Dear Friends, In the past few weeks, I’ve had two significant encounters with the Lord which I believe will bring great ENCOURAGEMENT, STRENGTH, and HOPE to those who feel they have been walking in almost unrelenting, demonic darkness. In the Name of Jesus, I prophesy to you that THERE IS HOPE ON THE HORIZON! You are about to see heaven’s angelic “special forces” team pierce through the darkness on rescue and resupply missions all over this nation! FIRST VISION: SPIRIT-BREATHED REVIVALIn two separate, related visions on 12/31/21 and 1/13/22, Holy Spirit took me up above the nation of America in the middle of the night. I could not see anything except black terrain beneath me. In the first vision I saw three bonfires burning on the ground. They were laid out in a triangle. One of the fires was in the North; one to the West; and one to the East. The bonfires represented “altars” of prayer and worship that had been created by believers who were hungry for more of God’s manifest Presence. The fires had been built through personal and corporate REPENTANCE as these worshipers responded to a “holy discontent” that was stirring within them. These true lovers of God had cleared their land and their hearts of every trace of debris or residue they could find in order to make room for the Holy Spirit to come in power. The sticks and twigs that fueled the fire represented personal sacrifices or consecrations made through repentance. Each believer’s heart’s cry was for revival, and the fires were an “SOS” message in the Spirit: a corporate cry to the Lord for His help in dire situations. The Lord asked me to prophetically blow the breath of the Spirit on these fires. He said that the wind of His breath was now blowing on these fires to further ignite and expand them; the breath of God upon them would bring revival. By faith, I breathed on these fires in the Spirit. Immediately after this, the Lord Jesus released three sealed scrolls to me, each with an address written in black ink on the outside. The scrolls were messages from Jesus, to be delivered to the three locations I had just seen. A few days after this initial vision, I received a phone call from a believer in the first scroll’s location, in the Southeastern US. During prayer, the Holy Spirit released one of these prophetic scrolls to her, which contained very specific instructions for expanding her church’s mission this year. SECOND VISION: ANGELIC "SPECIAL OPS" FORCES RELEASEDOn January 13, 2022, I had a second vision. Once again, the Spirit took me up above America at night, this time as a Pilot on what appeared to be “Air Force One” or some similar large, governmental aircraft. He wanted me to survey the nation just as our President might fly over a disaster area, to assess damage and determine what was needed for restoration. Holy Spirit first highlighted to me the TURBULENCE and WARFARE in the spirit realm, which was significant. The only way to deal with this level of turbulence was to ascend even higher in the Spirit, which we did, until there was a greater measure of stability for the plane. I was in constant intercession throughout this vision. It became clear that for believers living at this time in history, the only way to get through such high-level opposition or turbulence was to pray in tongues. For several hours I prayed in the Spirit, which allowed the aircraft to remain at high enough altitudes to travel safely. I looked down over the nation through the night sky and saw bonfires again; this time dozens of them, like small dots all over the black terrain. I realized that without additional fuel, these fires would all soon burn out. A sense of urgency filled my spirit as I saw that people needed something more to sustain their strength, light, and hope. Suddenly from this heavenly vantage point, I saw dozens of angels dropping down out of the sky with ropes, like “special ops” forces in the Spirit. Heavenly rescue missions were taking place in response to believers’ “SOS” cries for help. These angelic “paratroopers” needed no parachutes! They rappelled down to earth, piercing through the blackness and turbulence. I knew that these angels were on a twofold mission to rescue and resupply. (Or what the military calls an “infiltration, exfiltration, and resupply” mission; see this page for more info.) I prophesy to you today that in the places where you feel so weary and worried that things are becoming unsustainable, or your spiritual or natural supplies might run out, heaven is now penetrating earth’s atmosphere to supply you with fresh provisions! “Rapture” thinking - while enticing - is not an option! Breakthrough angels are coming to visit you, carrying two very specific things you will need for the next part of your journey: OIL and SCROLLS. OIL FOR YOUR FIREThe oil is to sustain your fire. The hard work of clearing your land and heart of the debris needing to be burned is ending. A supernatural shift is now coming that will cause your fire to burn from a lasting source: holy oil. Members of God’s holy remnant will now become MOVEABLE and MOBILE. The Spirit's fire is meant to spread! These believers are being resupplied with an anointing of FRESH OIL THAT WILL NOT RUN OUT.
This divine resupply of oil will be like the “miracle of the oil” which occurred at Hanukkah. Your one-day’s supply will supernaturally last eight days. Believers - living temples of God - will be cleansed, strengthened, and rededicated in their service to the Lord.
You are receiving a fresh outpouring of God’s glorious anointing to burn with love for your Bridegroom, serving and ministering with signs, wonders and miracles!
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Deborah Perkins Categories
January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |