In this season pregnant with revival, you readers have some pretty amazing “God-sized” dreams! Last week I asked you to send me your prayer requests for the bigger things God has called you to do. And you did. Lots of them, from various corners of the earth. And they are amazing.
Here’s what I noticed: not one of you asked for “selfish-sized” things. Your dreams are big: revival for your area, a greater reach for your ministry, raising up prayer support for a mission, reaching children with the Gospel.
Some of you are praying these prayers even in the midst of huge difficulties like personal health issues or pressing family concerns. I can’t help but think how much that blesses the heart of God, because it blesses mine. I am excited to see how God answers your prayers! One of you has already responded, saying that the very next day God provided new information that will help you achieve your vision. That’s James 5:16 in action! Another reader emailed me, not to ask for prayer, but to say that you were praying that God would give me revelation, so that I would know how to pray for each of you! And He did. It has been a powerful week of prayer for me, and I am more convinced than ever that one of God’s greatest desires is for us to be revived, so that revival can spread throughout the world. He is releasing the wisdom and strategies for you and me to do so. Many of you already know about the historic prayer gatherings this month in California (AzuzaNow) and Washington, DC (The Call), where over 100,000 people came to pray for revival in our nation. This kind of corporate prayer is powerful! And one of the things the Lord reminded me this week is that spiritual revival is not limited to just one location! In prayer, I saw a river flowing from West to East, much like Ezekiel’s vision (Ezekiel 47.) What is happening in the West and South can happen here. We have only to seek God for it. Sometimes we are tempted to run from place to place, seeking the next greatest spiritual thing. We can feel “left out” if we aren’t in the middle of such historic events. But God is the giver of revival. He doesn’t show favoritism, and He is looking for us to be faithful right where we are. We can receive directly from Him, then pour out what He gives to those entrusted to our care. We won’t miss it if we’re seeking Him! Thanks to technology, we can also tap into some of what is happening right from our own homes. Many of you connect this way already, and know that social media is a powerful tool for the Gospel, if we use it well. I would like to suggest that this growing His Inscriptions community begin to use our already-established Facebook page as a meeting place and a catalyst for prayer. The His Inscriptions page offers a way for us to connect with each other in real time. So when you have a specific area where you need breakthrough in your family or ministry, you can communicate that to me and to the group, and we can begin to pray immediately. The resulting testimonies of answered prayer will inspire all of us to greater faith! If you are on Facebook, and even if you have already “liked” the His Inscriptions page, I want to ask you to take a moment right now to connect again. Click the button below to connect on Facebook, and post a quick update sharing a prayer request or simply saying “I’m in!” This will do two things: first, it will ensure that Facebook notices your interest in our community and puts more of our posts in your feed (*you can also go to your Facebook settings and ask to see posts from us first). Second, it lets us know that you’re willing to pray when you see someone else’s request posted. Unified prayer is far more powerful than individual prayer, and will bring breakthroughs more quickly. (See Psalm 133.) This is one way we can continue to sustain the prayer movement that has been rekindled at Azuza and in D.C. I want to do all I can to ignite your faith in God and restore life-giving communication with Him! I believe this is a first “God-sized-step” towards doing so. Please join me in connecting more intentionally with God and with each other. Contending with you for revival, Deborah
Deborah Perkins is passionate about restoring life-giving communication with God. She writes about knowing God and hearing His voice at His Inscriptions. Follow her onTwitter, Facebook, YouTube or Pinterest. To contact her directly, click here.
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Deborah Perkins Categories
January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |