"I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven." -Matthew 16:19, NASB
Dear Friends,
Following is a word I received in prayer just two nights ago. I believe it will be a great encouragement to you as well! God is releasing great revelation to His people: prophetic keys that unlock vision, hearts, and even storehouses, all for Kingdom purposes! Don't miss your appointments with God, which have the potential to unlock so much for so many. Enter His gates with expectation, believing that He is ALWAYS speaking good things to those who will listen! Blessings, Deborah Press in! Press in! For the time is short and the Kingdom’s agenda still long before the coming of the Lord! Those who linger behind will miss the joy of receiving My new assignments for age-old plans! There are still many people I wish to reach, and you must know the ones I am calling you to in this hour. Every person has a task, every believer a work to do to fulfill My hope in the nations worldwide. I can use you! I can use you as you are; only come to Me to hear and learn. Let Me touch your lips, and fill your mouths with good and mighty things! Let My Spirit open you up in this hour to receive from Me and give to others. Without an internal opening up of your heart, there will be no external reach to the nations. Only what I will give you will have the weight and substance necessary to unlock the difficult “puzzles” of men’s hearts. "KEYWORDS" BEING RELEASED!Keys are being released which you have limited time to pick up and use before the enemy comes and changes the locks once again. Now is the hour! Now is the day of salvation! See this as a kairos moment; there is a window of opportunity here in this space of time to reach certain ones My way, “with (true) liberty and justice for all.” Liberty as you know it will not remain in your nation, but is even now being corrupted. Come to Me quickly, before the fetters of what is called “freedom” - but is not true freedom at all - bind and constrain. For every age, there are keys. Do you perceive these keys? Look and see; these are not elaborate iron keys of old but WORDS: words of knowledge, words of wisdom, prophetic and healing words stored up in My heart and now released - spoken - to you. Pick up the keys you find along your path. Look carefully for them, for they land in unusual places and at odd, sometimes unremarkable times. My timing and placement is of divine design and intention, and if found, each key will unlock one more person who has been bound by deception, held in the grip of the enemy, or kept from a life of service to Me. I am releasing keys of deliverance for those bound in wheelchairs; keys for those who have lost a child; keys for those who walk with a limp because of the abuse and struggles they have endured at the hands of angry men. Don’t focus on what NOT to say, but seek Me for what I would say to each one to unlock hope again. For all people begin in hope, but not all end there. It is this magnificent hope of salvation which the enemy seeks to remove as soon as possible from peoples’ hearts. Every disappointment inches the heart’s door closed a little more, until at last it is sealed shut, a barrier against faith and the belief in My goodness. Do not fear the closed doors you encounter, for there will be many of those! But knock with Me at each one, requesting permission to come in. There are still those who are willing to open! For the ones who delay or linger, I give you keys. Just as a single password unlocks your life online today, so My passwords - the “keywords” you receive in prayer - will unlock people’s hearts. For some people, it will take a series of passwords and decryptions from My Spirit to release the access needed to their hearts. Other codes will be unbreakable by men yet easily deciphered in the Spirit. No mystery is too mysterious for this Codebreaker! No puzzle is too complex. Yet always, as you work with Me, you will need new, specific keys. Seek Me and live! Seek Me for the true freedom others need and you possess. Why the urgency? In every season these “passwords” change. What works now will only work for a time, and you are uniquely positioned here to understand the signs of your times. Do not give up, but press in for every key you can find, and you will have the joy of seeing treasures and storehouses opened to you, your nation, and your families - just as Joseph did. 7.19.19 via Deborah Perkins © His Inscriptions, Inc. |
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September 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |