As I listened to the Lord last night, I felt His heart of compassion and I believe strongly that He asked me to simply pray for you today. Prophetic words are wonderful, teaching and devotionals help us grow, but there is nothing like the powerful ministry of the Holy Spirit in prayer! There is no distance in the Spirit (see Colossians 2:5; 1 Cor 5:3a). God is omnipresent and unlimited in His ability to reach anyone, anytime, anywhere. As I pray in the Spirit for you, and you agree with me, I believe I am effectively standing beside you, IN HIM. Our unity with the Savior means we are never alone! Please join me in agreeing for these very biblical promises and blessings to take place in your life today! Read them out loud over yourself; insert your name if you'd like to make them more personal. They represent God's heart for you! I pray that today, you would be able to both perceive and receive the great love of God for you. Whatever your situation, no matter what challenges you face, I pray you would be strong in battle, knowing that He who overcomes ALL is within you and fighting for you! Where hope has perished because the battle has been long, I speak an awakening surge of God's mighty power on the inside: a re-igniting of what you know to be true, against all evidence to the contrary. In hope Abraham and Sarah conceived! In hope Joshua took the Promised Land! In hope you, too, will see your victories come to pass, one by one. I prophesy a fresh outpouring of the love of God over you today. Let every hindrance to receiving that love be broken now, in Jesus' Name. There is no counsel that can stand against the counsel of the Lord, and He calls you LOVED. CHILD. FRIEND. VICTORIOUS. HOPE-FULL. AMAZING! If your body is broken and weary, please pray this with me, right now: Father, like Abraham, I do not consider my own body, which is as good as dead (Romans 4:19). I consider Your healing Word to be far superior to my condition! I am not finished yet on this earth, so I choose to take hold of the tools in Your heavenly arsenal and do battle by faith. I thank You for the Name of Jesus, to which every opposing name, label, and diagnosis must bow. I apply the blood of my Savior to my body, which is Your temple, sprinkling it clean and declaring it holy to the Lord. I pray in the Spirit on every occasion, especially the times when I don't know what to pray, and I believe the Spirit prays through me even in my weakness. Hallelujah! I praise You and I saturate every dry place in my spirit, soul and body with worship that unlocks the flow of Your mighty Presence in my life. Living water springs up and overflows from within me! I make a quality decision to continue sharing my testimony of Your goodness, one day at a time. I believe that I overcome as I deny myself and follow You. Bring Me someone I can encourage today, Lord. Because You live in me, I ALWAYS have something good to give! Please show me the ones you have ordained for me to reach, right here, right now. For those who are struggling with depression, fear, or suicidal thoughts, pray this prayer out loud with me, believing that your words hold weight in the Kingdom of God. There is power released as I set my prayers in agreement with yours! Father, the Bible says that You are close to the brokenhearted. (Psalm 34:18) I know that You never leave me or forsake me. Yet the enemy has been pressing in lately. I feel like I am surrounded on all sides and can't get out. I need a breakthrough today. Your Word says You are the God of breakthrough (2 Samuel 5:20), and that when I cry out to You, You deliver me from my strong enemy, every time (Psalm 18:16-18 & Ps 34:19). Like David, I cry out to you and I expect to see a Divine Turnaround! Show me the way out - show me the way YOU open up for me, when there seems to be no way! I believe Your counsel opens up ideas I haven't thought of yet. Your ways are higher and Your Word never fails. Depression, GET OUT in Jesus' Name. I open the door of my heart to the wonderful love of God. I take authority over all the oppression of the enemy and every attack on my body, soul, and spirit. Through the blood of Jesus, I cancel every assignment and attempt of the enemy to destroy me. I have nothing to fear, because there is no fear in love! God IS love, I love God, and I WILL NOT FEAR. No weapon formed against me will prevail, and I condemn every accusation and judgment coming against me. I am the righteousness of God in Christ! I am the head, not the tail. I am seated in heavenly places with God, above and not beneath! You, Lord, have been my Savior and now You are my victory! Amen.
Some of you may have specific requests not covered here. Please take a moment to either email me or post your prayer request in our Facebook "Connect and Pray" group (a private, closed group solely for the members of His Inscriptions). One of the blessings of being a His Inscriptions reader is that you are connected to Kingdom warriors around the world who love to pray!
If these prayers have helped you, I'd love to hear your testimonies. It is my fervent prayer that everything I write will be an encouragement to you and a source of spiritual breakthrough as you continue to "Discover Life-Giving Communication with God." God bless you! Deborah
© Deborah Perkins / Photo credit: Harli Marten, Unsplash
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September 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |