This is what the Lord says: "Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears; for your work will be rewarded," declares the Lord, "and (your children) will return from the land of the enemy." ~ Jeremiah 31:16-17, NASB In a time of prayer this week, I felt the Father’s heart weeping over the many youths who are just beginning to receive personal revival in this new “Jesus Revolution.” These are the Daniels and Jeremiahs of a new generation who will do great exploits! The Lord reminded me that many of these young people have been neglected by their parents or previous generations. Now God is reaching out His hand in what He is calling a “rescue operation” for a chosen generation of warriors reserved for Himself! These youths are rising up in the wake of witchcraft and amidst the refuse of rebellion. They are rising up vindicated as God shows Himself strong on their behalf. Where they have been left to fend for themselves against an enemy too strong for them, God is now taking over. God is reaping His harvest of souls right alongside those praying believers whose hearts have honored Him by crying out for the prodigals, the disenfranchised, and the marginalized. I was surprised to hear the Lord call these youths "marginalized." More than any other generation, they live in a time of such abundance and connectedness, especially in the West! Yet marginalization does not refer only to poverty. It can denote both powerlessness and insignificance as well as racial, social, or spiritual attacks and discrimination. The youth of today have encountered these things in equal measure! For all our technological "connectedness," many of our youth are dying for want of authentic human relationships in the context of unique, valued identity. This revival of love is an open invitation to today’s youth to receive an inheritance that in some cases was denied them. They will quickly see that Someone greater is making a way for them, providing all that they rightfully deserve from a new Source they perhaps did not know before! Where the world has run out on them, God is providing, because they are His children! Where healing and compassion have been denied them or counsel has failed them, God is revealing Himself as that Man of Understanding! (Proverbs 20:5) The Lord showed me that this is a hungry generation, yet often we have not perceived the depth of their hunger or pain. We have thought them ready for today’s apocalyptic challenges, yet they are still in need. We have thought them very capable, yet they still lack certain abilities and resources within themselves to deal with societies that no longer adhere to absolute truth, Biblical righteousness, or even common morality. I heard the Lord say that He is stepping in to do a “great reset” not just in the government, but in the hearts of these youths, converting them back to the standards He desired in the first place. (Proverbs 16:11.) The Lord called these young ones the “trendsetters” of faith: pioneers of ancient paths (yet new to them) that will lead people back to God’s heart! They will challenge even the spirit of death that has hovered around their generation. They will lead other youths away from the 'dead ends’ that bear no fruit. I heard the Lord issuing a charge to the Body of Christ: “Do not in any way fear what is happening among the youth! Instead, honor their hearts for righteousness and authenticity in a world gone mad. Honor their desire for wisdom and truth, for they will seek and find what they most desire! "I am releasing a spirit of adventure into the hearts of a generation that will find satisfaction not in reckless exterior pursuits, but in relentless spiritual pursuits! They are the Davids of this time: extravagant worshipers, jealous for what is right and true!” God is now pulling the youth out of their “caves” of hiding. He will use these new young worshipers to shatter the hearts that have grown dull to His voice. Revolution of any kind shocks the established system. May the Church make room for these Revolutionaries! Deborah Perkins is a seasoned prophetic writer, speaker, and Christian leader with more than 40 years of ministry experience across denominations. God turned her greatest sorrow into her greatest joy when she discovered that despite a lifelong struggle with partial deafness, she could always hear from God. At God's request in 2013, she founded His Inscriptions, a ministry devoted to helping people worldwide “Discover Life-Giving Communication with God.” Through her website, teaching, books, and individual counsel, Deborah offers discipleship to those who want to grow their relationship with God. Her articles have been published by SpiritFuel, ElijahList, and a number of mass media publications. Deborah especially loves to encourage and equip the Body of Christ in their prophetic and intercessory gifts. She currently lives in New England with her husband of 24 years. They have raised three wonderful sons, a cat named Peanut, and an unspecified number of chickens. For more information about His Inscriptions, please click here. |
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Deborah Perkins Categories
December 2024
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |