Early this morning, the Lord woke me and began releasing words of encouragement for the WOMEN in His Kingdom. These are not just "Esthers" and "Deborahs," as we have heard previously, but also "Annas," those welcoming new things of the Spirit for this new season. I heard Him saying: “There is a Spirit of GRACE upon My women today which will carry them through the next season. There is grace in the Spirit on them the way strength of the flesh rested upon Samson. These women will do mighty exploits in My Name, because they have believed. I am calling forth the “Annas:”* prophetic intercessors whose eyes have been opened to see the new season that is upon them. (As Anna welcomed the arrival of the age of Christ.) They will prophesy of the new miracles just birthed, identifying them to a deaf and blind people who cannot see My promises in their midst. These are the nurturers of the promise, women who cherish deeply the things of God. They will not only see these promises manifesting and identify them to others, but they will also take the promises in hand themselves and bless Me for them.” Breaking the Chains off of Women!“My women have been bound by fear for too long. Even as I release them from these chains, they will release others. These women are not like those in the “women’s rights” movement. They are of a purer heart, and they proclaim a giving up of one’s rights in order to gain the righteousness I give them through Christ. These women are responding with a cry to the disorder they see around them, and calling things back into the order of the Holy Spirit. They do not just respond to the promptings of My Spirit, as Simeon did, coming in from the city to the temple; they live and breathe the things of the Spirit – so that if you were to go up to the temple, you would say it was “Anna’s temple!” They are the guardians and keepers of the watchtower intercession posts. They have spent themselves on behalf of others in the secret place, knowing they would be unrecognized for their labors. Women Empowered by the ResurrectionWhile the world has been fighting for veterans’ rights and wounded warriors who have left the battlefield, these women have continued, persevered in battle, tapping into resurrection power that enabled them to rise repeatedly, hit after hit. They have been broken and yet repaired by supernatural means, for no one saw the difficulties they faced in those moments. They continued to fight for a cause beyond themselves, for something that yielded no immediate benefits, gave no salary, and earned them no worldly credentials. But I tell you, I KNOW THESE WOMEN'S NAMES! Their deeds are recorded in heaven on silver scrolls, etched into My memory as deeds of merit and great worth. They WILL be rewarded! I do not say that “now” is the time for these women to finally be recognized by the world, to be rewarded in the earth for their sacrifices. No, that reward is laid up in heaven. But because they have been faithful, I will reward them with the honor of new assignments in the Spirit, for it is not their own merit they seek, but Mine,” says the Lord. Gems Among Swords“I will open doors of entry for them into greater spheres of influence and passion: influencing those who are now ready to hear what these women must say, and passion for broadcasting My Name. For My Name is sweeter than honey to them. They have tasted of My goodness and seen My value. Just as they value Me, so I value them and will use them. They are on display in My armory like gems among swords. Indeed, this message of THE BEAUTY OF THE LORD in the secret place of the heart will rival any message concerning Me as a Warrior. My church will see that the show-stopping beauty of My nature, as displayed through these women, has a power equal to the mightiest conquerors of old. The display of My splendor will stop men in their tracks as surely as the sight of a conquering army. Their message will be one of “Peace, goodwill to men.” Indeed, they will broker deals between nations that men have been unable to accomplish, because of their purity of heart and their true love for these nations. For I am not a God of destruction, but of redemption. These silver-scrolled, even silver-haired women will reach people in nations they’ve never even heard of. Their influence will be so vast that man will say, “Who is she, and where did she come from?” And there will come a time when the gems and the swords are merged together, when armies of men will see that it is impossible to gain the victory with the strength of the Lord alone; they will take hold of the beauty of the Lord also, and there will be a balance restored in My Kingdom, a softening to the harsh messages of the past and a stirring of souls to the beauty of the Holy Place. I will not leave these women abandoned at their posts; no, I will send them reinforcements. Many men have yet to come to the battlefield. Men will come and lend their strength to weary women, and the tables will turn as the enemy realizes that no, these women are not “weak” at all; their courage has inspired men to return to the battlefield and pursue spiritual victories yet again! “Hold on, hold on,” I hear the Lord saying to these women, “for your reinforcements are coming even now, and it will be necessary for you to brief the incoming ones on the locations of the enemy and the miracles at hand – the movements of My Spirit. Hold on, for though you do not receive the credit you deserve in this life, the world will be surprised at what you have earned in the next! You are valued and dearly loved by ME, says the Lord of Hosts, the captain of your heavenly armies.” *Author’s note: The Hebrew name “Anna” means “grace.” Anna was the daughter of Phanuel, whose name means “the face of God.” The tribe of Asher is the “blessed” tribe – these names all point to a woman who is intimately familiar with God, walks in a face-to-face relationship with her Maker, and lives a life of blessing, encompassed by the promises of God. The description of her life (in the Gospel of Luke) shows us that she was a woman of purity, having married as a virgin, and “well advanced in years.” She was likely over 90 years of age. She was acquainted with sorrow, having been widowed after just seven years of marriage. Although widowed at a young age, she did not become a busybody and gossip, as Paul warns Timothy concerning younger widows. Instead, she “did not depart from the temple, serving God night and day with fastings and prayers.” Neither was she bitter or angry; she had a thankful heart that expressed itself in praise to God. She should remind us of one of the wise and waiting virgins Jesus commended, for her readiness for the arrival of Christ and her lamp full of oil.
Deborah Perkins is a seasoned prophetic writer, speaker, and Christian leader with more than 35 years of ministry experience across denominations. At God's request in 2013, she founded His Inscriptions, an online ministry devoted to helping people worldwide build life-giving communication with God. Through her website, social media, and a weekly blog, Deborah offers discipleship to those who want to grow their relationship with God. Deborah is also fond of her hubby, 3 sons, and dark chocolate - in that order! You can order her newest Bible Study, How to Inherit Your Spiritual Promises, on Amazon.
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December 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |