This morning as I sought the Lord, I had a vision of great activity in heaven. I saw a flurry of people bustling about here and there, all under Christ’s command. Although heaven seemed busy, those who moved about moved with specific orders and definite purpose, obeying what I understood to be Jesus’ plan. As I stood and watched, it occurred to me that as an observer, I myself had no place in this busyness; I was unsure what my role should be in the unfolding drama. “What would you have me do here?” I asked the Lord. Immediately, the answer to my question arose in my spirit: “Do you type? I need cryptographers – urgently!” Suddenly, the nature of what was happening in heaven became clear to me. A war was on, and the Lord had need of those who could interpret and decode strategies, communicate them to His people on earth, and assist in the winning of their battles. “Yes, of course,” I replied, and I immediately found my laptop and began writing out what I had seen. Military IntelligenceThose who are familiar with the events of World War II will remember that Bletchley Park in Buckinghamshire, England, was the secret location where the German “Enigma” and “Lorenz” ciphers, in particular, were decoded. At its peak, a team of nearly 10,000 codebreakers was employed here, which included mathematicians, linguists, computer and logic scientists, chess players and even high-society women. Without the efforts of those who had the ability to decipher and discern the movements of the enemy, battles would have been lost. Between 1942 and 1945, as the German onslaught intensified, the number of people required at Bletchley increased, resulting in an international team of very diverse people. The codebreakers’ efforts were essential to the winning of the war. Not One But ManyWithout question, knowing the anticipated movements of the enemy is a key to winning battles, whether natural or spiritual. Like the sons of Issachar who came to Hebron to assist David in becoming king instead of Saul, we need men and women who understand the times and “know what Israel should do” (1 Chronicles 12:32.) We learn what to do by listening to the Savior as He gives us His commands. The Body of Christ is made up of many parts, each with their unique function. While I may be a linguist in the Kingdom, you might have math or logic skills, and someone else might have the engineering know-how to put into place the things we understand only on paper. ALL ARE NECESSARY to the Kingdom war effort! All function best when working with the fresh revelation Christ gives us to overcome enemy tactics. The chiefs of Issachar who came to David numbered “200, with all their relatives under their command,” according to 1 Chronicles 12:32 (NIV). There were thousands of men from this tribe who came to assist in the war effort. Not only did Issachar’s sons agree to serve voluntarily, but they also came bringing provisions to feed the armies who had gathered at Hebron – sensing the need before it even became an issue. That’s the kind of wisdom we still need! For while Christ has defeated our enemy, Satan has not yet given up the fight against Christ’s allies. He continues to attack, deceive, and strategize on various fronts. I believe this is why I saw the vision: we need many people who are on the alert against the enemy, not just one! Traditionally, heaven’s “decoders” were the prophets. But since the resurrection of Christ, ALL believers have the amazing promise that they can hear God’s strategies for themselves. (John 10:27.) One pastor cannot discern strategies for every battle in his congregation. We need believers, prophets and prayer warriors who are at their “listening stations” on a regular basis, connecting with both God and each other to put the pieces of the puzzle together. To understand our times. It is the combined, unified efforts of believers in our own churches and across the world that give us a clear picture of where the enemy is moving and how God wants to counter those moves. When we collectively discern God’s strategies for this time and season, we enforce the victory He has already won! ConclusionIt is a paradox: we are victorious – yet we are still at war. Heaven knows this. Just as I needed to be reminded of the importance of my personal contribution, so I believe the Body at large needs reminders of theirs. You do not need a vision of heaven to see that the enemy is on the offensive. Look around: notice the battles raging in your area and then ask the Lord: “What would you have me do?” It is in our alignment with our Commander and unified alliance with our brothers and sisters that our battles are won. Believers still on earth need timely, accurate military intelligence. Heaven’s revelation is breaking the codes. Will you convey Christ’s messages? Sign up for the Destiny Conference, June 8-9thOnline Registration for this prayer and prophetic conference extends through June 6th. Sign up today to reserve your place! $30 Registration includes a catered lunch and a full day of anointed speakers, prophetic ministry and personal prayer. Don't miss this important gathering - come and receive strategies for YOUR future! Deborah Perkins is an author and the founder of His Inscriptions, a ministry focused on life-giving communication with God. Through her website, inspired teaching and a weekly blog, Deborah offers discipleship to those who want to grow their relationship with God. A ministry leader for over 30 years, Deborah is an experienced prophetic counselor, marriage mentor, and prayer warrior. She's also fond of her hubby, 3 sons, and dark chocolate - in that order! To purchase her Bible Study, click here. |
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Deborah Perkins Categories
January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |