~Click to Watch Video, or Scroll Down to Read Text~“Get ready, get ready, for those who prepare now will be ready to be a part of revival when the time comes. I tell you this in order to prepare you. The time of preparation is now. You will know true revival when you see it. Revival will not wait for you, but will come upon you suddenly, like an “armed man.”” (Proverbs 24:33-34.) “Though you may not have met an armed man before, you know him when you see him! In the same way, you will know revival is here once it is upon you. At that time there will be no more preparation but only action. As with the hurricanes that flooded the South this year, those who were prepared were ready to be used to help. Those who were not prepared were caught and left to their own devices, or were at the mercy of others. "I would have you and many others - women especially - be ready to extend My mercy to a dying world. I would have you extend your hands to the spiritually needy in ways they do not yet know they need. Indeed, that need will come upon them like an armed man, revealing their (spiritual) poverty in its wake. When this happens, it is your job to be among those who go in and offer hope where there will be despair. Like the medical teams that travel to devastated areas in the wake of a disaster, so I would have you be ready to follow in My footsteps when I storm in with revival! I would have you do “triage” in the Spirit, determining who is “dead” or rejecting hope, and who is still “alive,” reaching for hope. It will be necessary for you to discern people’s true condition, even as a first responder would. The world respects the “heroes” who do these things in the natural, but I would have them show respect to My spiritual heroes who rescue lives on a daily basis, unrecognized. I would have you do spiritual “CPR” on those who are dying, breathing life back into the lungs of those gasping for breath. “Men’s hearts will fail them for fear;” I am looking for those who are trained in spiritual CPR, who know the steps necessary to revive a nation. (Luke 21:26) Look closely at the world’s lifesaving protocols. The first thing that must be done is to clear the area and secure a safe perimeter for the victim. Did not Jesus do the same? Having put unbelief out of the room, did He not then speak faith and life into the dead? So you must do also. Remove unbelief, so that those in need are protected from the evil one. The next step is to check for breathing. This is the “triage” I spoke to you about, the essential step of evaluation. Those who do not know the condition of those in their care will not know how to help them, either. Knowing the issues at hand is critical for accurate spiritual diagnosis and procedure. (See Proverbs 27:23) Finally, life-saving breaths are administered. You must both push down rapidly on the heart and give breaths, restoring the blood flow and speaking promises of life over those to whom you minister. In the same way, the blood and the breath of Jesus are the two essential elements for survival. Life is in the blood. But hope is in the breath and in your words! Without hope, people perish, not having the strength to go on. Your words impart hope, and you must speak those words of hope until people receive them as their own and are able to breathe apart from you again. It is I who sustain, but it is you, like a nurse, who nurtures! I am raising up spiritual nurses in this hour who are trained and ready to go, who can rescue lives and impart hope until the Great Physician appears. Nurture My people, nurse their wounds and bring them back into life and hope by My Spirit. THIS is revival, and I would have you be among those who know what to do in an emergency. To a believer, revival is a blessing, a chance to prove their truths and skills. To a dying man, however, revival is an emergency, one he has not prepared for; he therefore trembles at its arrival. Your job is to show mercy in the face of judgment, in the hopes that some – many – will turn from their destructive ways and be fully restored to health in the Spirit." The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners; to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God... Isaiah 61:1-2, NASB
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January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |