What is happening right now in Boston is amazingly prophetic. Just two days ago, I was writing about revival after visiting John Adams' rare books collection at the Boston Public Library. (To see that post, entitled "Step Into Your New World", click here). What I did not know was that the same day I was publishing my article, archivist Pam Hatchfield was prying open a 220-year-old time capsule at the MFA, one that had been embedded in the State House's cornerstone by Sam Adams and Paul Revere in 1795. On July 4, 1795, fifteen white horses - one for each state of our union - had pulled this cornerstone and time capsule through the streets of Boston for the dedication ceremony.
Inside the box (which took nearly 7 hours to open), were artifacts from the dedication of the Massachusetts State House on the 20th anniversary of our independence. A silver plate, probably crafted by Paul Revere, displays an inscription for the building's dedication and names Sam Adams, Paul Revere, and Revolutionary War Colonel William Scollay. (See photo above). 23 coins, including one in a half-penny denomination, and a medal of George Washington are also part of the capsule.
This would be amazing in itself, of course. (I didn't even mention the significance of the public unveiling of the capsule on the 7th day of the first month of 2015!) But on this same day (the 7th), I also happened to be given an old Harvard University book from the 1950's, entitled: John Adams and the Prophets of Progress.* It is a collection of the books and articles John Adams annotated most frequently as he read and formulated his political philosophies for the founding of our new nation. The title, I knew, was no coincidence.
The significance of all this, lest we miss it, is that God is sounding a LOUD prophetic alert with signs confirming! I must write again, it is time to wake up to what the Spirit is saying! Prophets and intercessors, the watchmen on our walls, have heard the sound of revival coming. I am not alone in proclaiming that we are very near a spiritual progression of epic proportions. We must look to the foundations of our nation's birth to discover keys for the coming times. Just last year, another time capsule was discovered, this one ironically located in the head of a lion on top of the old Massachusetts State House. This one, dated to 1901, contained original nails from Old South Church and the Old State House. Again, lest we miss the significance, Sam Adams was a member of the original Old South Church and met with the "Sons of Liberty" in 1773 at the Old South Meeting House. As an infant, Benjamin Franklin (another founder of our nation) was baptized into the congregation of Old South Church in 1706. The church now houses Paul Revere's bell. The inscription above the portico of Old South Church reads: "Behold, I have set before thee an open door." (Revelation 3:8). We sons and daughters of true liberty must arise, step through heaven's open door, and awaken to what the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is saying for such a time as this! We are seeing amazing confirmations of His Words just in this New England area alone. Many believe revival will even start here, in the Northeast, and sweep across our nation. I couldn't let this go unnoticed, and I hope you will forgive my enthusiasm in sharing this with you, my readers. If nothing else, I pray that the things we are seeing will convince us once and for all that the Lion is jealously roaring over His people, calling some into position as His mighty warriors and others into the foundations of relationship with Him. HE IS the Chief Cornerstone, the One who holds all things together and the One who is coming back - on a white horse, no less! - for His Bride. May you know beyond any doubt the things He is calling you to do each day, and sense His Presence with you as you move from glory to glory. Like the Adams, Ben Franklin, and Paul Revere, your obedience to Him in even the little things plays a major part in His end-time revival plans. Blessings, Deborah
To read the initial article on John Adams, scroll down to the next post or click here.
*John Adams and the Prophets of Progress ; Zoltan Haraszti, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1952.
c. Deborah Perkins, 2015
Deborah Perkins is passionate about helping others to connect with God. She writes about knowing God and hearing His voice at His Inscriptions.com. You can also follow her on Google+ or Twitter@DeborahSPerkins, & Facebook at HisInscriptions.
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January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |