As I prayed early in the morning on May 31, 2019, I saw movement in the Spirit. Ascending whirlwinds were rising up into the atmosphere. Winds blew across dry land, picking up the brush and sweeping the land clean of debris like a sandstorm; a whirlwind or tornado was pulling things upward, cleansing the land and smoothing things over.
I heard the Lord saying: “I will sweep the nation clean; I will do a housecleaning so thorough that every cobweb in every corner will be eradicated. Deception, lies, and turmoil of the enemy will be swept clean, for I desire to purge the land of all that which has plagued My people.
"Never before have evil agendas been so dominant; never before have demonic designs prevailed to such a degree. Yet I am greater, I am stronger, I have a mind to deliver from deception and decree justice in this land,” says the Lord. “I have a mind to bring healing to My people, and I want you to be part of that process. Only that which is planted - firmly embedded - will have the ability to resist My cleansing and purging winds. All else will be uprooted, and for a good purpose.
"Seek Me to hold on, to dig in, to be established in a time when the “anti-establishment” will fail. Seek Me to cleanse you of any deceptions that hinder you and plant yourself firmly in the bedrock of My Word, My truth. Only that which is solidly planted will remain! Only what has stability in the Spirit will withstand these purging winds. I have been exposing evil - you have seen Me expose wickedness in past months - but now I will deal with that which I have revealed. A swift end is coming to all those who oppose. Batten down the hatches, for like Noah, those who seek refuge in Me will be preserved, but those who continue to scoff and mourn will be swept away.
"I cannot hear the cries of My people and NOT respond. Agree with Me for the cleansing of the land - your land - and I will do a mighty work. I will not allow this present course of evil to continue unchecked and unabated. Those who think I do not see or notice will be surprised! Every exposure of evil agendas will be to you as the “touchdown” of My tornadoes. Every point of connection with the earth, between earth and wind, will be the point where I am sweeping away obstructions to My justice and mercy.
"No longer will I abide the presence of those things which defeat My people! I will add the blessed touch of My wind and power to your cries for mercy, to rid the land of the worst offenders and bring rest to the weary.
"You will see this manifest in books written - you will see this in revivals breaking out from place to place: areas where once My winds have purged, righteousness will spring forth more abundantly.
"Just as you notice evil being exposed, so you will notice righteousness abounding. Where evil has tried to gain a foothold, mercy and truth will take over. I desire to bring peace to the land, lasting peace. Let your heart believe in My power to cleanse and purge - not only on an individual scale but on a wider, national scale. Gratefulness will arise from My praying people as I do this, and praise for My goodness. I will establish praise where once there was only fear.”
© Deborah Perkins / Photo credit: Lucas Sankey of Unsplash