Dear Friends, Through multiple encounters in prayer this week, the Lord has been highlighting Acts 16, speaking to me about “prison breaks” and breakthroughs coming for the Body of Christ. Those who have felt “locked up” in impossible situations for so long are about to see supernatural breakthroughs as the Lord Himself unlocks prison doors on your behalf, bringing you out into new places of freedom! ACTS 16: SUDDEN BREAKTHROUGHS ARE COMING!The Lord highlighted three significant breakthrough keys from Acts 16. The first well-known key is that praise opened prison doors for Paul and Silas, who were locked up in Philippi after doing deliverance in the streets. At midnight, these prisoners’ praises unlocked the power of God, starting an earthquake that shook the prison to its foundations and caused ALL the prison doors to open (Acts 16:25-34). In your deepest nights of personal darkness, are you praising Jesus for your breakthrough? As you begin to release praise and partner with God’s power at this time, you’ll see freedom come not only for yourself but also for those still in bondage around you. I saw those who have been faithful to worship God in incredibly difficult situations. Your faith against all odds and your longsuffering will be rewarded (see Hebrews 11:6). A second “key” in Acts 16 is also important: the key of compassion. Once those prison doors opened, Paul and Silas didn’t just take their freedom and run! They remembered those around them who needed their own lives unlocked (Acts 16:30). In the same way, your breakthroughs will cause others to desire salvation and freedom as well. Don’t settle for half a miracle when God wants to do so much more! Entire households will be set free as you continue to walk in integrity and compassion. The third key is to boldly call for justice. Acts 16:35-40 shows that the magistrates (civil judges) were embarrassed and afraid because of this unusual prison break. Having publicly beaten and humiliated Paul and Silas, these rulers now sent the police force to secretly throw them out of town. Yet even as newly-released, wounded inmates, Paul and Silas had the boldness and courage to stand up for their rights as untried, guiltless Roman citizens and demand that the magistrates themselves dismiss them. They pressed in for full repentance on the part of these evil men and left Philippi with dignity, not in secrecy or shame. Your praise, compassion, and bold cries for justice are even now intimidating the enemy, and the Lord Himself is releasing power to His Body to be set free and to set others at liberty! I heard the Lord saying: “If you feel like you’re in prison, know that a prison break is coming. I’m going to do it suddenly, and you won’t have to run from the problem. You’ll have the staying power, even after your freedom is granted, to care for those around you who have also been imprisoned. Not only that, but those who try to secretly silence your testimony will be denied that right as you maintain your dignity and your right in the land. They will bow down to you who have unjustly opposed, threatened, or beaten you spiritually, and they WILL repent. Press in for the FULL FREEDOM to which you are entitled. Don’t settle for partial restoration or repentance!” 4 VISIONS: HEARTS, LOCKS, AND KEYSIn a series of four visions and encounters over several days, the Lord next began speaking about unlocking hearts and the opening of “locked” situations with supernatural keys.
In that vision, I had the sense that the Bride needed to be close enough to hear and listen to Jesus even when there was an increase in the noise and chaos all around her. In the middle of this chaos, the Lord revealed His heart to me. He said that He was not at all concerned, but EXCITED and EXPECTANT for His Bride, who was about to move in signs, wonders, and fullness of power. There was pure joy on the Lord’s face as He spoke! He said that just as eagerly as we await His coming, so He has awaited this time of glory and outpouring for His Bride on the earth. In the middle of great trials, we would have great JOY in our hearts because of the greatness of the Kingdom within us! (John 16:33; 1 John 4:4.) The Lord showed me that some of you will see a “switch” in how you are working or functioning in your current gifts or ministries. This “switch” includes an INCREASE in the number of practical, specific words, actions, and heaven-sent strategies He gives you at this time. You can expect Jesus to release supernatural “keys” of wisdom and knowledge that will unlock freedom within your sphere of influence.
First, they would use the key of compassion to enter into the hearts (or “locks”) of those in bondage; then they would use their gifts or talents as a second key that turned the lock, opening up provision, healing, or deliverance. Whether Spirit-breathed (“rhema”) or Scripturally-based (“logos”), these believers were using unusually SPECIFIC, STRATEGIC words of wisdom and knowledge from the Lord to release freedom. The unlocking was designed to open up encounters with the manifest Presence of God. Some of you will see this unlocking process happen in your workplace or ministry. Others will see the Lord bring people or situations to your doorstep. Things may seem to have no answer; no “open door.” The first vision (of remaining close to the Bridegroom at this time) will be the key to the second. Only the revelation of Christ will allow you to unlock much-needed answers!
In this third vision, the Lord and His Bride (who were the only white figures on the field) bent down together over the bodies of these devastated people to minister to the anguish. I heard the Lord say that His Bride would be a “Carrier of HOPE,” releasing impartations of hope into this broken, traumatized world. I believe that part of the coming “switch” for some of you will include moving into a more active role of ministry to the brokenhearted. Be ready to release hope into a world that is dying of tragic wounds to the soul! While governments and economies may fail and shortages of food may increase, it will be these “soul wounds” that need healing most. The vision represents in part a “faith famine;” a “famine for hearing the words of the Lord.” (Amos 8:10-11.) Once again, the Lord highlighted biblical Joseph to me. Genesis 41:49 says that “Joseph stored up grain in great abundance like the sand of the sea, until he stopped measuring it, for it was beyond measure.” If you have not already done so, it is imperative to store up in your heart the living, hope-filled Words of God, just as Joseph stored up grain against that ancient famine. The Lord is looking for a ready Bride whose intimacy with Him is the supply line of hope and provision for those who do not yet know Him!
For those who accept, previous wounds or betrayals will not be able to keep you from moving forward in the Lord, whose love is everlasting (Jeremiah 31:3). He will set you free! Those who feel like they have not connected with the Lord in a place of oneness or union will find that this key unlocks trust in the deepest places. “On the other side of trust,” the Lord promised, “you will find love!” A SUPERNATURAL CONFIRMATIONThe Lord confirmed this series of visions in a miraculous way! Just five hours after I had the fourth vision, a dear friend and reader of His Inscriptions surprised me with an early birthday gift. In a stunning confirmation, her gift contained a decorative padlock (a "Love Lock") with two keys (below). This, from someone who knew nothing in advance of the visions! Some of you might be familiar with the story of “Love Locks,” which are attached by lovers to bridges, fences, and statues around the world. Once locked, the couple throws away the keys as a symbol of their eternal love for each other. I believe today that the Lord is strongly emphasizing His desire for increased intimacy, closeness, and trust with His Bride. He says of you: "A locked garden is My sister, My Bride. A locked spring; a sealed fountain." (Song of Solomon 4:12) Lesser loves will never heal nor satisfy; only the love of the Lord and intimacy with Him can release revelation-springs of faith, hope, and joy! I want to encourage you to take in hand the redemptive keys the Lord is extending to you by faith. Watch Him use YOU to unlock hope, hearts, families, and impossible situations for His glory! It has always been Christ's desire to set captives free and to make known His manifold wisdom THROUGH YOU, His beautiful and powerful Bride! You are His key of compassionate love on this earth! In Him, Deborah
Praise God with me today, believing God for breakthroughs in YOUR family, city, and nation!
Deborah Perkins is a seasoned prophetic writer, speaker, and Christian leader with more than 40 years of ministry experience across denominations. God turned her greatest sorrow into her greatest joy when she discovered that despite a lifelong struggle with partial deafness, she could always hear from God. At God's request in 2013, she began writing "His Inscriptions," creating a ministry that now helps people worldwide “Discover Life-Giving Communication with God.” Through her website, teaching, books, and individual counsel, Deborah offers discipleship to those who want to grow their relationship with God. Her articles have been published by SpiritFuel, ElijahList, and a number of mass media publications. Deborah especially loves to encourage and equip the Body of Christ in their prophetic and intercessory gifts. She currently lives in New England with her husband of 24 years. They have raised three wonderful sons, a cat named Peanut, and an unspecified number of chickens. For more information about His Inscriptions, please click here. |
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January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |