Dear Friends, I hear the Lord saying: “These are as the days of Noah.” Like Reagan before him, President Trump has used the words “drain the swamp” as a catchphrase for how he will combat corrupt and inefficient bureaucracy. Yet in the Spirit, I see that what is happening today could be better described as a flooding. In a vision last week, I saw springs of the deep being opened up and water rising all across the earth. This great surge of water had the effect of flushing out evil in the government and in every sphere. I heard the Lord say: “This exposing (of evil on the earth) is a flushing out of the “swamps” by waters from My deep storehouses; people do not perceive this as glory, but I tell you it is the pure springs of glory pouring forth from beneath that are causing evil to be exposed in this day. "The rains will now also begin to fall in great torrents like you have never seen; think of the outpourings in Toronto and Brownsville, but MULTIPLIED in their force and effect.” The powerful outpouring I saw in the Spirit was not in one place alone, but covered the earth in its scope and dimensions. I heard the Lord say: “You have no idea HOW BIG I AM and how I long for a total immersion of My people in My Presence! Joy will be magnified as those who are rescued find great purpose and peace in this hour.” Genesis 7:11 says that in the 600th year of Noah’s life, on the 17th day of the 2nd month, “all the springs (fountains) of the deep burst open, and the FLOODGATES of the sky (the “windows” of the heavens) were opened.” 17 is the number of overcoming victory and inheritance. Not only did the springs of water begin to flood the earth on the 17th day, but Noah’s ark also came to rest on the mountains of Ararat on the 17th day of Nisan after the waters subsided.* The Lord began speaking of His people as “gates” - floodgates - who would be used to control the release of an overwhelming power, like torrential rains or rushing water, to those around them, directing its flow as the Spirit leads them. I saw some of God’s people as “sluices” or sliding doors in the Spirit. Floodgates are usually set SIDE BY SIDE (what a picture of Joel’s army!) on a spillway wall. Blocks of steel or cement (fusegates) or doors (stopgates) can act as a fixed dam or increase the storage capacity of existing dams; but in massive flood situations they are designed to lift open or topple forward to allow for a controlled discharge of water. Multiple gates set next to each other are progressively released as flooding occurs to minimize the impact of floodwater on downstream rivers. The analogy is that as the rains of God’s glory begin to pour out upon the earth, those who are ready and positioned IN HIM will be used to direct the flow of this great outpouring, expanding our capacity to reach the harvest. "YOUR PLACE OF TRUST IS YOUR PLACE OF PROVISION"The Lord woke me at 3:23 AM that same morning, highlighting the time and saying: “Your place of trust is your place of provision.” An overview of several “3:23” Scriptures reveals a divine “dance” of sorts. We find the contradictions of joy interspersed with trials and harvest released even as faith is tested. These “contradictions” certainly reflect the current time in which we live. Daniel 3:23 shows us three of God’s men being thrown into the fire. Yet Ezekiel 3:23 reveals a prophet encountering the glory of the Lord. Romans 3:23 warns that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of the Lord. Yet John 3:23 brings a harvest of souls to John the Baptist, who has found “plenty of water” at Aenon (which means “spring” or “fountain”) near Salim (meaning “peace”). Such prophetic pictures of trust and abundant provision - and our need for faith in this difficult time! "YOUR PLACE OF REST IS YOUR PLACE OF PROTECTION"The name "Noah" means "rest." Continuing to watch this vision, I saw (as I know many others have also seen) that as the water level rose there were many large ships on the waters. These ships (or "arks") represented places of rest, protection, and refuge where believers were safe and able to fulfill their Kingdom assignments. In the vision, the exposing of evil happened because deep wellsprings were overflowing, causing corruption to be brought to the surface where it had once been submerged. Judgment seemed imminent. Yet unlike on Noah's ark, these modern-day ships could still rescue others from the water if those in peril desired. Again I heard the Lord say: "I am releasing a flood of My glory on the earth at this time. Those who know me, like Peter, will know what to do when this flood arrives. As the wind came at Pentecost, so the water will come now. "You must be prepared to navigate the waters by being within the ark of My Presence at all times; this will be for a sign and a wonder to those who are watching you! What you perceive as coming rains will turn into such a deluge that no one will be able to control it; your only choice will be to weather it from the safety of My 'ships.' "Come into the place of My Presence, Dear Ones, and remain on the ships to which I have called you, lest you be overwhelmed by what I am doing on the face of the earth. Your perspective (from above, for those who soar; or from below, when sealed in the “ark” of My Presence) will allow you to still cry out, even to rescue others, but many will NOT heed the calls - even the “clarion calls” of the prophets - in this hour, and will go off to their own destruction. "There are many “ships” at the ready for this time. Be prepared to navigate, and recognize that the “movement” of My Presence is much bigger than many expect, not being confined to one area or location. "Rescue those who come to you now. See YOURSELVES as open gates and as places of refuge: “arks,” if you will, on the seas which will bring stability to those who ‘enter’ through you. "I AM 'NOAH!' I AM the place of your rest and refuge, the Shepherd and Overseer of all that concerns you, and I will provide for you. These very springs of water will sustain and refresh you. You will collect even these rains (of glory-water) to drink and you will refresh others as you redirect and release these rains into prophetic utterances for others. Let Me fill you with DRINK and MEAT in My Presence to provide for those who are with you on the ark." "As the dove was sent out from Noah’s ark, some “dove-believers" will be sent out from this place of rest to gain greater perspective, scouting out the land and reporting on the conditions in the world." I believe the Lord - our true Noah - is speaking to some of you now about His desire to use you as "dove-believers." These are the seers and spies who are sent out in the Spirit to discern both terrain and timing. If you have felt a call in your spirit to return to a deeper place of prayer, it is imperative that you set aside time now to develop that ability to "soar" in the Spirit! The battles of the future will not be fought or won on land, but by air. For the Body of Christ, our ability to navigate these times successfully will be in direct proportion to our ability to see spiritually from the air, since earth's current terrain will become unreadable. Dear Friends, you must dwell on the ark to survive and navigate this time! Any other source of “protection” will fail you. The Lord will save your families as you remain in Him. I urge you to be dedicated to His Presence, to capture what you can of these refreshing rains, and to nurture the ones God has placed around you. You will never regret your time with the Lord! Your place of REST is your place of protection. Your place of TRUST is your place of provision. These are dark days, but there is still time to call people into the ark of God’s merciful Presence! My prayer is that every His Inscriptions reader will lovingly reach out to those who still need to access a place of safety. ~Deborah © Deborah Perkins / *Note that Israel’s first day out of Egypt was also 17th Nisan, as was Christ’s post-resurrection appearance to His disciples. |
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January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |