Dear Friends,
Can prophetic ministry be trusted? As high-level ministry leaders continue to be exposed for fraudulent behavior, the question of trust takes center stage.
In recent weeks, I have been deeply grieved by the exposures within the prophetic movement. My prayers are with those who have been hurt by receiving a “fake” prophetic word, only to find their faith crushed later. As I’ve prayed about these things, I’ve sensed more than ever that the Lord desires to raise up godly men and women who prophesy not from the soul or the self, but from the Holy Spirit! When human leadership failed in 740 BCE, Isaiah saw a vision of King Jesus. The fresh revelation of our King brought a deeper understanding of Isaiah’s complete inability to speak for God. Isaiah realized that he dwelt among “a people of unclean lips;” human beings who could never, in their sinful state, presume to speak for the divine. Yet in that very place of inadequacy, God touched Isaiah’s mouth with a coal from His altar and released the prophet to do by the Spirit what he could not do in his own strength. Isaiah prophesied for the next 40 years, giving believers timeless hope through some of the most precious revelations we have about the Messiah! While believers see and hear in part (1 Corinthians 13), I believe that there can be distinctive purity in what they do see and hear by the Spirit. When the Holy Spirit is the source of a prophetic word, there is integrity and resonance in that word, and it does come to pass. At the Lord’s urging, I will once again be offering our Prophetic Leadership Mentoring Course for 8 weeks, beginning February 18th. WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE?
I urge you to consider investing in your spiritual growth as well as prophetic integrity this year! It has been proven that those who are mentored in their skills find greater success in their callings. It is my joy and passion to train and equip leaders with Kingdom principles and Kingdom encounters. COURSE PARTICIPANTS RECEIVE:
I believe God longs to give you encounters with Him just like He gave Isaiah: encounters that are real, life-giving, and world-changing. Please join me in restoring pure prophetic voices whose ministries will stand the test of time. Click image below to view dates, details, & registration for this course! Blessings, Deborah P.S. - Special offer: if you have purchased this course in the last three years and would like to take all or portions of it again, you may enroll for free; simply contact Deborah. |
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Deborah Perkins Categories
January 2025
AuthorA severe hearing loss from childhood caused Deborah Perkins to develop what she now calls her secret weapon: tuning in to God's voice. A Wellesley College graduate and an award-winning writer, Deborah is now a wife and mother of 3 boys. Deborah has devoted over 25 years to professional and lay Christian ministry in New England and beyond. Her passion is inspiring people to cultivate greater intimacy with God. |