Dear Friends, For several weeks now as I’ve listened to the Lord, I have felt such a fiery passion in His heart for intimacy with His Bride! There is a loud cry and a standing invitation in the Spirit for the Body of Christ to “come up higher” and abide in an ascended place of intimacy with our risen Lord. I had a vision of the enemy trying to advance ahead of the Bride, digging ditches and depressions along the path and desiring to trip her. But her intimacy with the Lord and her ability to walk in the Spirit kept her high above such traps. Even as Satan is trying to disturb and deconstruct heaven’s influence on earth, God is shaking demonic foundations and bringing heaven to earth! Specifically, I’ve been drawn to Christ’s words to the church of Philadelphia in Revelation. I’ve heard the Lord say that in order for His Bride to be a present-day overcomer, there are two doors she must access. Two doors must always remain open. The first door is the door to the Kingdom of Heaven. The Lord’s message to Philadelphia is a key message of authority for our time. In Revelation 3:8, we discover that there is one door the enemy can never shut: the door Jesus Christ has opened in the spiritual realm. Nothing can close the door to heaven, whose “key” is faith in God’s Son. The Lord is still proclaiming: “I AM the door! If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture” (John 10:9) Nothing can separate the believer from His love or provision! The letter to Philadelphia reveals that overcomers receive not only access to God in heavenly realms, but also a permanent abiding place as “pillars” in God's temple, bearing God’s Name: "The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name." ~Revelation 3:12 NIV "And now we are brothers and sisters in God’s family because of the blood of Jesus, and He welcomes us to come into the most holy sanctuary in the heavenly realm—boldly and without hesitation. For He has dedicated a new, life-giving way for us to approach God. For just as the veil was torn in two, Jesus’ body was torn open to give us free and fresh access to Him!" ~Hebrews 10:19-20 TPT Philadelphia (meaning “brotherly love”) was named after Attalus II in 189 BCE. Attalus was nicknamed “Philadelphus” by King Eumenes II, who considered him a loyal, faithful brother. The city was established as a missionary outpost for Hellenist (Greek) culture and thought. It was also known for its frequent earthquakes. The words Christ gave to the Philadelphian overcomers are promises for us today. In a time of both natural and systemic “shakings” and great hypocrisy, those who faithfully persevere will receive provision and protection in worldwide trials (Rev. 3:10). He who is "holy and true" (Revelation 3:7) speaks into the name and destiny of the Philadelphian church when He commends these believers for their faithful perseverance. In an age where liars abound, Jesus's love will be so manifest that even the most demonically inspired worshipers will be forced to acknowledge God’s love for His people (Rev. 3:9; see also John 14:21). He who "opens and no one can shut, and shuts and no one opens" is the God Isaiah saw removing Shebna from office in favor of Eliakim. (See Isaiah 22:19-25.) Today, the same God is removing false shepherds who have mismanaged His Kingdom and installing secure fathers and mothers as "Eliakims" in their place. If the prophecies to Philadelphia are for us today, how do we access the first “door set before us” in Revelation 3:8? John shows us the way. Just one chapter after hearing Christ’s promise to the Philadelphians in Revelation 3:8, John looks into the Spirit and sees the open door to heaven. (Revelation 4:1-2) Believing, he chooses to go through! John walks in the Spirit and gives documented proof that believers in Christ are bi-locational. By faith, your spirit-being can ascend to supernatural places while your physical body remains on earth. THE SECOND DOOREven as the Lord urged me this year to speak on intimacy and how to enjoy access to Kingdom realms, I inadvertently discovered that there was more to this message. There was, He reminded me, a second door that must remain open for present-day believers to be overcomers. Sickness swept through our home and I became ill for several weeks. Not wanting to miss my times with the Lord, I resolutely continued to press into the Spirit. One morning as I poured out my heart to the Lord in prayer, I was too exhausted to “arise” or “access” any spiritual doors! Physical worship felt impossible; I could barely breathe without fits of coughing. I completely identified with those of “little strength” in Revelation 3:8! Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted. A powerful wave of peace flooded the room and the Presence of the Lord filled my entire being. Both the love and the Fear of the Lord became thick and tangible. As that happened, I heard the Lord say: “I choose to come and dwell with you, too! I come and eat with you when the door of your heart is open to Me!” The intense reality of God indwelling the believer encompassed me so strongly in this encounter! The Lord mercifully reminded me that He communes with us even in our weaknesses whenever the second door - the door of our heart - remains open to Him. Such a glorious reminder that access to the Kingdom of God is never out of reach; it is within! Christ comes to us: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with Me.” ~Revelation 3:20 NIV In the midst of this encounter, an unexpected thought surfaced: If believers were called to "eat" of the Lord’s Body and blood (John 6:53-58); what did He eat? I had nothing of substance to give the Lord that day; no physical strength remained! The Lord responded to this thought with a reverberating voice: “I FEAST on your praise! I FEAST on your worship!” I sensed such immense delight in the Lord's heart as He said this. Simple acknowledgement of His Presence caused Him to draw near; in response, His Presence evoked gratitude to erupt in praises to Him! "These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at My Word." ~Isaiah 66:2 OPEN-HEARTED INTIMACYThere is an increase of the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord being released right now that is meant to keep the Bride in this protected cycle of shared communion and close intimacy with the Bridegroom. Just as the first door of Christ’s heart is perpetually open to us, so the second door of our heart must remain open to Him. The key to the second door is honesty in the Fear of the Lord. (Isaiah 33:6) You can set an open door in your heart just as Jesus has set an open door in His. Paul confirms this relational truth when he writes: “We have spoken freely to you… and opened our hearts wide to you. We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. As a fair exchange - I speak as to my children - open wide your hearts also.” ~2 Cor. 6:11-13 True worship, whether offered in strength or in weakness, is real food to Christ, just as the sacrifice of His Body and Blood is real food - living bread and water - to us. Our worship and intimate fellowship is a reasonable service and a "fair exchange." God has chosen to be with us in this realm just as He hopes we will choose to be with Him in His! The incredible beauty of Christianity is that abiding in Christ is not limited to our strength alone; when we abide in Him, He also abides in us. Healing for the body and hope for the soul are forever accessible through open-hearted intimacy. No matter what "shakings" you are experiencing today, I pray that the beautiful mystery of communion and friendship with Christ will sustain you as it does me. May you overcome all as you pass freely between The Two Doors. Deborah COME UP HIGHER! A SPECIAL INVITATIONIn speaking with the Lord about the things I’ve written here, I felt compelled to issue a special invitation. I’ve asked a dear friend of mine, Gary Beaton, to join us Saturday, April 20th to talk with us further about walking in friendship and intimacy with God. Gary is the Founder and President of Transformation Glory International. His passion is to prepare the Bride of Christ in purity for her soon-coming Bridegroom. He’s known around the world for imparting a greater understanding of prophetic intercession, the reverential Fear of the Lord, and hearing the voice of God. After meeting Gary four years ago, I’ve come to know him and discover his beautiful heart for intimacy with God. He carries sharp prophetic discernment balanced by rare integrity of character which is much needed at this time. I believe what is shared during this online webinar will be a blessing to those who desire to become not just overcomers, but true friends of God. Please make plans to attend this special event hosted by His Inscriptions. We will allow time during the webinar for questions and answers. Attendance is free, but registration is required (below) to receive your sign-in link. Please come prepared to give a love offering for this special speaker! © Deborah Perkins / Registration Button not working? Click here for Webinar Link |
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December 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |