Dear Friends, Nothing God does is an accident! There are no “coincidences” in the Kingdom of God. You are here on earth at this time for a specific purpose predetermined by the Father. Do you know what that purpose is? Most of you know that since January 20th of this year, I have been “captured” by a move of the Spirit more powerful than anything I have ever experienced - even greater than the “Toronto Blessing” and Brownsville Revival days in the 1990s. I’ve been called a “holy roller” and a “drunk” in the Spirit before, for lesser things than what I am seeing today! Because I am a writer, I have tried to document some of what I see in the Spirit myself, so that others might understand and enter into the fullness of God’s Kingdom. No experience in God is meant for us alone. All godly revelation has a purpose and is meant to draw us - and those around us - into relationship! However, I am concerned that His Inscriptions readers might open my emails from week to week, read them, and never realize that they are meant as a gift from God for you, too! God reveals His plans to His prophets in advance, but He does not reveal them only for the prophets! Friends, there is a release of the glory of God coming in the very near future which is beyond anything you or I have ever seen or experienced. The healing revival won’t compare to it. Previous “great awakenings” are only a foretaste of it. Every intercessor or prophetic voice I know can sense it. And I’m concerned that we aren’t ready for it. A DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD
With every revival, two things happen: the people of God are renewed, empowered, and activated. They rejoice in the Presence of God returning to His temple and restoring righteous foundations. But those who do not know God have an entirely different experience: the fear of God becomes a terror to them, convicting them. A move of God is of necessity a double-edged sword. Joshua 2 tells the story of Rahab, who was an inhabitant in the Promised Land when Israel crossed over the Jordan. Listen to what she tells the Jewish spies: “I know that the Lord has given you this land and that the terror of you has fallen on us, and everyone in this land is panicking because of you. For we have heard… what the Lord did… and we lost heart, and everyone’s courage failed because of you, for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on earth below. Now please swear to me by the Lord that you will show kindness to my family because I showed kindness to you! Give me a sure sign… that you will save us from death.” (Joshua 2:9-13, HCSB; emphasis mine.) Of all the unbelievers, only Rahab - a prostitute who was probably more aware of her sinful nature than any of the others - had the wisdom and foresight to move towards God rather than away from Him. She approached the Israelite spies and essentially asked them how she and her family could be saved, in the midst of what she knew would be a massive outpouring of grace for Israel but wrath for idolatrous nations. Friends, we are going to see this scenario played out again on a massive scale in just a short time from now! What you see happening in hospitals now, where workers and supplies are in high demand and the need is overwhelmingly great, is a picture of what will come spiritually when thousands want to be saved in a day. Are you ready for this? We serve a wise and wonderful God who has the foresight to call His Body back into a place of rest and trust in Him now, just prior to what will be a season of harvest and heavy labor. Many of you may feel like your time with the Lord or in confinement with family is putting a spotlight on sin, unacceptable thoughts, or unfruitful behavior. I assure you: that is EXACTLY what God wants to do right now! Those who by faith can discern that God is still sovereign and uses ALL things for His glory know that this time of rest is a call to deeper consecration that will produce holiness in His "holy ones" - the saints! I want to exhort you today to embrace this process rather than to run from it, for it will yield enduring and very valuable fruit. Don't miss out on what God is doing simply because it makes you uncomfortable. Life in the Kingdom of God has far less to do with our comfort than our character! The incoming harvest will bring us great joy but will also place a high demand on our anointings to care for the lost, disciple new believers, and establish new churches or gatherings where believers can grow. When the glory of God comes like this, it is “all hands on deck.” Are you ready for this? THE PROMISE IS FOR YOU!I woke up feeling compelled, this morning, to write to every reader with a challenge I believe is from the heart of God. Please, do not ever see what I write for His Inscriptions as belonging only to me! Read Acts 2:38-40. The promises of God are for you, your children, and for ALL whom God calls to Himself! The only exception is the one you make. I know that each of my readers already has a heart for prayer or the prophetic. As you return to your secret place today, please ask the Lord to show you your part in this unfolding global drama. Every Kingdom story requires a cast, a crew, and stagehands who know their lines, places, and times. Now more than ever, we need to hear clearly from our Divine Director how to step into our roles and successfully carry out this production! Here are some prayers that I take with me into my personal time with Him. You can use these yourself as a starting point: “Father, please show me what You are doing right now on the earth and what I can do to partner with You. Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it already is in heaven! “Jesus, please open my mind to understand the times and seasons in which I live. Interpret and explain everything to me concerning YOU and how you move in the Scriptures! Inscribe your laws in my mind and on my heart so that I obey You perfectly. Forgive me for anything that stands in the way of Your glory manifesting in my life. “Holy Spirit, show me how to pray according to the will of God. Please show me what I need to do right now to get ready for the incoming harvest. What do I have in my house (natural or spiritual) that you can use? Who do you want me to reach today? How will I do that, practically? Thank you for working with me personally to produce the fruits of repentance: righteousness, peace, and joy!” SIGNS AND WONDERSJeremiah 31 describes the love of God for His chosen people and the desire in His heart for all people to return to Him. In 31:21-22, Jeremiah writes: “Set up road markers for yourself; establish signposts! Keep the highway in mind, the way you have traveled. Return, virgin Israel! Return to these cities of yours!” I believe today the Lord is asking us - His Bride - to set up markers and establish road signs for those who will soon return to His fold. It is important for us to consider our own “highways:” the paths we have traveled to come back to the love of God ourselves. How did you get here? How can you make the way clear for someone else? We are going to see a massive harvest of souls, including the Jewish nation who has been kept blinded until the fullness of time. (See Romans 11.) Pray that jealousy for what we have in Christ will cause the Jews, like Rahab, to return to God, not run away! I am praying for every one of you to know your place in this time. God has uniquely arranged all the events and circumstances of your life to prepare you for “such a time as this,” a time unlike any other! This will be the church’s finest hour, a time of much work, unusual miracles, and incredible joy. I can’t wait to hear what He shows you to do! I love you and invite you to contact me with questions, prayer requests, or just to talk. You are welcome to share this with anyone you know who might need a Biblical perspective on current events. This is a difficult time for all of us, but I am hearing of great HOPE in the Spirit and know that God’s plan will take precedence over every other plan of man. You can trust Him. He’s a good, good Father and He’s rejoicing to see YOUR day as you live it IN HIM! Blessings, Deborah |
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Deborah Perkins Categories
December 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |