Dear Friends, In a powerful encounter early this morning, I heard the Lord saying: "it's time to invest in the next generation!" I believe the Lord is beginning to show many of us specific investments we are to make in the next generation of believers in Christ. I heard Him say: "Mentor, sow, feed, nurture, and cherish these young ones whose hearts need direction right now. Don’t allow your own frustrations to quench their fresh hope!” It is so important that those who are "seasoned" believers in the Lord not allow the weariness and frustration from past and present seasons to color their attitudes towards youth who are arising now to take their places in God's army! Although the battles have been fierce and long, and many are still raging, the younger generations need guidance and wisdom from those who have experienced many years of challenges and victories in the Kingdom. The Lord began speaking about faithfulness in particular, reminding me of a key phrase: “Consistency (or faithfulness) is the key to power.” I hear Him saying to the Body of Christ: “As things continue to be shaken, the church at large must remain firmly planted and immovable in Me. Righteousness has deep, immovable roots (Proverbs 12:12) and remaining in righteousness (or in Christ) will produce fruit. "This is a Psalm 91:7 moment: though there will be a great shaking which impacts thousands, you will be immovable as you stand in the place of righteousness and see My goodness towards you. Declare and decree your protection in Me! Take the scepter of righteousness and RULE in the midst of your enemies; do not be shaken or deterred yourselves from the places where I have planted you, for your positions are secure and necessary. "Continue to sow into the ones coming behind you; those rising up beneath you as fresh recruits to My army, for these will have the energy you lack in difficult times. Those who have gone to war before can now provide the resources for those who are ready to emerge on the battlefield. Look around you and see: what can you GIVE in this hour to those who are ready to take their own stand FOR ME and IN ME? How can you equip the ones whose hearts are FOR ME, yet who still need guidance FROM ME? "I would bring a connection between the generations as one generation gives and sows and the other arises to their destiny. What you feel ill-equipped to do, they will begin to carry or do themselves. TURN AROUND and see the new direction I am taking you; do not be so ensconced in your old ways of thinking, however 'right' they were in previous times, that you cannot perceive the new wineskins, the new leadership, and the new direction! "For I will do a NEW THING which will astound the “establishment” in every sector of society, in every realm, as you equip and empower the new leaders arising at this time. Release your expectations of HOW and focus instead on WHO! I will show each of you specific people or groups of people to invest in, to mentor, or to speak to, so that they are strengthened and built up in Me. To the older generations: "Do not minimize your wisdom, but be willing to impart what you have by stepping back as necessary to let them lead. What seems unclear to you is intuitive to them because they were born for this hour!” I see that the current events surrounding our national election are reflecting a similar situation in the Kingdom of God. Just as there is tension and a division between old and new leadership in the political realm, so there is also a division between those who KNOW the Lord authentically and those who are simply following their own courses of action “in His Name.” While the mountain of government is sorting between righteous and unrighteous leadership, those on the Mountain of the Lord are in a transition process between setting aside the old ways and stepping into the new. I hear the Lord saying: “I am on the side of RIGHTEOUSNESS. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of My throne!” Isaiah 40:1-11 is a key passage for leaders at this time! ~Deborah Deborah Perkins is a seasoned prophetic writer, teacher, and Christian leader with more than 40 years of ministry experience across denominations. At God's request in 2013, she founded His Inscriptions, an online ministry devoted to helping people worldwide “Discover Life-Giving Communication with God.” Through her website, mentoring, and a weekly blog, Deborah offers encouragement to those who want to grow their relationship with God. Deborah lives in New England with her hubby, 3 sons, one cat, and a coop full of chickens. You can learn more about Deborah’s published books on her Amazon author page. To request Deborah as a speaker, click here. |
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December 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |