Dear Friends, I hear the Lord saying: “I am solving the puzzles of your life, one piece at a time!” I believe the Lord is saying that there has been a massive attack of confusion: a demonic attempt from the enemy to send confusion over people's lives and over the directions that they should take. This morning I heard the Lord say, “Take heart, because I am solving the puzzles of your life one piece at a time. What the enemy has used to keep you in a maze of confusion and darkness will not stand. I am releasing light into tunnels of darkness, hope into caverns of confusion, and a new clarity to see how the pieces of your life should fit together to bring Me glory. I will not only show you how to solve complex situations with people on the outside, but I will show you how to connect the dots on the inside, so that you can see what I have been doing in the background all along. I have never stopped working on your behalf! I have never stopped moving the pieces together so that they can be assembled correctly. I have not forgotten you and I will not leave you until the puzzles of your lives are finished!” THOUSAND-PIECE JIGSAW PUZZLES SOLVED!For several years, I have had visions of jigsaw puzzles that the Lord was putting together in various situations. For the record, I am not a puzzle person! Jigsaw puzzles tend to frustrate more than amuse me. Yet I have seen repeated visions of the Lord solving puzzles with larger and larger numbers of pieces. These puzzles concern not only individual lives but also families and nations. Some of you may feel that your level of frustration is increasing even as the number of pieces in your puzzles is growing! As I prayed this morning, the Lord showed me again a vision of a very large puzzle. He showed me that much of the frustration that we have over our individual, family, workplace or national puzzles is that we believe they must be assembled all at once. We worry and fret because we can’t see how things go together. It is as though the enemy has poured out a thousand tiny pieces on the table and destroyed the box top, and we worry that we will never be able to put it all back together in time! We know that it would take a lifetime for us to assemble everything the way it should be in order to bring God glory! I hear the Lord saying that HE is the Master and Lord of the puzzles in your life! If you will remain seated with Him in your heavenly place of rule, dominion, and authority, HE will continue to bring you the right pieces in the right order! You will understand by the wisdom of the indwelling Seven-fold Spirit of God which piece to put in next! The key to unlocking the puzzles of your life is always to let God be the Master Assembler! There is no puzzle, lock, cage, or region of captivity that He cannot unlock, assemble, or open; there is nothing from which God cannot set you free! In Him there is no captivity, only freedom; but you must continue to let Him lead!
It is a wicked scheme of the enemy to bring stress, worry, and fear as he releases more and more pressure to “assemble” everything at once. Some of you may feel that your lives have become harder, not easier, as you have gone forward in God. You may wonder how you will receive healing from a disease that seems to have no diagnosis. How you will reconcile relationships that have been shattered. How you will find a decent job in an economy that is crashing. How you can find continual strength to be with a loved one who requires around-the-clock care. The recent large-scale strategies of Satan have only served to increase this pressure and to bring a sense of hopelessness and despair within the Body of Christ. There is a mounting pressure from the enemy to cause us to react. To break through somehow. To figure it all out. To find solutions to things that have been demonically locked up, encoded, and encrypted, even for decades. In this morning’s vision, I saw that if our mindset simply shifted from the stress and fear of needing to assemble everything all at once, to just leaving the puzzle on the table (assembled in part as it is), we could walk away and go about our daily lives working on the puzzle bit by bit as we felt led or as the Father saw fit. It is the enemy who drives us to put everything together at once or to do it ourselves. He is a slave driver and a wicked taskmaster. This time-sensitive mindset is designed to bring us to a place of hopelessness, despair, and humiliation. When we cannot see the big picture, we are tempted to quit. Yet when we partner with the Lord these difficult puzzles become a joyful process! To the Lord, puzzles are no more than the simple game or pastime they were intended to be. They offer us opportunities to partner with Him, to learn how to see as He sees, and to develop a “long game:” an ability to patiently endure as we seek Him in the process. (Hebrews 10:36; Romans 5:3-4). The relational interactions we have with the Lord as we solve the puzzles of our lives shed light on the bigger picture and help us to recognize the incredible designs and plans He has over our lives, families, and nations. I believe the Lord wants to encourage us again that there will be a glorious day when all DOES fit; all the pieces ARE in the right places; order IS restored and the fullness of what He intends for our lives is revealed! In the meantime, we can rejoice that the completed sections of our puzzles are seen and understood. What we have learned in the process with Him so far will enable us to solve the rest of our mysteries! (Philippians 3:12-16.) We can rejoice at the victory Jesus has already won in transferring us from the dominion of darkness to the Kingdom of Light. Every confusing puzzle piece; every isolated or negative image that the enemy puts in front of our faces to bring fear, can be redeemed as each is put into the hands of the Lord. He will show us how the pieces fit. Whether we enjoy solving puzzles or not, we are blessed with the amazing truth that nothing is hidden from the Father’s sight. Nothing is beyond His understanding. God holds the key to every complex mystery in our lives. The fears and criticisms, the things that the enemy throws in our faces to trouble us, become the very pieces God sets in place to unlock our destinies. As we bring these troubling things to the Father, He turns them over in His hands and sets them in exactly the right places so that we are empowered and can see their purpose in our lives. Nothing is without meaning, but meanings and interpretations are often unclear at first. Believers have the ability to be content in any situation through the grace and ongoing presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. TAKE HEART!I believe the Lord wants to encourage you today that all is well. God is breaking the confusion of the past off of your future. The puzzles of your life can remain in the living room on a table where they should be, ready to be worked on at all the right times. While it seems counterintuitive, taking a break and releasing outcomes to the Lord is often the key to the solution! In the meantime you are still God's highly favored, deeply loved child. No confusion from the enemy will torment you as long as you continue to solve the mysteries of your life in partnership with an omniscient God. My prayer is that the Lord will release a special ability to you to deal with whatever complex situations you’re facing right now. The enemy will flee in seven directions as you tap into the fresh wisdom and revelation being released right now by the Seven-fold Spirit of God, who stands continually before God’s throne. There is no puzzle that is too hard for God. There is no hidden mystery that will not be revealed. There is no burden, drivenness, or pressure to the ways of God. There is great peace in Christ's wisdom! Deborah |
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September 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |