' hearts. He longs to restore purity, peace, and prayer to His Bride! SONGS OF DELIVERANCEAs I continued to listen to the Lord, I heard Him say: "Deliverance is going to be the theme - the SONG OF MY HEART - in coming days." Throughout biblical history, there are songs of favor and deliverance that arise in the midst of impossible situations: Moses and Miriam, David, Deborah, Mary, Paul and Silas and so many others rejoice in God's deliverance - even before it takes place! I heard the Lord releasing songs of deliverance, personally and corporately, to demonstrate His power and goodness towards those who walk in the fear of the Lord at this critical time. I heard Him say: "What man has found impossible to do in all his strength, I will now do through My resurrection power. There is a RESURRECTION OF DREAMS on the horizon; an incoming cloud of My goodness and mercy that will rain down blessings that will astound you! "Those watchmen who have watched and waited for the arrival of this "cloud" will now find they must quickly run for cover themselves as I close the gap: the distance between their perceptions and My reality! "For what you have perceived to be far off is coming at an accelerated speed; what you thought you had time to prepare for will appear more quickly than you anticipated! "To delay is unwise at this point; make yourself ready; prepare for the onslaught of ABUNDANT RAIN. It will be goodness to My people, but terror to those who have refused Me. I WILL COME; I am coming at a faster rate than anticipated, and it is the READINESS of My Bride that is essential in this hour." GODLY GOVERNMENT"Do not worry about those who say they have a "call" to government, whether civil or religious, who elevate themselves in their own minds, but have no God-given authority. Whatever their source, they will not stand. "My TRUE GOVERNMENT is in places of humility, BENEATH the towers and platforms men have constructed. I dwell with the humble and contrite ones; I walk the streets with the homeless; I care for the orphaned. My authentic governors and ambassadors are working in the LOWEST of places, the meanest of conditions, to bring mercy and justice to even the undeserving objects of My love. "Focus on the work at hand, not on the rhetoric of the enemy. Just as your calling is true and irrevocable, so the enemy's mandate is false and constant; he is the father of lies. Remain true to Me, and to the things I have assigned you to do, and I will make a way for you through the challenges, through the deceptions, and through the outright lies." INOCULATION WITH THE WORD"The last enemy to be destroyed is death itself. There are many enemies of My goodness who assault you today. You have not yet come to the final battle; you will need perseverance and hope to continue. "Fill your minds with My Word to combat the deceptions and misperceptions of the enemy, driving out those who "change" and "trade" on My goodness but cheapen My grace. Let the anointing that is in you arise and fill you with all truth, INOCULATING you to demonic deceptions! "Dear Ones, what you perceive is not always real. Let the ministry of My Spirit convert and transform your minds and souls until you see rightly again and discern what is true! "FAITH comes by HEARING, and hearing by My Word. Yet LIGHT comes by SEEING; the right application of My Word will bring light and stability to the whole Body." When I researched the word "inoculate," which the Lord spoke to me above, I found (through Wikipedia) that the term "inoculation" is originally a horticultural term which made its way into the English language. It means to graft a bud (or 'eye') from one plant to another. It is derived from the Latin words in + oculus (which means, literally "in + eye.") What a beautiful picture of the grafting in of God's people, THROUGH THE POWER OF HIS WORD, to the one true Vine which is Christ! Right seeing and right hearing - by filling the gateways of our eyes and ears with light from the revealed Word - will always be the best "vaccine" against deceptions and misperceptions of the enemy. THE IDOLATRY OF MAN WILL BE DESTROYED BY THE LOVERS OF GODFinally, as I prayed about these words, I heard the Spirit say: "Even as I remove the idolatry and 'hero worship' of previous generations, I am raising up DELIVERERS who are not motivated by selfish ambition or fame, but by LOVE. These lovers of God are not lovers only, but WARRIORS whose intimacy with Me is a threat to the enemy! The devil will strike out against My Beloved ones in jealousy, but their TRANSPARENT HONESTY before Me will activate a shield of protection around them which enables them to move forward in TRIUMPHANT VICTORY!" Decree with me today: Every demonic agenda against me and against this nation is being overturned by the resurrection power of Christ, which is at work within me. BY FAITH I tear down the altars of idolatry that have been set up against the Lordship and government of Christ. I refuse to trade or exchange the glory of God for corrupted idols on the altar of my heart. I do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Holy Spirit, I yield to the ongoing work of exposure and purification in the life of Your Body. I thank you for releasing SONGS OF GREAT DELIVERANCE in our world! Let the entrance of Your Words bring LIGHT, Lord. Restore Your temple to be a sanctuary of holiness, purity, peace, and prayer where ALL NATIONS can see Your glory. Amen! Blessings to each and every friend and reader of His Inscriptions. You are loved! Deborah |
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Deborah Perkins Categories
January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |