To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God, in You I have unwavering trust and I rely on You with steadfast confidence. ~Psalm 25:1-2; AMP Dear Friends, During an early-morning prayer time last week, I was pouring out my heart to the Lord. Prayers for those I love; thoughts about ministry and the world we’re living in; challenges I face on a daily basis; all these came flooding out of my soul until suddenly I realized I was doing more talking than listening. It is a deep desire of mine to hear the Lord’s heart, not just to pour out my own. I quickly stopped to ask forgiveness, inviting the Lord to share HIS heart with me instead. With such tenderness, He said: “THIS IS what’s on My heart. THIS CONVERSATION is what I died for!” Immediately I was filled with such an awareness of the Lord’s unlimited love for His children. We are quick to “censor” ourselves based on what we feel is right or acceptable as Christians, even in prayer. Yet God is quick to remind us that it will always be the relationship, not the protocol, that is most important to Him. We develop deep trust in the Lord by honestly pouring out our souls. David writes in Psalm 25:1: “To YOU, O Lord, I lift up my soul!” The shift from emotional dependency on others to a leaning, childlike dependency of our souls on the Lord is the very thing God hopes for most in His children. It is the end of idolatry and the beginning of a powerful partnership when your closest confidante is the Lord. God longs to listen to your heart! He longs to show you a graciousness that exceeds the human capacity to listen; to love; to understand; and to encourage. In fact, your heart IS a prayer; so much so that the Lord says the Father knows what you need before you ask! The well of Living Water is deep. The Holy Spirit is given without limit; without ration. Yet we are so used to rationed love and limited listening that we sometimes miss the beauty of the Lord! There is no shame in lifting up your soul to the Lord with all its troubles and trials, joys and victories. The Lord delights in hearing them! He paid the ultimate price to rend the veil of separation so that you could know and trust Him this way. Your hope of intimate communication with God will not disappoint. He is not too busy; He has no other agendas. God lives to strengthen, heal, and empower your heart. What benefit is there to God? He knows that out of His gentle lovingkindness, you will find the courage to serve and obey Him in return. You will help bring many sons to glory. What a beautiful relationship! Such a joy and a wonder that the God of all things would consider our hearts worthy of His attention! David knew this and wrote: “ALL the paths of the Lord are lovingkindness and goodness, truth and faithfulness to those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.” (Psalm 25:10, AMP) Keeping covenant with God is as simple as loving Him honestly from your heart. Everything flows from this place of deep openness, trust, and understanding. When I know that my heart has been heard; when I sense that my soul is satisfied in His Presence, I can move mountains. I can conquer armies. I can stand against all the challenges that assault, day in and day out (Psalm 18). This is the victory Christ died for: your ability to overcome all things through your heart’s trusting relationship with Him! David continues these heartfelt thoughts in Psalm 26:6, saying he refuses the company of deceitful, wicked men. The "man after God's own heart" resolves that his life will revolve around God’s altar: “Oh Lord, I love the habitation of Your house and the place where Your glory dwells! I will go about Your altar, O Lord, that I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving and declare all Your wonders.” These are the words of a man smitten by the beauty of God’s love for him! These are the words of someone who was not afraid to pour out his soul to the Lord. David knew that every prayer time would enrich him with greater trust and fresh confidence: “O My God, in You I have unwavering trust and I rely on You with steadfast confidence!” (Psalm 25:2, AMP; emphasis mine.) I believe that in this particular season, the Lord’s heart is to develop a deeper level of trust with His Bride than ever before. There is fire and passion on the altar of a consecrated life. Intimacy with you is what Christ died for. May He win you back as surely as He has won me. Deborah |
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January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |