Jesus is on a rescue mission to our nation and to the next generation! Beginning at 9pm tonight (Thursday September 27th, 2018) a powerful movement of prayer and intercession will be launched in ALL 50 STATES and on 100 COLLEGE CAMPUSES around America. Our goal: to bring the Presence of Jesus into every state in our nation, and to impact this generation to bring in a billion-soul harvest. I want to personally invite you to find the location nearest your home (see below), and join us for an hour, a day, or the entire weekend. Never before has our nation needed God so desperately, and never before (to my knowledge) has every state in our nation joined in unity to seek God simultaneously through prayer and praise. This is an historic moment you don't want to miss! Details:Who is invited: anyone, anywhere in the US What: 50 hours (3 days) of continuous, 24/7 worship to exalt Jesus and pray for revival in our nation, our children, our government, our churches and our homes. When: September 27th (Thursday, 9pm) through September 29th (Saturday, until 11pm) Where: Every State capital in our nation (see list of locations below) and 100 college campuses Why: 2 Chronicles 7:14 Watch Live Kickoff Video with David Bradshaw, Michael W. Smith, and many others! Locations:(Click on "Event" link under a state, if listed, to visit their Facebook pages for more information) Alabama Capital 263 Commerce Street, Montgomery, AL 36104 EVENT Campuses To be Announced Alaska Capital 9397 La Perouse Ave. Juneau, Alaska 99801 EVENT Campuses University of Alaska – Anchorage Arizona Capital Capitol Senate Lawn 1700 W Washington Phoenix, Arizona Campuses Paradise Valley Community College University of Arizona Grand Canyon University Arizona State University – Tempe Arizona State University – Downtown Phoenix Arkansas Capital Statehouse Convention Center Riverview room 3 Statehouse Plaza Little Rock, AR 72201 Also, We have permits to be on the capitol grounds for 6 hours per day. EVENT Campuses Arkansas State University California Capital Location 1: CESAR CHAVEZ PLAZA 910 I Street Sacramento, CA. 95814 Time: Thurs 9/27 @ 6pm to Saturday 9/29 @ 8pm Location 2: SACRAMENTO STATE CAPITOL 1315 10th Street Sacramento, CA. 95814 Time: Friday 9/28 @ 9am to 9pm EVENT Campuses UCSB UCLA Cal State Northridge CSULB UC Berkeley Cal Tech Pepperdine USC UCI UCSD San Jose State University Colorado Capital 7pm 9/27 – 9pm 9/29. 200 E Colfax Ave Denver CO 80203 EVENT Campuses To be Announced Connecticut Capital 1665 Main Street Hartford, CT 06120 EVENT Campuses To be Announced Delaware Capital 411 Legislative Ave, Dover, DE 19901 EVENT Campuses To be Announced Florida Capital 400 S Monroe st, Tallahassee FL 32399 EVENT Campuses University of Florida Georgia Capital Liberty Plaza 214 Capitol Avenue Atlanta, GA 30334. EVENT Campuses University of West Georgia Hawaii Capital To Be Announced Campuses To be Announced Idaho Capital 700 W. Jefferson St., Boise, Idaho 83702 Campuses To be Announced Illinois Capital Illinois State Fairgrounds 801 E Sangamon Ave Springfield IL 62702 Campuses Bradley University Indiana Capital Main Worship & Prayer Tent will be located at: HOPE CENTER 11850 Brookville Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46239 The “Indiana Strike Tent” on our Statehouse lawn will be located at: 200 W Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46204 Campuses Indiana Wesleyan University Ball State University Purdue University-Fort Wayne Iowa Capital Iowa State Capital South Lawns 1007 E Walnut Des Moines, Iowa 6PM Thursday 9/27 until 11PM 6AM Friday 9/28 until 11PM 6AM Saturday 9/30 until 11PM 11PM TO 6AM Campuses Iowa State Kansas Capital 300 SW 10th, Topeka, KS Campuses Butler County Community College University of Kansas Kentucky Capital Frankfort Capitol Terrace 700 Capitol Ave, Frankfort, KY 40601 Campuses Georgetown College University of Kentucky University of Louisville Louisiana Capital 900 N 3rd St Baton Rouge Louisiana 70802 Campuses To be Announced Maine Capital 160 Riverside Drive Augusta, Maine Campuses To be Announced Maryland Capital 2001 Vineyard Lane Annapolis MD 21401 Campuses To be Announced Massachusetts Capital Boston Common, adjacent to the Brewer Fountain, Boston ,Ma 02108 ….there is no street # to that location, Nearest marker: the tent site is near the corner of Park St & Tremont St, adjacent to the Brewer Fountain This is right outside the Park St Transit Station for those taking public transportation. Tent time is 10 am – 9 pm. Campuses Wellesley College Northeastern American international college Michigan Capital 100 N Capitol Ave Lansing, MI 48933 Campuses Hope College Minnesota Capital Minnesota State Capitol 75 Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55155 Campuses Bethel University University of Minnesota Twin Cities North Central University St. Cloud State University Mississippi Capital Mississippi State Capitol 400 High Street Jackson, MS 39201 Campuses Mississippi State University Missouri Capital 201 W Capitol St Jefferson City MO 65101 Campuses Prayer for the Campuses of Missouri University of Missouri-Kansas City Ozark Technical College Missouri State University Evangel University Drury Montana Capital Montana State Capital Building 1301 E 6th Ave, Helena, MT 59601 Campuses To be Announced Nebraska Capital Centennial Mall and K St. Lincoln, NE Campuses University of Nebraska at Kearney Nevada Capital 101 North Carson St Carson City, NV 89701 Friday 9AM to 5 PM Saturday 9AM to 5PM Campuses University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 S. Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89154 Thursday 5:30PM – 9PM; Friday 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM; Saturday 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM University of Nevada Reno 1664 N. Virginia Street, Reno NV 89557 Friday 28th 7am-7pm Saturday 29th 7am – 7pm New Hampshire Capital 107 N. Main Street, Concord NH 03301 Campuses To be Announced New Jersey Capital 165 E Front St, Trenton, NJ 08608 Campuses Rutgers University — New Brunswick (College Ave Campus) New Mexico Capital 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico & 1239 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, New Mexico Campuses New Mexico State University New York Capital Capital Region Prayer and Healing Center 553 Clinton Ave, Albany, NY Thursday 8-11pm, Friday/Saturday 7am-11pm Victory Christian Church 118 Quail St, Albany, NY Thursday/Friday 11pm-7am Campuses New York University Schenectady County Community College North Carolina Capital Halifax Mall, 300 N Salisbury St Raleigh, NC Campuses Raleigh Campus Connect Guilford Technical Community College Western Carolina University North Dakota Capital Stairs of ND State Capitol 600 East Boulevard, Bismarck, ND Campuses To be Announced Ohio Capital 5050 Old Groveport Rd. Groveport, OH 43125 Campuses To be Announced Oklahoma Capital 2300 N Lincoln Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Campuses University of Oklahoma Oregon Capital 900 Court St NE Salem, OR EVENT Campuses Western Oregon University George Fox University Pennsylvania Capital Walnut St. and Commonwealth Ave, Harrisburg, PA 17120 EVENT Campuses Puerto Rico Capital To Be Announced EVENT Campuses To Be Announced Rhode Island Capital River Island Arts Park 95 Bernon Street Woonsocket, RI Campuses To be Announced South Carolina Capital 1100 Gervais St, Columbia, SC 29201 Campuses Clemson University South Dakota Capital Steamboat Park Poplar Ave Pierre, SD. 57501 Campuses To be Announced Tennessee Capital Watkins Park 616 , 17th Ave. N. , Nashville Tennessee 37203 Campuses Belmont University Tennessee Tech Campus Cookeville Tennessee Texas Capital Kick-off Celebration Texas State Capitol (South Steps) 1100 Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78701 Thursday, September 27 6-9 PM Tent America Iglesia El Shaddai 7650 Ed Bluestein Blvd Austin, TX Thursday, September 27 | 9 PM – Saturday, September 29 | 9 PM Campuses University of Texas (Arlington Campus) University of Texas (Austin Campus) Frank Phillips College Dalhart University of Houston UT Tyler Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi The Prayer Room Church Baylor University LeTourneau University Texas Tech University Utah Capital 350 N State St Salt Lake City, UT 84114 (South East Lawn Area) *** Please note from midnight to 6:00 am the 27th and 28th we will be at: Liberty Church 3855 South 500 West Salt Lake City, UT, 84115 Campuses Healing Rooms Salt Lake City, UT Vermont Capital The MONTPELIER VERMONT TENT will be sustained by 2 hour shifts of Worship and Prayer. We will utilize 2 locations: Our opening service will be 9pm – 11pm Thurs. Sept 27 VERMONT STATE HOUSE LAWN 115 State St., Montpelier The night watch will move to LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 3 St. Paul St., Montpelier 11pm – 9 am (Thurs. & Fri. nights) The worship & Prayer meetings will go back to the VERMONT STATE HOUSE LAWN each morning @ 9 am Fri. Sept. 28th / Sat. 29th The closing meeting is 8 pm – 10 pm LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 3 St. Paul St., Montpelier Campuses To be Announced Virginia Capital Mount Olivet Church 1223 N 25th St, Richmond, Virginia 23223 Campuses Virginia Tech James Madison University Washington Capital Sid Snyder Way. Capital West Lawn Olympia Campuses University of Washington Bothell Campus Seattle Pacific University University of Washington Washington DC Capital David’s Tent 800 Madison Drive NW, Washington, DC, 20408 Campuses To be Announced West Virginia Capital 1900 Kanawha Bld Charleston West Virginia Campuses West Virginia University Wisconsin Capital Crimson Way Church 14625 Watertown Plank Road Elm Grove, WI 53122 Thursday September 27: 8PM -8AM Friday September 28: 10PM – 8 AM McKee Farms Park 2930 Chapel Valley Road Fitchburg, WI 53711 Friday September 28: 8AM-10PM Saturday September 29: 8AM-10PM Campuses University of Wisconsin Wyoming Capital Holiday Park Cheyenne WY 82001 Campuses To be Announced History:Tent America and the Awaken the Dawn movement were founded by Pastor David Bradshaw. From their website: "Our first assignment was Awaken the Dawn on the National Mall in Washington D.C. and it was nothing short of amazing! On the weekend of October 6-9th, 2017, close to 50,000 people and 1,600 worship teams from all 50 states offered up 2850 combined hours of worship and prayer in 58 tents around the clock for three days on our National Mall! Throughout that weekend, nearly 4 million people across the globe participated and heard the gospel LIVE on Facebook! There was a shift in our Nation’s Capital, prayer movements were birthed, prayers were answered, people were healed – and thousands of lives were impacted and forever changed. But the event in Washington was never meant to be the endgame, but a staging ground and beginning of a new Jesus Movement in this generation!" I look forward to praying with you this weekend. Questions? Contact Deborah here for more information, or visit Awaken the Dawn's full website here. |
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Deborah Perkins Categories
September 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |